Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 702

The cemetery building not at all affected the grandeur of Yorknew City.

Not because Yorknew City has a big heart, but its revenue is terrifying.

So, even if the members of the Criminal Syndicate are almost dead during the cemetery building incident, the Yorknew auction is also impossibly suspended.

Young Gon and Killua came to Yorknew City to qualify for the Island of Greed game on Nampys auction.

On the evening of September 9st, they followed the bounty Hunter’s bounty on the same goals as many amateur Bounty Hunters.

However, the rushing Bounty Hunter, including Young Gon and Killua, and 2 members of Phantom Troupe did not even see the shadow of the members, and they heard about the cemetery building.

By the morning of September 9, the underground reward black market had thrown the latest news.

The Phantom Troupe was destroyed, and bounties were received from multiple heads.

After learning the news, the Bounty Hunters who flooded into Yorknew left, and they were not interested in becoming auction customers.

Young Gon and Killua felt that they had missed a big opportunity to make quick money, until they suddenly received a call from Luo at noon.

So they came to the Vegeta Hotel and saw Kurapika, who had a fever, and fiery red eyes on the coffee table.

“What happened to Kurapika?” Young Gon looked towards Luo sitting on the sofa.

“It rained last night, but it didn’t matter much.” Luo explained casually.

“Oh.” Young Gon answered.

“How much have you made so far?” Luo suddenly asked.

Young Gon and Killua stared at each other.

“I made 160 million.” Young Gon Kaidou.

“8 million.” Killua double-handed clutched his head and looked away.

Luo unexpectedly: “So big a gap?”

Young Gon explained: “Killua made as much money as I did, but he had to bet on those …”

Having said that, Killua suddenly rushed over, reached out and blocked Young Gon’s mouth, and corrected: “It’s play, not gambling!”

Young Gon poked directly at Killua’s palm, loudly said: “That’s gambling!”

“What do you know, that’s called regular quiz!” Killua rolled his cat’s eyes and said seriously: “If it wasn’t for you to get the money as quickly as possible, I wouldn’t play that!

“I don’t believe it!” Young Gon said.

“Okay, you two.” Luo shook his head slightly, interrupting the quarrel between the two.

He knew that Young Gon and Killua wanted to purchase the game of the island of greed, but with their funds and earning power, it was impossible to collect that many money within ten days.

The ability to make money, the lateral explanation is the strength of the hunter.

This statement may be vulgar, but it is more transparent.

The assets of every top hunter are unimaginable.

You know, among the 100 richest people in the world, there are many professional hunters.

It can be seen that money is one of the ways to verify the strength of professional hunters.

Young Gon and Killua knew that Luo was very powerful and that Luo was rich, but they did not at all ask Luo for money.

Luo is also impossible to help them purchase the game qualification of the Island of Greed, but he gave Young Gon and Killua a way to make money.

That is, go to Yorknew’s antiques market and start buying anything with an idea, and then come to him to exchange money. The price is 5 times higher than the market.

After hearing Luo’s proposal, Young Gon and Killua left the Vegeta Hotel without a word and headed for the antique market.

They seemed to have seen hope, so reckless.

However, Luo is very clear that even if Young Gon and Killua completely turn over the antique market of Yorknew City, it is possible to reach over 10,000,000,000 assets in a short period of time.

Luo does not plan for them, but gives them a direction to work hard.

The evening of April 9th.

In a short period of time, Young Gon and Killua found more than 30 objects carrying thoughts for Luo, and in the end they got 6 in income, and Luo also rose a little bit of thinking.

“Dying, I can’t make that many at all!” In the room, Killua lay on his back on the carpet.

“89 100000000 minus ten 6 100000000, how much is it?” Young Gon counted with his hand.

89 100000000 is the lowest bid price for the island of greedy game qualification. In other words, less than 89 100000000, it is possible to photograph the island of greedy.

“Don’t forget, it’s a long way off!” Killua glanced at Young Gon, who was seriously calculating the difference, and couldn’t help saying it.

Young Gon heard the words and scratched his head, slightly distressed.

“Otherwise … shall we ask Luo?” Killua thought for a while and suggested.

“No.” Young Gon without the slightest hesitation refused.

Killua was blindfolded, why he almost said, after swallowing it, he changed his voice: “It’s a loan from Luo, and he will pay him back later.”

“That’s not OK,” Young Gon said seriously.

“Let’s do whatever you want.”

Look at Young Gon with a serious look, Killua spread his hands, and because he knew Young Gon, he didn’t even have the persuasion.

One night passed and the time came to September 9.

Ellie, Sarah, and Sergey went to Lampis auction. They wanted to go with Luo, but they were rejected.

Although Young Gon and Killua only made up 6 100000000 2 million, they still went to South Pace auction, and they found another way to enter the island of greedy game.

The South Pitt auction lasts for 5 days. The auction catalogue sells for 12 million Jenny and contains tickets.

On the first day, a set of greedy islands were auctioned, starting at 1:1 pm.

Young Gon Killua not at all went the same way with Ellie and entered the South Pace auction at different points in time.

At the entrance, Killua met an acquaintance, Milluki.

“Yo, Milluki.”

Killua volunteered to move towards Milluki.

Milluki heard the sound, looked back, and saw Killua. Immediately, he didn’t see it, turned his head calmly, and then went directly to the meeting place.

“That rascal!”

Seeing Milluki ignoring herself, a crossroads jumped out of Killua’s head.

“What’s wrong?” Young Gon wondered.

“Milluki is here too,” Killua said.

“Ah? Which one is he?” Young Gon asked.

“He went in, let’s go in too,” Killua said.

Because of Kim ’s greedy island memory card, Killua contacted Milluki and obtained a lot of information from him in the style of [Transaction], so Young Gon also knew Milluki, but he had not seen Milluki.

2 people entered the venue with the flow of people.

Soon, she saw Milluki in a seat.

So 2 people got together.

“Did you come to buy the Island of Greed?” Killua probed.

Milluki tilted her head, looking lazily at Killua, and said, “So what?”

There was a gleam of light deep in Killua’s eyes, and Chuckled said, “So coincident, so am I, how much did you bring?”

Young Gon heard the words, and immediately looked confused towards Killua, but was stepped on by the latter, motioning him not to talk in a mess.

“Give me 200000000 million and I’ll tell you.” Milluki flipped Byakugan.

“…” Killua

At 2:1 pm, the South Pitz auction had started for more than an hour.

At the Vegeta hotel, Kurapika opened her eyes.

Luo is sitting on the sofa reading a book about biology. The contents of the biological data are all related to the first-class isolated species, and naturally include Chimera Ants.

When Kurapika woke up, Luo put down his book and said, “Wake up, are you hungry?”

Kurapika covered her forehead, and before she spoke, GuLu snored.

“Wait, I’ll give you a bowl of noodles.”


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