Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 704

South Pius auction ends.

Ellie came back with a bunch of goods, while Killua and Young Gon were left empty-handed.

In the photographed goods, in addition to jewelry and books, there are also 7 antiquities carrying thoughts, and the categories span a large range.

That was taken by Ellie for Luo, because she knew Luo had a demand for it.

“Where is Luo?”

When Ellie returned, there was only Kurapika in the suite.

“Go out,” Kurapika Kaidou said, adding: “Nowhere.”

This sentence added that if Ellie got to the throat, she swallowed it, took out her phone, and dialed Luo’s number.

After a while, the phone didn’t work.

Ellie pursed her lips and could only stop.

I wanted to give Luo a surprise, but when he returned, he was gone.

Young Gon and Killua went to Kurapika and asked about the status.

After all, Kurapika hadn’t woken up when they went to South Pips auction.

The first day of the South Perfect auction Perfection ends.

Young Gon and Killua were downright spectators, and the first Island of Greed sold for 362100000000.

Milluki’s budget is 330100000000, not only did not grab the first island of greed, but also the budget of the main competitor Batra rich.

As of the 7th, the South Pitch auction will throw a total of 6 islands of greed, and now there are 1 remaining.

At this moment, Luo, who had no interest in the island of greed, was walking with Machi in the Gode Desert.

When Luo received Machi’s message, he came immediately.

He knew where Machi came from, it was all about doing the same.

It was just that Luo arrived as soon as possible, but Machi was still done.

It seems that she visited the graves of the Chrollo people before sending a message to Luo.

From this point of view, more or less still cares a little.

Luo avoids talking about it, and inside and outside, all asks how he spent with Bisji during this time.

Machi talked about his experience during this time.

2 people like this, you say a word to me, facing the wind and sand, walking slowly in the desert.

Behind, the towering pillars stand in the sand, Motionless As Mountains.

Who would have thought that several infamous brigades were buried at the top of the rock.

When Chrollo created the brigade, it was necessary to consider the “continuation” factor in advance, so that the rule of the survival of the brigade was more important than Captain’s life.

In addition, the conditions for killing the original members and then replacing them to join the group are even more manifestations of wolf nature.

Maybe Chrollo didn’t feel that an outsider would join the tour and then kill the original members, which would have a fundamental impact on the tour.

It can be said that the atmosphere of weak are prey to the strong exudes from the inside to the outside.

Therefore, if such a brigade is not to catch everything in one net, it will continue endlessly.

And their end point is buried here, there is no chance to continue.

Walking out of the Goud Desert, Luo accompanied Machi to the Yorknew City and woke up.

At the time of Yorknew, even if there was a cemetery building incident, the population coming to the city showed no sign of decreasing.

Luo and Machi are just like ordinary people. They shuttle in the crowd and buy what they like. When they are thirsty, they go to the beverage store to pack 2 drinks.

Too tired, just sit on the white tables and chairs on the square, order a few scented snacks, and look at the crowd.

At this moment, 2 people are like a humble couple.

Until the evening, Luo wanted to help Machi book a room in the hotel, but was rejected.

In desperation, Luo could only abandon the idea of ​​being gentle, and sent Machi to Lin Gong Airport. This time, it took 3 to 4 hours.

By the time Luo returned to the hotel, it was already over 9pm.

Luo used the room card to open the door, walked through the porch, and entered the living room. At first glance, she saw Ellie sitting on the sofa with her arms around her, looking at herself with her eyes.

That look gave Luo a weird feeling, as if he went out to steal and was suspected.

Si Yanji is also, looks at the drama, an addictive look, and most of Saling is reading ancient books in the room.

Ellie got up from the sofa, and deng deng stepped in front of Luo.

Luo speechless looks at her.

Then, Ellie walked around Luo with a slight movement of her nose and a sudden extension of her eyes, vigilantly, “A woman’s fragrance!”

“Sleep early.”

Luo, however, extends the hand, pats Ellie’s head, and then calmly walks towards the room.

How could Ellie give up easily, followed quickly, and asked, “Come on, who’s that fragrance?”

“You sister-in-law.”

Luo replied casually, then opened the door.

Ellie as if was struck by lightening, but soon recovered, doubting, “I don’t believe it unless you say a name.”

The two walked into the room side by side like this, and then just saw Kurapika coming out of the bathroom wearing only 2 Kakuzu pants.

At this point, Kurapika was holding a bath towel and wiping her hair. After hearing the movement, she turned around and saw Luo and Ellie standing at the door of the room.

Both eyes collided.

About 2 seconds later, Kurapika rushed into the bathroom, snapping a violent close.

Ellie yelled at him: “Is he … so shy?”

That split second, Ellie almost thought she was male, and then Kurapika was female.

Luo also felt that Kurapika’s response was a bit exaggerated, rubbing his eyebrows, and said to Ellie, “Look at you, scaring Kurapika, don’t hurry out.”

With that said, she pushed Ellie out of the room.

Until the door was closed, Ellie came back to his senses, stomped her feet, and panting with rage back to the sofa.

Stingy glanced at her casually, and then continued looking at the series.

In the room, Luo walked to the window and silently looked at the night scenes of brilliant lights and vibrant colors.

Later, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Tonpa in the ngl autonomous country, asking him to find a suitable time to make a call.

Mechanical civilization was abandoned in that place, so Luo could not establish an instant communication with Tonpa, and could only use the style of the message to talk at the appropriate time.

After sending the message, Luo put away the phone.


The bathroom door opened and Kurapika stepped out in a thin suit.

“I thought about it a bit and decided to go to the front desk tomorrow morning and reopen a room.” Kurapika looked towards Luo standing in front of the window.

Luo heard the words, turned around and looked towards Kurapika, said with a smile: “That’s not necessary, I will leave tomorrow morning.”

Kurapika raised her eyes and asked subconsciously, “Where?”

“Balusa Islands.” Luo did not hide.

After hearing Luo’s whereabouts, Kurapika paused for a moment, without further asking Luo what he wanted to do there.

“What about you? Decided to go somewhere?” Luo asked suddenly.

“Not yet …” Kurapika whispered.

Wherever I go, it’s all about getting clansman’s eyes back.

When that thing is over, there is nowhere in life but only the return.

Luo didn’t propose to Kurapika any more, interrupted the topic, and took a bath before going to bed.

The next day, Luo accepted the antiquities sent by Ellie, and then when Ellie went to the South Pace auction, they went directly to Lin Gong Airport and boarded the spaceship for the Balusa Islands.

Until the end of the Southampton auction on day 2.

Allie came back and found Luo slipping away, and Kurapika was responsible for bringing the message to them.

The general meaning is: because something happened, so I left.

Meanwhile, Uvogin and Nobunaga came to the Goud Desert.

They came from the same place as Machi.

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