Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 677

The current Yorknew City Mayor’s selection fund is basically supported by the Criminal Syndicate in secret. The first thing the Mayor can do after he takes office is to promote his trusted relatives in the police station.

This approach has the shadow of Ten Mafia Dons’ intentions in it.

This is the root reason why Criminal Syndicate members can act so arrogantly in Yorknew City.

Even if there is a big fight, there are many ways to uncover the matter, and even beautify the crazy chase of the members of Criminal Syndicate, and push all the black pots to the wicked gangsters.

That restless night, despite the persecution of many citizens’ lives and property, under the money offensive, not at all caused a lot of waves.

Anti-actually spreading photos and videos on the Internet caused a heated discussion among a group of night owls.

What they have in common is not about who the body is, but what the Criminal Syndicate does.

The candlelight swayed in the rotten poop.

A sudden gust of wind blew in from the outside, blowing out two candles not far from the entrance.

“Is the beast strong?” Phinks asked.

“Not so good,” Feitan.

“Weak.” Chizhu.

“Forget.” Shizuku.

“Average.” Fei Maoer.

For the Phinks question, the 4 members who passed the yin ** gave their own answers.

“Then Franklin and Shalnark will be killed by the Underworld?” Phinks asked again.

Except for the new members who joined the brigade, other old members who are familiar with Franklin and Shalnark’s strength did not think that the Beast had this strength.

Even if the infernal beast is the ten strongest of all the members of the World Criminal Syndicate …

“If the strength is not good, it is not impossible. Moreover, the corpse is with the Criminal Syndicate, and the Criminal Syndicate also clearly declares that Franklin and Shalnark were killed by them.” Fei Maoer said with a grin.

What Feimao said was fact, so entanglement on this issue didn’t seem to make much sense.

In terms of action, 2 members were lost and none of the auction item was available.

This is the most failed operation since the establishment of the brigade.

Regardless of whether Franklin and Shalnark were killed by the Dark Beasts, in short, they could not get rid of the Criminal Syndicate, and then they would take revenge on them.

The death of Franklin and Shalnark, not at all splashed too much ripples in the brigade, but the old members of the brigade had the idea of ​​revenge for them.

Unwilling to continue wasting time on this question, Phinks looked towards Chrollo, turning the topic teleportation to another point, saying: “Criminal Syndicate teleported the auction item in advance, and the Explanation Criminal Syndicate knew our actions in advance.”

Speaking, the members around Phinks looked towards, coldly: “So how did they get the news? Someone among us leaked it? Or …”

Feitan lifted his eyes and then said, “Uvogin, Nobunaga, Machi?”

Phinks nodded, differly said: “Yes, I prefer the latter.”

Hearing Feitan’s and Phinks ‘words, the old members’ expressions were slowly condensed, and the new members were confused because they did not know the three names that Feitan said.

Unconsciously, all members were looked towards Chrollo sitting on the stone.

In the eyes of everyone, Chrollo looked calm.

From a private Kakuzu degree, he didn’t think Machi 3 would do that, but his mind immediately emerged a silhouette of Luo.

Too little information makes it difficult to draw useful conclusions.

If Shalnark were there, he could be responsible for gathering intelligence, or Machi’s intuition …

Chrollo not at all immediately in thought responded to the group members present.

A moment later, he calmly said: “Criminal Syndicate knows our actions in advance, which is an irrefutable fact, but the response of Criminal Syndicate is very abnormal.”

“If they receive intelligence in advance and know that the top thief group is coming, the alert should be stricter, but the guests participating in the auction have no knowledge and do not carry weapons.”

“In the case of Criminal Syndicate, since the bait has been thrown, it is not surprising that even in the auction field filled with bombs, and the evil beast is not in the Semetari building, and the timing is too slow.”

“So, my conclusion is that Criminal Syndicate knew that someone would attack the underground auction, but it was not clear that it was us.”

“Of course, it’s not ruled out that someone provided unspecific information for Criminal Syndicate, but will the provider be Machi themselves or any of us?”

“What are the reasons and attitudes of the senior executives of Criminal Syndicate who are willing to trust the information provided by others? And what benefits can a leaker get from Criminal Syndicate?”

“It’s pointless to be attached to these.”

“There is only one thing we need to do next.”

“That’s to find out the auctions of teleportation, then take all of them and kill everyone!”

In Chrollo’s calm tone, there was a rare icy killing intent.

Listening to what Chrollo said, everyone in the brigade was involuntarily emitting a killing intent.

The brigade believes that the Beasts will be sent by all members, so not at all delves into the causes of Franklin and Shalnark’s death.

After all, there are ten members of the Dark Beast. Except for Feitan, which killed 4 of them, there is a great possibility that Franklin and Shalnark each face 3 Dark Beasts.

In terms of the Kakuzu degree of the brigade, I think so not at all, but there are really only four beasts.

Because the people behind the underground auction actually have a sense of luck. Although the magpie in the dark beast used his space-based ability to remove all the auction items several hours in advance, not at all let him leave directly.

When it was unknown who the attackers were, although only to strengthen the security force, all members of the Yin Beast were arranged near the Semetari building.

In the plan behind the scenes, if the deployed security force can successfully eliminate potential risks, then it is entirely possible for the nearby knapsack to return all auction items and allow the underground auction to continue.

If not, you can proceed to the next deployment, knowing the identity and strength of the attacker.

However, the security force deployed in the underground auction was destroyed in a short time.

Recognizing the power of the attacker, in order to ensure the safety of the auctioneer, more than half of the members of the infernal escort first transported the auctioneer to a safe place, and the other part of the infernal animal delayed the attacker.

However, the members of the Infernals who first delivered the auction items did not expect the strength of the other party. At the time of the rescue, the members of the Infernals who were responsible for blocking the delay were all lost.

What made them even more surprised was that 2 of the attackers were intercepted and killed by unknown people.

Criminal Syndicate did not disclose this, and through the spider logo on the corpse, they understood the identity of the attackers as the notorious top thief group.

In this regard, after confirming the identity of the enemy, the underground auction will still be held as scheduled, but this time, the Criminal Syndicate will set a stronger alert force, which is strong enough to resist or even destroy the brigade.

Ten Mafia Dons immediately fell heavily, first entrusting Zoldyck’s prestigious killer, and then raising the amount of the reward of the brigade.

Both the Criminal Syndicate and the Brigade did not really realize the existence of the third person. The former thought that the enemy’s enemy was a friend, so they did not go through it thoroughly, and the latter was completely unaware.

Even if Chrollo’s silhouette had somehow surfaced in Luo’s mind, he would not easily conclude by himself in the absence of persuasiveness.

With Machi’s intuition to assist, the results will be different.

On the verge of Breaking Dawn, at the Vegeta Hotel.

Kurapika sat on the sofa in the room and stayed up all night.

He personally fell off a brigade member, but felt no trace of joy.

At 6 am, Luo woke up and found that Kurapika was still sitting on the sofa with an eyebrow raised.

“go to sleep.”

He ordered in an irrefutable tone.

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