Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 719

In the dead forest, the ringtones of mobile phones are harsh.

A 2-meter-high Chimera Ants ran over the grass and came to the phone.

The rays of light on the screen of the phone are reflected in the round black eyes of Chimera Ants, blending with the emotions of doubt.

This Chimera Ants is not a single low-level soldier.

In the hierarchy pyramid of Chimera Ants, from the bottom up, they are the miscellaneous ants, soldier ants, army Captain, division Captain, direct guards, and queen.

And this Chimera Ants is Captain level. In terms of intelligent, it is very different from division-level Chimera Ants not at all, and it also knows how to speak common language.

“What the hell?”

Chimera Ants, who had obvious mantis characteristics, picked up the phone and looked puzzled.

In the Republic of Dongguotu, which prohibits the use of mobile phones, many people don’t know what a mobile phone is, and this Chimera Ants does not necessarily leave a memory of the mobile phone.

He tossed his mobile phone that kept making sounds, and felt no threat at all.


One didn’t pay attention, the phone was broken by him, and the ringtone stopped abruptly.

“Oh, it’s broken.”

Looks at the fragment of the phone, the mantis ant gave a cold glance, then left the place.

At the same time, a small mountain town on the eastern tip of Urubian mainland.

Burk frowns burst, anxiety flashed in his eyes.

Ding Ding.

A few seconds later, the phone received a positioning message, far from the Republic of East Gordo in the Mitai Federation of the Balsa Islands.

“Is something wrong with Ponzu?”

Bakuer’s heart tightened and he hurried to a hotel in town.

There are many branches of biological hunters, Baku is a Magical Beast hunter, and Ponzu is an Insect hunter, apart from this, also such as the classification of wild beast hunters.

Being in the same circle and being candidates for the same period, they exchanged their contact numbers with each other after getting their licenses.

In subsequent days, relevant information was also frequently exchanged.

So, the two people naturally established a [safe contact identity] relationship.

Just now, Baokuer called in the past as scheduled, but did not connect, and Ponzu’s number automatically sent positioning information over, and the expansion mobile phone was damaged by external forces.

Bakuer has reason to suspect that something happened to Ponzu, so he wants to say something to the leader, then leave the team and follow the positioning information to Dongguotu to see the situation.

The temporary hotel is 5-Layer high with restaurants on the first floor.

When Baku went into the restaurant, the team leader walked down the stairs.

“Yo, it’s time to come back and just eat together.”

There are 4 people going downstairs, one of them is a Da Baboon.

He greeted Baku, who had just stepped into the restaurant, and led the rest of his teammates towards the vacant table.

Baku’s heart was anxious, but he walked over honestly and sat down.

They have a team of 5 people, all of whom are Magical Beast hunters.

This team operation is to search for a trail of unknown Magical Beast in the Kokosai Forest.

It took a total of one and a half months. Just yesterday, the team completed the mission and came out of the forest, stayed in the hotel temporarily, discussed and reviewed the operation together in order to gain some experience from it.

The discussion resumption must take at least 3 days, which is a rare exchange of experience.

As a junior, Bao Kuer cherished this opportunity, but Ponzu’s situation was unknown, so he had to give up this opportunity.

Fortunately, the mission has been completed …

Bao Ku’er sat quietly, looking at Da Baboon holding a menu and ordering a lot of dishes.

Waiting patiently for Da Baboon to finish the order, Bakuer asked to leave immediately.

“you are leaving?”

The Da Baboon was quite surprised, and the resumption exchange meeting lasted only one day.

He could see that Baku’s enthusiasm was motivated, and he couldn’t wait to ask why it was a thousand thousand, so he was surprised.


Kukuer was embarrassed with nodded, and probably explained why.

“Dongguotuo? I’ve been to that place several times, and it is forbidden to bring in communication equipment.” Da Baboon touched the chin.

Bao Ku’er heard the words for a while, he didn’t know that.

“Illegal entry.” Next to him, a sunglasses man came to a conclusion. He is also a Magical Beast hunter named Wayne.

This conclusion is obvious.

The Da Baboon did not express his opinion, but it was also this opinion.

Baku’er was embarrassed. He only knew that Ponzu had always been in teams, and he didn’t know what she was doing.

However, the information exchanged by till now is all useful, and the scope of each other’s operations is basically in the wild.

“Can you show me the location information?” Da Baboon looked towards Baku.

Bakuer 2 said nothing and handed the phone over.

Da Baboon took the phone, glanced at the location information, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

He returned the cellphone to Baku, hesitating for a moment, and asked, “take the liberty to ask, your friend is a professional hunter?”

“Yes, I got a license with me at the same time and I know how to use it.”

“Action alone?”

“No, she has always been a team player, and there is a master among her teammates who travel with her.”

“is it……”

The heterochromia in the eyes of the baboon is more serious.

Baku went unidentified, and the other 3 people at the same table listened silently.

“If you plan danger levels for Demon Domain, Secret Realm, mountain range, forest, and swampland, then the danger level of the Hoh Xil Forest we went to recently is b.”

“And the place to locate the information …”

Da Baboon pointed to Ku’er’s cell phone and said, “The danger level is only f, which is the second lowest.”


Bakuer can’t help but look down at the phone.

He just came out of the Kokosai Forest and has personal experience, so by contrast, where should the danger level f be, shouldn’t Ponzu be involved? even more how that team is also a master.

“Sometimes the cause of the danger may be **,” said Da Baboon.

Baku’s face changed slightly, and she immediately cut off: “Sorry, I want to start immediately.”

“Don’t worry, that’s just my guess. If it’s **, you basically can’t receive the positioning information. In short, you calm down first.”

Da Baboon said, just when he saw the waiter serving the dish, he said, “Eat enough to have enough strength to work.”

“…” Baku.

The meal was over 5 flavors, but Kaku’er had no appetite and didn’t eat much.

The Da Baboon was full, then put out a breath, and said, “I plan to go to Donguotuo, how about you?”

With that said, he looked towards the remaining 3 teammates at the same table.

The three people glanced at each other, and immediately two of them declined on the grounds of “stroke conflict”, and only Wayne answered.

Da Baboon understands that after this meal, the re-exchange meeting will not be held, and they will be separated.

Farewell to 2 teammates, Da Baboon led Baku and Wayne to a car and to the airport.

On the way, Ku Kuer apologized, “It’s all because of my relationship.”

Wayne didn’t say anything, but Da Baboon calmly said: “I believe you judge the strength of your friend, so I’m curious what happened.”

“If ** is excluded, then another reason is what I want to know.”

Da Baboon did not explain the plan, but he knew that when this phenomenon usually occurred, it might be caused by unknown creatures, and it did not rule out the possibility of unknown Magical Beast.

Five days later, three baboon baboons legally entered and went directly to the location where the positioning information was released.

On the way, they passed by a deadly blood-stained village.

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