Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 690

Flying hair was angry.

That anger originated from Luo, but he didn’t mind venting to other people’s body first.

Just at the entrance, he met 4 people, and then the 4 people were torn into pieces by him.

When the anger burns, which is also the mind to peel, Special is still a man.

However, the three women in front of him did not mind restraining the anger and then peeling off the smooth skin.

Loli, Royal Girl, High Cold Girl …!

As an adult, Ellie was ruthlessly classified as Luo Li by Fei Maoer because she took up too many points.

His eyes slowly passed over the bodies of Ellie, Sarah, and Simeji, and Kakuzu’s eyes burst into dazzling rays of light.

Facing the evil wolf’s eyes that Feimao didn’t hide, Ellie shivered and showed a disgust expression.

Sa Ling calmly released her mind and covered her body with [firm], while Shuang Ji looked coldly at Feimao.

The 3 people reacted differently, but Feimao preferred Airie’s disgusting expression, and only then, when he was sadistic, would he have more pleasure.

“Good, good, good!”

Fei Maoer whispered to himself three times, and the anger that Luo hit out finally calmed down a bit.

Without any sign, he moved in vain.

It is still the characteristic of Emitter Teleport, that is also his Mind Power, named Wuying.

Obviously Emitter, but chose the path of melee, want to come more inclined to his own interests and hobby.

Fei Maoer’s body disappeared from the place, even the shadow will not appear, moved towards Ellie.

Start with Luo Li, then Gao Lengnu, and then Yuyu.

When she saw the three women, Fei Maoer had already set the order.

Fei Maoer’s Speed ​​was extremely fast, and he immediately came to Ellie, and Ellie could not catch his movement at all, and was even less responsive.

However, she didn’t need to respond at all, because there were “people” who would react for her, and that was the person puppet Little Jin.

After years of being nourished by mind power, she has an animal instinct like “mind”, so when Jin Feier moves, Little Jin comes to Ellie.

“whispering sound.”

Seeing that puppet was in trouble, Fei Maoer was coldly snorted, his claws kept on, and he wanted to tear off puppet directly.

Little Jin raised her arms quickly, blocking Fei Mao’s claws, but she was defensive.

In a single blow, Fei Maoer was decisive and returned in situ without giving Saling any chance.

He returned to where he was, slightly slightly wrinkle.

Seems difficult to deal with.

He thought so, but was more excited.

This is interesting, if art can be done casually, it is worthless.


Flying hair put out a breath and moved again.

The goal was teleportation, and fell to Sarah’s body.

He teleported again, but halfway through, his body suddenly revealed.

“Resistance? No, it’s wind …!”

There was a look of astonishment on Feimao’s face, looked towards Saling with a calm face, and she saw that the other side’s mind stretched out from the body, forming a wind wall that was in place but not just flowing.

It was this wind wall, which did not harm him, but forced him to stop.

Just then, a sharp piano sound came.

Fei Maoer only felt that her hair stood on end, and at that split second, her arm was cold, but it was invisible, and the entire arm was cut off.

Break through the defense of [Jian] directly and cut off the arm?

Fei Maoer’s secretly thought is not good, endure the pain, break free from the imprisonment of the wind wall, retreat backward, and pour out the blood all the way.

Si Yanji held the black silver string harp in a sitting position, staring at Fei Mao with no moody eyes.

The black and white gas field swings around her, and the wind rising from the air blows her black hair.

“This woman …!”

Flying hair covered her broken arm that kept bleeding, and dared not to act blindly without thinking. She could only be surprised at looks at Shuangji.

Whether it was that puppet or Sa Ling, Feimao didn’t feel the slightest threat, but this high cold girl, at this moment, he felt a pressure.

I am like an insect stuck on a spider web.

Da Da …

Frequent footsteps came from the corridor, but the remaining members of the Criminal Syndicate ran down, including Nostrade’s group of 4 people.

They exited the corridor and saw Fei Maoer. Everyone’s face changed. Immediately, they noticed that Fei Maoer’s right hand arm was gone, and they were surprised.

Salin and Ellie looked towards the members of the Criminal Syndicate who ran down, thinking where Luo is now, and what are they doing?

The arrival of the Criminal Syndicate members, in a sense, eased the situation on the field.

The melody and Da Zuo Nie involuntarily looked towards Shuang Ji, this woman made them feel dangerous.


The melody’s eyes moved down and landed on the black silver stringed harp.

On the court, Feimao didn’t dare to attack easily any more, while Allie and Sarah showed defensiveness.

However, Stefanie doesn’t understand what is polite.

When Fei Maoer attacked Ellie, Shuang Ji decided to kill Fei Maoer, jade hand stroking the strings, but it was a full wave of killing intent.

In that moment, the piano sound of frustration sounded in the field, and the black and white thoughts were attached to the piano sound, turning into a sword and sword, hiding the sky and covering the earth toward Feimao.

When I heard the sound of the piano, the melody murmured in a low voice, and I covered my ears with double-handed. There was a deep-seated fear in my eyes. The most unwilling scene in my memory was hooked by this piano sound.

Is the dark sonata …?

Fei Maoer looks at Those thoughts from the Voice Shape Transformation, complexion greatly changed, and was forced to retreat backward.

Si Jiji double-handed, the expression is cold, and the endless sound of the piano is played.

Shape Transformation’s swords and swords collided in the air, increasing Speed.

Seeing that he couldn’t escape, Feimao could only roar, curling up his body, and mobilizing all the apparent energy in front of him, trying to resist the damage.

The next second, he just felt cold, his thoughts were like a blackout, and he fell into endless darkness.

The sound of the stinger’s piano relentlessly cuts Fei Mao’s body into 100 pieces.

The spider broke 6 feet.

After killing Fei Maoer, Shuangji slowly got up, converging the body’s black and white gas field, and also took away the harp that was realized by the idea.

“Good job!”

Seeing that Shuang Ji killed the disgusted man, Ellie clapped her hands and applauded.

Stryki didn’t respond, as if she had just pinched an insect.

Sa Ling silently looks at Shi Yanji, thinking that she is strong enough and fierce.

On the other hand, the group of Criminal Syndicate members looks silly at this scene.

On the top floor, there was a man with a broken arm who was amazing in strength, and on the ground floor, another woman with an amazing strength appeared.

North Road.

A violent explosion blasted a large tract of grass out of a huge pit.

Zeno got out of the blast, looked at the site of the exfoliated Lev’s destruction, and slightly raised.

Emitter and Transmuter’s moves are similar to themselves.

Zeno thought lightly in his heart, and immediately looked towards the exfoliating Lev, who was slightly panting ahead.

In Kakuzu peripheral vision, there are Chrollo and Silva in fierce battle.

“That man is not easy. If Silva doesn’t cut it out, I don’t think I can get it. Then … how long does it take me to resolve this person?” Zeno thought.

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