Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 717

Chimera Ants is inherently belligerent, and no matter what kind of biological genes are incorporated, that belligerent nature always occupies the home court.

Therefore, the treasure hunt team was scattered and fled, but the main force of Chimera Ants were all focused on the strongest Feng Xiaoyu.

This is a unilateral hunting of Chimera Ants. Every light rain can only escape, use the fastest speed to escape.

Even so, the acupuncture feeling from behind did not disappear for a moment.

She knew that the monsters had been biting her, and now a stronger monster appeared in front of her.

Blocking back and forth!

Feng Xiaoyu looks at the cow Kakuzu male who is surrounded by imagination, and his whole heart sinks directly to the bottom of the valley.

Double or double?

It is not clear at all what species of this cow Kakuzu male, and the apparent amount of wanton release is beyond the degree of entanglement, and the air field mixed in it gives the illusion of breathlessness.

Do you know how to use Demon Beast?

However, I do n’t seem to understand Mind Power’s skills. I just let the air out, and I did n’t even use it.

After all, Xiaoyu stopped and went into danger.

But next second, the dawn of hope came over.

For some reason, the breath that has been bitten by behind has retreated like a tide, disappearing without disappear without a trace.

“Is it hidden?”

Every drizzle not at all relax your vigilance.

As if seeing the thoughts of Feng Xiaoyu, the cow Kakuzu man opened his mouth and said, “I let them go because I like to hunt alone.”

The voice was very cold and highly recognizable.

When Feng Yu concentrated on alert, how could he believe the words of Niu Kakuzu man.

“Don’t believe it … yes, how can a sleepy beast trust the hunter?”

Niu Kakuzu said to himself, a glimmer of light slowly glowed from the dark eyes, raised his claw-like palm, and pointed to the past.

Feng Xiaoyu seemed to be stimulated, and took several steps backwards.

Niu Kakuzu male not at all cared about every drizzle, calmly said: “Sure enough, you can control the energy of the life wrapped in the body. Just now, when you step backward, the energy of the legs obviously increases.”

Talking, Niu Kakuzu male ignored Feng Yu, looked at his own hand, and said to himself, “But I can’t control it, is it different? My human blood is flowing within my body, so humans can do it I can do it. “

This monster … what are you talking about?

Every light rain shook his head, and his head moved quickly.

Not sure if there is an ambush around, if the cow Kakuzu man is true, then now is a good opportunity to escape.

However, the cow Kakuzu man now shows such a clear weak spot, which is also a good opportunity to attack.

Just use the treasure house of ten 2 thieves …

Feng Xiaoyu seemed to be standing at the crossroads at that moment, without the guidance of traffic lights, I don’t know when to go and when to stop.

Eventually, in the absence of subjectivity, she launched an attack.

Unexpectedly, she easily left a keyhole in the heart of the cow Kakuzu man.

Is it general, or too confident?

Feng Xiaoyu had no intention to guess, and launched the ability directly.

Ten 2 treasure trove of thieves!

Suddenly, double-handed thoughts surged, and a disturbed 12th Rank Rubik’s cube appeared in his hands.

Difficulty is shown as: 2 keyholes.

That’s … the highest High Rank difficulty.

Every time Xiaoyu looks at a complex scalp-colored rubik’s cube, the choice without the slightest hesitation escapes again.

Time is absolutely not enough.

She was extremely sure and regretted.

Why set it on top, if you set the keyhole on the wings of that monster, the difficulty may not be so high.

Ten keyholes, how terrible is this monster?

Fengyu ran away, and the cow Kakuzu looked down at the keyhole in his chest, his face showing a wonderful expression.


His behind’s wings spread, flying up into the air, turning into a shadow and chasing Fengyu.

There are some things that need to be dug. It’s okay to slow down, and it’s okay to spend a long time.

“Yes, I like digging.”

“Very well, to satisfy me.”

Niu Kakuzu’s head flashed a flash of memories, and his expression became strange.

Seeing is believing, but not absolute.

Feng Xiaoyu’s judgment was wrong because she knew nothing about Chimera Ants, which had been fused with human genes.

She saw the anger of the male Kakuzu male body, as it should be by rights, she thought that the male Kakuzu male would also be Mind Power, but she did not know how to use the skills.

In fact, the cow Kakuzu man didn’t know what Mind Power was, and his body’s energy was not released by opening the fine holes.

Ordinary humans will lose a little life strength from time to time before the pores are opened.

Life strength is qi and mental strength, and it is also the energy of life in Niu Kakuzu’s mouth.

The current male Kakuzu male is equivalent to the ordinary person class with no open pores, but the apparent energy of his body has exceeded the level of [entanglement], so he can see the energy of the body of Fengyu, so it will only happen to him Misjudgment.

It was because of a misjudgment that Feng Xiaoyu was completely unaware of the real horror of Niu Kakuzu men.

If the cow Kakuzu man opens the fine holes …

Feng Xiaoyu, who didn’t realize this, was probably lucky.

However, she was still a sleepy beast, a small beast that could not escape in trouble.

She did not have enough time and a safe environment to reset the color of the Rubik’s cube, so she could only escape.

But where to escape?

This kind of problem that should be considered suddenly disappeared after the thought was broken.

A sudden slam from the right, a fan hit her cheek.

That split second, she barely saw it, it was a flipper-like palm.


Fiercely shot on the ground while the body was moving at high speed.

Feng Xiaoyu spurted a big mouthful of blood, her body was like a worn out doll, and she fell to the ground softly, her vision blurred.

Faintly, she lay her head on her side and saw the flippers in front of her eyes.

“Ha ha ha, woman, woman, very good!”

There was a very excited and crazy voice at my ear.

I’m … finished.

Every drizzle with drooping eyelids.

What happened to Ponzu? Can you escape?

At the time of fleeing separately, the main monsters chased after me. Is there a chance for Ponzu to escape?

When consciousness gradually blurred, suddenly felt the body’s clothing was torn, and some depressing man gasping into the ear constantly.

“Get out.”

An angry voice came.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud noise.

The silhouette that had just reached out to tear up the clothing of Xiaoyu was blown out and stopped several big trees before breaking.

Niu Kakuzu came to Feng Xiaoyu beside him, and looked coldly at the silhouette that was shot by himself, Qing coldly said: “This is my prey.”

The flying silhouette rises from the ground, but is a Chimera Ants species with a crab shell on its body and full of fish and human characteristics.

Like the cow Kakuzu man, this Chimera Ants also has a human face, but the cheeks are covered with fish scales on both sides, and they are similar in appearance to the man that Ant Queen swallowed at the devil’s hole.

The fish-scale man stared angrily at the cow Kakuzu man, growling, “Women, all mine!”

The cow Kakuzu is expressionless, and he drove the slender oxtail without a word, directly rolling the severely injured Feng Xiaoyu to behind.

That move undoubtedly showed the position.

At the same time, a small pond in the forest was about to dry up.

Ponzu hid in the silt, closed the fine pores of the body, and went into a state of absolute.

Ten people flee, and as long as there are fewer than ten enemies to chase, there will always be someone who can run away.


Ponzu’s face was filled with fear.

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