Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 693

Chizhu, like Feomao, was violently moved out of the battlefield as soon as the fighting started.

Fei Maoer flew out of the building, and he smashed the floor and descended directly to the 20th floor. Even if he was an Enhancer, this smashing was enough.

Lying on the ground, it took me a few minutes to take a breath.

When he was relieved, he was trying to go upstairs to find Luo’s trouble, but he noticed the movement from downstairs, so he looked in the past, and met Saling.

I was thinking of just a few women. Even if the body was injured, Chizhu planned to kill the women first.

After all, Captain’s order was to kill everyone, and naturally there was no one left.

However, after taking the action, Chizhu realized it was not good.

These women simply not to be trifled with, especially the black long straight woman, once released the aura, gave him a sense of oppression.

After having a bit of fear, he also slightly converged on the lower wing, carefully wandering, trying to figure out the opponent’s Mind Power.

After several temptations, I almost got injured twice, and my fear of these three women and that doll was deeper.

Also at this time, Luo who had killed Phinks came to this level and met them.

“Luo!” Seeing Luo appear, Ellie excitedly moved towards him to say hello.

Chizhu also saw Luo, his face was overcast, thinking that Feitan and Phinks had been killed by this person?

Luo looks at Ellie them, Kakuzu’s eyes pick a little, and they can’t help but look towards Sa Ling, who in return pays a “nothing to me” look.

Sa Ling is an elder, and Luo is hard to say anything, he can only focus on the Chizhu body.

Si Ji Ji was ready to go, but when Luo appeared, I didn’t know what the Dao Foundation thought, and she just accepted the harp.

Eyes look at each other, Chizhu began to fight back.

Although he was an Enhancer, he wasn’t stupid, knowing that it was just an egg that smashed the stone, and there was no return.

With that in mind, he turned around and ran without the slightest hesitation.

He wanted to meet them with Captain before dealing with this tricky guy.

“Can you run away?”

Luo’s eyes were cold. If it was a death fight, he would still have a bit of dessert, but he was scared without a fight, that is, a dead person.

Take out the Gold-banded Ruyi Stick and drive Nian Li to chase it.

Against Enhancer Mind Power, Golden Cudgel is actually more useful than Allah.

Chizhu body is injured, fighting intent is absent, Speed ​​is not as fast as Luo, how to run away.

In less than 20 seconds, Luo was forced into the battle by Luo.

Without assistance from his companion, less than 5 rounds, he was knocked on the back by a blow from Luo Shengdong, and the stunned heartbeat passed out on the spot.

In front of Saling who came over, Luo indifferently made a knife to the stunned red bamboo, and then collected the body.

At this point, the spider has 4 feet left …

Sa Ling looks at the blood left on the ground and asks, “This man is a member of Phantom Troupe?”

“Well, a person’s head is worth more than 40 100000000 million.” Luo Kaidou.

Upon hearing this, Ellie was surprised: “We just met a disgusting man on the first floor. I don’t know if he is a member of the tour group.”

Luo thought about it and asked, “Invert 3 Kakuzu eyes?”

“Yes!” Ellie clapped her hands.

“So is he, you just stay here, don’t come down.” Paused, Luo added: “I’m serious.”

Having said that, she did not give Ellie a few chances to refuse, and went downstairs.

He wasn’t sure how many brigades were left on the other roads, and what was going on at Kurapika.

Seeing Luo say so, Ellie and Sarah looked at each other in blank dismay.

A moment later, Ellie weakly said, “Will you follow?”

Sa Ling looks at the direction of the staircase and said: “Since Luo has emphasized it, it is better to listen to him and stay here.”

Ellie heard that she had no choice but to give up.

After a hard time coming out, she was still thinking about letting herself go. It was a pity not to look at it when it was lively, and if Luo was in trouble, he wouldn’t help him.

“This is the seventh floor.”

Allie suddenly thought of something, looked towards Sarah.

The 7th floor is not high, so I can see the situation outside.

Luo came to the first floor and saw the Scorpion corpse cut into 100 pieces.

He came to the corpse, looking at the terrible corpse fragments, and sighing, “How can I change money?”

He didn’t bother to splice Fei Mao’s corpse together, so it was worth the money.

Moreover, the auction items of the Criminal Syndicate are still in the cemetery building, including the red eyes, and they will not be white or white.

After all, it’s Criminal Syndicate. It can be taken without pressure.

Luo crossed the ground full of corpses on the first floor, came to the gate, and then picked up the phone to look at it. It turned out that Kurapika had sent a message.

