Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 647

Hold back hold back

Menqi kept talking to herself, resisting the urge to fly Killua with a punch.

Luo looked at Menqi’s dress, her hair was pulled up, her makeup was light, and she wore a bright red off-the-shoulder floor-length dress, highlighting the white collarbone.

A good-looking woman, once changing her dressing style and dressing up a little, is often amazing, and even almost unrecognizable.

“They were just hungry, so I brought them here, wouldn’t you mind?”

Luo smiles at Men Qi. The reason why he brought 2 third wheels is to avoid some things.

If he hadn’t established a relationship with Machi, Luo wouldn’t mind having a romantic candlelight dinner with Menqi.

“No, don’t mind.” Men Qi showed a smile that was uglier than crying. Her temperament was not suitable for covering up emotions.

Don’t say Luo, it’s a young Gon with a muscle, and it can be seen that Men Qi really cares.

In this regard, Luo could only secretly say sorry, pretending not to see Men Qi’s mind.

“Don’t let us in?” Killua grinned.

When he spoke, he directly hit Men Qi’s muzzle.

A minute later, Killua sat at the table with a swollen bag on his head.

A pair of high heels were scattered randomly on the carpet not far away, and one of the heels had a broken heel.

The table was lined with a white tablecloth, a candlestick with white fire, and a bottle of fine wine.

The table is full of colors and flavors, and the style is biased towards the Western style, but the portion is not large.

Menqi didn’t hide her resentment, Luo looked at sitting up ahead, who still pretended not to see, and tasted the carefully prepared meal by Menqi.

The grade of the ingredients is between c and b, but after Menqi’s cooking, the taste is not inferior to that of a grade ingredients.

I have to say that although Menqi is not very old, her cooking skills and strength really match the one-star Title, and it is no wonder that she will be regarded as a genius.

If not too young, getting a 2-star Title should not be a problem.

However, Men Qi should be of the same type as Lin Nie. She is only interested in food in her life, so no matter how high her future achievements are, she is at most a 2-star hunter.

“good to eat.”

Young Gon ate with joy.

“It’s okay.” Killua said so, but his hands were no slower than Young Gon.

looks at After a good candlelight dinner, it turned into a family dinner. Menqi just felt tired, and at the same time, she noticed that Luo was quite intentional.

After a full meal, Luo and his group of 3 people were leaving.

“Luo, I have something to tell you.”

Before leaving, Menqi stopped Luo.

Luo stopped, Young Gon stopped when he saw it, and Killua looked at Luo and Men Qi, showing an ambiguous expression.

“I’m listening.” Luo turned around and looked at Men Qi, as if he didn’t realize the two big third wheels beside him.

Menqi glanced at Young Gon and Killua with a slight twitch in Kakuzu’s mouth, she understood that Luo was definitely intentional.

Seeing this, Killua pulled Young Gon away for reasons of adventure.

Although she was swollen by Men Qi, she managed to help her out after a big meal.

Seeing Killua doing this, Menci was very pleased, and immediately apologized in her heart for the move to greet Killua with high heels.

“Killua kid.”

Luo looks at Killua and Young Gon far away, shaking his head slightly, and then looking towards Men Qi, whose face is slightly red.

Regardless of character, words and deeds, Menqi always goes straight, does not like to cover up, and does not care about the difference between men and women. From her perspective, men chase women and women chase men are the same.

At this moment, the 2 third wheels are gone, which is the best opportunity to confess.

“Luo, associate with me!” Menqi didn’t need to brew, it was straightforward.

Although he probably noticed it, after Menci really knew his heart, Luo still couldn’t understand it. After all, he and Menqi were only strangers coming together by chance many years ago.

Although it was at that time to help Menqi once, but it will not be settled down to today.

With different positions, Luo naturally couldn’t appreciate Menqi’s mood at that time, and he didn’t know the weight of a deep imprint in the girl’s heart.

Maybe it was Menci who was very direct, Luo didn’t hide it, and refused directly: “I have a girlfriend.”

Menqi froze, her eyes were dim, but quickly adjusted, said with a smile: “Have I ever had a chance to grab you?”

“No,” Luo said seriously.

“How do you know if you don’t try?” Looks at earnest Luo, and Menqi can’t help getting serious.

“She entangled me with a thread and hit a dead knot that no one except her could untie.” Luo said with a slight smile.

Menqi heard the words and was silent.

The night was getting darker, and the oasis city was still brightly lit.

This night, there are many people with complicated moods.

The next day, Illumi took a spaceship to leave, while other qualified candidates still stayed in the hotel. Maybe to think about the way forward, but they will leave tomorrow at the latest.

Most candidates stay, but the testing association and the others, including Men Qi, leave first.

As the Association spaceship flew into the sky, Luo received a text message from Men Qi, which contained only a cartoonized expression and a shiny kitchen knife.

For food hunters, what does the expression of sending a chopper come over?

Luo stood on the top floor of the hotel and watched the association spaceship leave,

Tonpa stepped out of the corridor and came to Luo’s side.

“What are your plans for the future?” Tonpa asked.

“Are you planning?” Luo thought for a while, but didn’t answer, but realized the book.

Tonpa was puzzled by Luo’s actions.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~.

The book opened automatically, the pages of the book turned over, and stopped shortly.

A name, a picture of the heart.

Luo took the heart from the book page, and looked his head towards Tonpa, saying, “Your.”

Tonpa looks at the heart that belongs to him, and responded unexpectedly, saying, “Are you ready to return my heart?”

Luo didn’t speak, raised her hand, and pressed the heart back into Tonpa’s body.

Tonpa raised his hand silently, pressing it on his chest, and finally felt the heart beating.

“I will go to the dark continent. It may be one year or three years later. At this time, you can choose freely. Whether you want to follow or not, it is entirely your personal wish.” Luo said.

“I won’t go to that kind of ghost place for the second time.” Tonpa coldly snorted, and then found out the hunter’s license, raped with a smile: “With this license, plus the baby brought back from the dark continent, In my whole life, I will travel around the world, drink the strongest wine, and ride the hottest girl! “

“Good ambition.”

Luo pats Tonpa’s shoulder, then walked towards the corridor.

Tonpa looks at Luo’s back, hesitated for a moment, solemnly said, “When I need my help in the future, just tell me.”

Luo stopped suddenly and looked back at Tonpa, said with a smile: “It really does.”


Tonpa froze for a moment, then said bitterly: “Can I take back that sentence?”

“I’m afraid not.” Luo said with a smile.

Tonpa was speechless for a moment.

“Do you know the NGL Autonomous Country?” Luo asked a question.

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