Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 671

In the meeting hall, when seeing Feomao and Shizuku coming in, Franklin asked, “Is everything outside?”

Fei Maoer was nodded, and immediately looked towards Shizuku, only to see her walk to the corpse all over the ground, and commanded to the convex eyed fish: “Suck here, including the tables and chairs.”

After the salamander got the order, it made a “haha” sound. The bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl produced a huge suction, forming Uzumaki, and sucked the flesh and blood on the ground, including the residues of tables and chairs. Go in.

Thanks to the efforts of the oyster fish, after a while, the field became thoroughly, and even a drop of blood was not left.

At this time, Shalnark and Chizhu came out of an Inner Sect.

Shalnark looks at everyone, said solemnly: “The vault it’s empty, someone teleported the auction item in advance.”

Along the same side, Chizhu took a man with a horrified face and threw it in front of everyone.

“Feitan, it’s up to you,” Shalnark said.

The purpose of leaving the host is to question intelligence.

Feitan narrowed his eyes, gloomy and coldly said: “No problem.”

After 5 minutes, the brigade group of 6 people did not leave the Semetari building, but went directly to the top floor of the Semetari.

Upon reaching the top floor, Shizuku once again embodies the salamander and spit out a hot air balloon.

Her lobster can inhale any inanimate object in unlimited quantity and volume, and can spit out the inhaled again, provided she remembers what it is.

Everyone got on a hot air balloon and started flying into the night sky.

Downstairs, the members of the Criminal Syndicate responsible for closing the road noticed something wrong, because a routine report at ten minutes not at all came.

The person in charge from the outside kept calling the inside, but there was no response at all.

“There is a situation.”

Without hesitation, the person in charge immediately greeted his companion and rushed into the auction field.

The underworld bosses who watched outside saw the organizers rush into the Semetari building, the complexion changed slightly, and rushed in.

Because auction is limited to 2 people per buyer, many Criminal Syndicate members who come with the boss can only stay outside.

At this moment, I realized that the situation is not right, and I will naturally worry about the boss in the auction field.

Many gangsters who rushed in went directly to the auction field, and found that more than 500 guests and their security-related companions had all disappeared.

The organizer saw that the situation was far from good, and quickly ran to the vault to find out that the vault door had been opened, and it was empty inside.

In full fury, the foul-mouthed members of the Criminal Syndicate members who had been hoodwinked began to mobilize personnel.

At the same time, Da Zuoyin also received news from Bajiao. All guests and security personnel at the venue disappeared out of thin air, including Fei Jie and them.

Da Zuo Nie’s complexion changed, and they contacted the melody of the top floor of the building near the Semetari building, and got first-hand news from them.

“hot air balloon?”

Da Zuo Nian hesitated. There were more than 500 guests in the venue. If he was abducted and taken away, the hot air balloon could not fit.

With no time to think, Da Zuoyi immediately relayed the news to the leader in charge of auction.

At this moment, the hot air balloon carried Shalnark 6 people away towards Yorknew.

“Is something missing?”

Chrollo’s calm voice came from the phone.

“Well, the only informed moderator of the auction said that someone auctioned the auction a few hours before the auction started.”

“Really …” Chrollo looked up towards the others at the base.

The call is ongoing …

On the top of a building in the distance, Luo and Kurapika stared at the hot air balloon floating away in the night sky.

Under the street, there are black cars speeding.

“Six people, can you see clearly?”

Luo scooped a stone from the top fence and looked at a hot air balloon in the distance.

“Well.” Kurapika held Telescope in front of her eyes and clearly saw the six Phantom Troupe members on the hot air balloon.

“Get ready to touch, wait for the Criminal Syndicate to start, then cut off the beard.” Luo pinched the stone, condensed his thoughts, and suddenly moved towards the distance.

With the sound of gas explosion, the stone cut through the night sky, went away in a blink of an eye, and penetrated the hot air balloon precisely.

There was a muffled sound, and the huge formidable power directly bombarded the entire balloon.


The six people on the hot air balloon were startled, carrying their gondola straight down to the ground.

The stone that came from a distance not only blasted the hot air balloon, but also the gas inside it.

“Attention, the other party is Emitter, not weak.” Franklin reminded.

Before the gondola hit the ground, the six of them jumped out and landed firmly on the ground.

The gondola subsequently fell to the ground, causing an explosion and a loud noise that immediately caught the attention of members of the Criminal Syndicate who were searching for the enemy.

As a result, black cars approached where the gondola landed.

At the same time, Chrollo, who was at the base, heard the movement through his mobile phone and asked about the status.

“Our hot air balloon was shot down. It should be a weak Emitter, and the people of Criminal Syndicate are coming around,” Shalnark said.

“Where?” Chrollo asked.

“The crossroads in District V of Huarong Street.” Shalnark glanced around and reported his position all at once.

“You broke through according to the established route, we are in the past to meet you.” Chrollo said.

“Okay.” Shalnark complied and hung up.

He looked towards his companion who came together and said, “Captain lets us break through directly.”


A burst of loud braking came over.

Black cars were quickly parked in 4 directions at the crossroads, and members of the fierce Criminal Syndicate of each and everyone were armed with guns.

So dynamic, not at all attracted any policeman. At this moment, it seems to be the home of the Criminal Syndicate.

Looks at the hundreds of Criminal Syndicate members who surrounded them all at once, and couldn’t help lamenting the action of the Criminal Syndicate members.

“Let’s go, see you at the agreed place.” Shalnark sprinted.


Feitan first responded, and his body sprang out like a ghost.

Everyone moved except Franklin, and Franklin raised his double-handed, bursting fire, blasting the cars in front, and then went in the direction that was set.

The members of Criminal Syndicate roared, raised their submachine guns, and poured fire on the fleeing brigade members.

The members of the brigade walk at a speed no slower than a car, rushing down the street, and immediately dump the members of Criminal Syndicate behind.

Shalnark stopped the car directly, killed the master of the car, and drove towards the meeting place.

Their behind, Criminal Syndicate members drove a car and hit many cars along the way, keeping up.

Luo and Kurapika are scattered in two directions and are located at a high place. They can clearly see the movements of the brigade members. At the same time, they discover the evil beast sent by Ten Mafia Dons.

A total of 4 Black Beasts came, seeming to grasp the movement of the brigade members, blocking ahead.

They only have 4 people, so they can only block 4 and make 2 more.

These 2 people …

Kurapika didn’t hold back. He said something to Luo on his mobile phone, and then he intercepted one of the members of Phantom Troupe.

Luo didn’t stop Kurapika’s action. He glanced at the remaining targets, as if Shalnark was driving in his direction.

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