Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 709

As a result, Luo still needs to complete the last condition in order to obtain the status of the ten 2 local branches on the premise of receiving ten votes.

If you have strong strength, it is not difficult to get a Title.

Although this meeting did not determine the outcome, the members of the Ten 2 Earthly Branches changed their impression of Luo somewhat.

This is a very capable person, not just strength …

XII The members of the Earthly Branch thought so.

The meeting ended and the crowds dispersed.

King deliberately changed his itinerary and then came to the association.

When the meeting was over, he did not rush to leave, and followed Luo to the tenth and sixth floor of the Association Building, which is the company of the Luo Ling Museum.

There, Luo’s personal property, just like his island of greed.

As long as it is an industry, there are ways to bring benefits.

The assets of a top hunter are always unimaginable.

After coming to the Luo Ling Museum, the books scattered around Jin’s at office, as well as the desk full of debris, had a different sense of familiarity.

“This is Luo’s group. Is there only 2 people?”

Golden Eyes moved and looked towards Saling and Sabo, each doing their own thing.

uc Shumeng, another person is concentrating on operating the computer.

The great and famous Lou Ling Museum has only 3 people operating. Say it out. Most people will not believe it, right?

In fact, Luo is an arm-flinging shopkeeper. The only people who are in charge of the company’s operations are Saling and Sabo.

“Sit anywhere, and the tea won’t help you pour.”

Luo walked into the office and, without Sa Ling’s orders, consciously organized the books in the area.

Jin followed, and looked at the surrounding environment. There was nowhere to sit, so where would he sit?

I simply stood, and when Luo was sorting the books, Jin quietly got to Sabo behind, and the double-handed at looks at Sabo crackled on the keyboard, as if he saw a model worker of his own.

It’s all hard work.

Inexplicably, Jin lingered in front of many bookshelves.

“There is only one lone copy of the history of Lou Guo written in ancient Chinese.”

At a glance, Jin found that the bookshelves were basically untranslated ancient books. If other books were of the same type, it would be unimaginable.

The books here, not just count 1000?

Jin could not help but glance at Saling, which was a life of love.

After a while, Luo put all the books back in place, and then came to say hello.

“Stand up, sit back,” Luo came over.

Kim was speechless, so he said, where would he sit?

Later, he saw Luo fluttering at the clutter on his desk and sitting directly on it.


King was also rude, learning Luo to allocate a seat on his desk.

Luo waited for Jin to sit down and said, “Do you think there will be anyone in the Ten 2 Earthly Branch who wants to go to the dark continent?”

“Have you checked them?” King didn’t answer, but asked back.

Luo slightly nodded, said: “Probably check their profession, as for strength, to be able to sit in this seat, will not be weak.”

Jin Wenyan, seriously looks at Luo, said: “How many people do you want to pull from the boat?”

“With this intention, after all, the teammates who meet the standards are hard to find.” Luo did not deny it. In the end, he added: “However, this kind of thing is not a strong buy and a strong sell. Even if I want to pull them on board, they also want them . “

“Which ones do you fancy?” Kim said curiously.

“Pion, she is a hunter of ancient instruments, and there are many ancient human relics on the dark continent. With her company, she may find useful information in the ruins.”

“Geer, she is a poison hunter, and she will be responsible for the preparation of serum antibodies to reduce the risk of change.”

“Crook, the plant hunter, you know the role of a plant hunter in the wild, even without my explanation.”

“Qi Duo, she is a physician and can get a 3-star Title without having to doubt her medical level.”

Jin quietly listened, suddenly interrupted, surprisedly said: “Wait, why are all women?”

Then, he stared at Luo with a strange look.

“Don’t look at me with this look.”

Luo raised his hand to Jin’s cheek and pushed his head aside.

“What I like is their profession and ability, not gender.”

“There is still one, is Saqiu, annoying hunters.”

Wu Niu Sa Qiu, a 2-star annoyed hunter, just listen to the name, you may not see what the professional positioning is.

In general, they are top psychiatrists.

“With his ability, he can help the team to relieve the psychological pressure in the extreme environment. This is especially important.” Luo explained why he saw Saqi.

The environment of the dark continent is Extremely Dangerous. Even if a person with a good psychological quality stays in that place for a long time, it will inevitably produce negative psychological factors such as negative, shrinking, and fear.

For example, Tonpa, even if he developed Mind Power to avoid danger, when Early Stage is on the dark continent, there will still be some unfavorable emotions due to stress.

King agreed with the nodded and continued to ask, “also?”

“I think there are only five of them for the time being. If it is necessary to set up a defense team, then Kang Zai, Port Bai and Yinda are also suitable candidates.” Luo said.

If the five people mentioned above are classified into one category, they are logistics personnel, while the three people currently mentioned in Kangzai are standard frontal combat personnel.

Jin Wenyan thought about it.

He has always had only two opinions about going to the dark continent.

One is alone, and the other is a team.

The former requires greater risk, but is more free without having to consider teammates.

The latter has the advantage, and the team cannot be too bloated, with about 20 people as standard.

However, with more people, injuries and deaths are unavoidable in such a dangerous place on the dark continent.

More importantly, too few like-minded people.

Today, he has met a lot of partners during the journey, but everyone’s pursuit of living in the World is different.

The group of friends will repair the ruins with him, develop games with him, and discover new species with him, but they may not want to go to the dark continent with him.

So, so far, he never thought about forming a team to go to the dark continent.

Until Luo brought back some information about the dark continent.

At that time, Jin Cai realized that before the behemoth of the dark continent, the individual was too small.

If you really want to go to the dark continent, you really need to form an elite team.

He is also working on this now, but there are not many people who are fancy, and even if they are fancy, the other party may not be willing to go.

As Luo said just now, even if the members of the Shichi Earthen Branch have extraordinary abilities, they are not willing to go.

Luo looks at Jin in thought, asking, “How about you? Is there a suitable candidate?”

To go to the dark continent, ability may be a hard condition, but personal pursuit is the basic condition.

Pursuing something is enthusiastic and fearless without fear of the unknown.

King blinked and said, “Yes.”

Luo’s curiosity came at once, and asked, “Who?”


Jin Danding said.

The implication is no.

“…” Luo

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