“It’s resolved over there.”

Luo murmured to himself, put away the phone, and stood at the door like this, waiting for something.

If the remaining members of the brigade would come, it would be strikes to kill in place, if not, he would not mind spending time and energy with Kurapika to chase them until the spider was completely destroyed.

Waiting more than ten seconds outside the gate, three people rushed up the road ahead, but three were Chrollo.

In other words, Ten Mafia Dons is probably solved by Illumi.

Luo thought silently.

Before the Yorknew auction began, he thought about forcing Illumi to abandon the commission of assassination of Ten Mafia Dons, and then use the hands of Zeno and Silva to destroy Phantom Troupe together.

However, if you do that, Ten Mafia Dons will escape.

Luo did not want to save Ten Mafia Dons’ life in disguise, nor did he feel that the absence of Zeno and Silva would affect the final result, so he was relieved to let Ten Mafia Dons follow the established trajectory and die in the hands of Illumi.

Chrollo 3 saw Luo standing at the gate and stopped suddenly.

When he saw Luo, Chrollo suddenly understood something, his face remained calm, but the gloss in his eyes was terrifying cold.

Pakunoda had a bad hunch in her heart, which made her heart ache.

It seems that … the road suddenly fell into the boundless darkness, all the companions disappeared, all the voices disappeared, and everything was completely lost.

Chrollo not at all noticed Pakunoda’s strangeness, raised his right hand, summoned the thief’s will, stared at Luo, and calmly asked, “Did you kill Shalnark and Franklin?”

Luo was silent, and immediately went into combat.

“You killed Feitan?”

Luo was silent again.

“What about the rest?”

Luo remained silent.

Chrollo raised his fourth question without changing his face: “Machi sold us?”

Luo lifted his eyelids, no longer silent, but shook his head: “Even if they leave the brigade, they will betray you impossibly. You should be very clear about this.”


Chrollo cannot be complied.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Pakunoda subconsciously covered her chest, her eyes drifting between Chrollo and Luo.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a light at the crossroads at his feet, as if he had returned to a clip from the past. Will he change the situation today if he makes a different choice?

Temperature seems to start to lose, a cold current is flowing fast in the body, and the heartbeat is becoming more and more violent.

Can’t go on like this.

For no reason, Pakunoda seemed to have the same intuition as Machi.

“Captain …” Pakunoda tried to persuade Chrollo to escape, but was interrupted by Luo’s words as soon as he exited: “I didn’t kill Franklin.”

In the first three questions, not only Franklin, but also everyone in the brigade.

However, Luo specifically pointed out Franklin’s name.

Franklin was killed by Kurapika.

In fact, when Chrollo suddenly raised his fourth question about Machi, Luo’s mind immediately appeared in their silhouette.

Immediately afterwards, the weighing scale hanging in the air like a mountain was shaking from side to side.

The orange-yellow rays of light of the street lamp looks quite mild, giving a touch of warmth.

However, the night breeze coming from the broken leaves carried the unspeakable coolness on the night of this late summer.

Luo, who had an inexplicable complexion, suddenly looked towards the back of the 3 Chrollo people, showing a relieved expression.

A chain of faint breath radiated from the night without warning.

By the time Chrollo and Pakunoda noticed it, it was too late.

The chain was moved towards Peeling Lev, and Peeling Lev was seriously injured and unresponsive, and was caught by the chain.

Later, after exfoliating Lev’s complexion slightly changed, he found that Qi was blocked. As soon as his thoughts started, his body was pulled by the chains.

“Be careful, this chain can seal the gas.”

While in the air, Peelev hurriedly reminded Chrollo and Pakunoda.

Then, that reminder became the last sentence of his life.


The chain suddenly closed in the air, strangling Peel Lev directly.

Blood mingled with flesh and blood fell to the ground from the air.

Chrollo and Pakunoda’s eyes passed a shadow.

Looks at this scene, Luo calmly said: “Franklin killed him.”

Luo decided not to take action because every injustice has its perpetrator.

In the shadows outside the street lights, a pair of scarlet shiny eyes revealed.

Kurapika … took off the contact lenses.

Both Chrollo and Pakunoda saw the pair of red eyes with endless killing intent, as if they were evil eyes crawling out of hell.

“Kurta Clan.”

Chrollo whispered to himself.

The light at the intersection at Pakunoda’s feet suddenly went out.

It turned out to be this way?

If it can be stopped at that time …

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