Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 675

The wall of the Imperial Guard perfectly blocked Franklin’s double-handed machine gun.

Due to the loss of lifespan in [Absolute Time], Kurapika impossible is standing still.

The defense capability built on the basis of Emitter, in this brief moment, shows its value.

You don’t have to bear the impact attached to the munition, you can lift the shield and rush forward.

Kurapika was just facing the rain of bullets and rushing towards Franklin.

“Is it ineffective …”

Franklin calmly looks at Kurapika who rushed over, the shield made of gas completely blocked the lethality of the double-handed machine gun, but that shield can only resist the frontal damage, then …

The raised double-handed hem suddenly pushed down the trajectory.

The block munitions suddenly changed direction and fell on the path ahead of Kurapika.

The energy contained in the munition is released at the moment it touches the concrete road. Under the absolute amount of rolling, the surface of the concrete road is instantly broken, and the sand at the bottom is lifted by the impact.


Kurapika saw this, but did not slow down the charge.

He vaguely guessed the opponent’s intention.

Many pieces of gravel carried smoke on the crystal wall, and they were still not close to Kurapika’s body.

The seemingly absolute isolation effect is quite similar to Luo’s field.

Franklin waved his arms, driving the ballistic strikes in a sector in front of Kurapika.

The advantage of a double-handed machine gun is that it has a wide coverage. Once the target is locked, it can often form a suppression effect.

There are also disadvantages, that is, the single-point formidable power is weak, and it can be used against ordinary Mind Power, but it has little effect on powerhouse.

At this time, a teammate is needed to cooperate with the side attack or post-circle, but Franklin has no teammates now.

Therefore, he can only find a way to cover Kurapika’s vision, and then pull the gun line to the side. As long as he can bypass the air shield, he can absolutely tear the opponent’s body instantly.

He is extremely convinced of his own judgment, because the front shield of the gas shield is too strong, so the defense of the side and behind will become weak.

This judgment of as it should be by rights affected his next move.

Unfortunately, the terrain is not the Gote Desert, but a concrete road in the city. The effect of creating more obstacles to vision is affected more or less.

The cement road was blasted into debris, crushed stones and soot surging.

Franklin circled around suddenly, pulling the gun line to the side, watching the block ammunition hit the smoke.

But at this moment, a chain suddenly burst out of the smoke and headed towards Franklin’s chest.

“Can you both attack while defending?”

Franklin’s eyes were cold, but he had no plans to evade, and wanted to break the chain that had hit him.

This judgment is based on personality and ability.

Like Gunslinger with a Gatling machine gun, he will not easily teleportation or stop firing when pouring firepower at a place.

At the same time, Franklin is confident that with a dense barrage, he can easily shoot down the chain.

However, just as he stared at the chains and acted on them, the incoming chains suddenly thinned and passed through the dense barrage.


Franklin’s eyes narrowed.

Judgment errors often affect the direction of battle.

The chain became thinner, like a thread through a pinhole, hitting Franklin’s key.

After approaching him, the chain wrapped around Franklin’s body like a snake.

Immediately, like a chain reaction, the ten hands suddenly extinguished, the pores were forcibly closed, and the air field around them disappeared instantly.

“No luck … this is mandatory.” Franklin expression changed, surprised: “However, such a fine chain can only be ** Strength …”

Franklin not at all, panic, thoughtful, trying to break the chain with brute force.

But when his thoughts came into being and implemented, the ultra-fine chain wrapped around the body suddenly thickened, as thick as an adult arm.


Franklin’s forehead exploded with blue veins, his face flushed slightly, his muscles fluffed, but he couldn’t shake the chain at all.

“Where is your companion now?”

The roots of the chains passed through the smoke and dust, and the sound came out of the smoke and dust.

Kurapika walked slowly out of the dust, her eyes terrifying coldly.

[Middle finger bondage chain]

It can only be used on members of Phantom Troupe. Once the members of the brigade are bound by chains, the target can be forced into the state of absolute. If the target is used outside the brigade, he will die because of violation of restrictions.

Franklin didn’t say a word, and looked towards Kurapika’s gaze was slightly gloomy.

After several attempts, he found that he couldn’t break the chain at all, in other words, he was dead.

If you can still use mental power, at least it can also constitute a layer of defense, but now it is in an [absolute] state, and you can kill yourself with any pistol.

Seeing Franklin not saying a word, Kurapika raised his middle finger slightly, and the chain around the Franklin body suddenly closed.


The powerful squeezing ability immediately made Franklin spit blood.

Immediately after, ka ka came from within the body, but it was the sound of a broken bone.

Kurapika maintains that Franklin will not be killed, but Franklin can bear the painful restraint and walk a few steps away, coldly asked, “Where is your companion now?”

Franklin was in pain, but only stared at Kurapika with a gloomy, cold look.

Just then, a shout from members of Criminal Syndicate came across the street.

“At this!”

“Come and kill them!”

Staying due to the fighting gave the members of Criminal Syndicate the time to catch up.

Franklin knew he was dead, but in the face of his death, he calmed his fingers and his heartbeat sounded the same as usual.

That is a manifestation of only those who have no fear of life and who ignore it from the bottom of their hearts.

Kurapika ignored the members of the Criminal Syndicate who came over to move towards it, and once again enhanced the ability to close the beam. He was about to continue to ask questions, but the ringtone of the mobile phone rang.

Even if you don’t have to pick it up, you know Luo called.

Kurapika picks up the phone with his left hand and presses the connect button.


Lou’s voice came from the phone.

Kurapika gritted his teeth and looked uneasy.

The emotional instability makes the chest slightly undulating.


The chain was wrapped around Franklin’s neck and crushed.

Franklin’s expression was frozen on his face, and his tall body fell towards the ground.

After killing Franklin, Kurapika retracted the chain and quickly left the scene.

A moment later, members of the Criminal Syndicate rushed in and found only Franklin’s body.

They gathered around, each with a stunned face and raising their guns.

“Don’t slap.”

One person was differently said.

His voice had just fallen, and the streets were suddenly filled with gunfire.

They are actually whip corpses.

Many Bullets at close range hit Franklin body, and the still warm body suddenly splattered with blood.

Skin, flesh, bones … are torn by powerful vitality.

After whipping the corpse for a while, a leader-level member drank and stopped them, looking at a corpse with an intact face but a bad body, coldly said: “OK, give me a good picture.”

The distant street turned at Kakuzu, Luo leaned against the wall, Kurapika looked at, indifferently said: “You can solve him directly with a gun, why use a chain?”

Kurapika was speechless.

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