Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 642

After hitting Killua, he clearly could pursue, but Hanzo didn’t do that.

Luo and Illumi can see that Hanzo is the victory and defeat condition set before the start of the strict duel.

That kind of condition is like the scoring system on the ring, each hit is like a separate round.

And, from the brief confrontation just now, Hanzo is better than Taijutsu or mind.

It’s not just the advantages that age brings …

On the court, Killua’s face was slightly ugly, and the kick he connected after that was too fast.

In this explanation, Baldie considered the possibility that he could protect his neck in time, so playing from the very beginning, then Baldie’s trump card is the second attack.

Then, all Baldie’s rules of action are based on the premise that they can avoid their own attacks.

Killua’s thoughts turned quickly, and he realized what Baldie said was true, and his limbs were easily seen through.

“Underestimated him.”

Killua’s eyebrows were slowly wrinkled, and her abdominal injuries were still acceptable. However, you need to be alert.

“Did you think of a strategy?”

Hanzo moved towards Killua beckoned.

He is under pressure, trying to be as relaxed as possible, and after winning, let Killua simply give in.

Killua didn’t say a word, stepped on it, and rushed towards Hanzo.

“Front?” Hanzo’s eyes flashed with gloss.

Killua came to Hanzo, and his fists moved in unison.

Hanzo saw the momentum and waved double-handed.

pēng pēng pēng…

The fist shadows of 2 people blended, and a fist of fist came out.

During the attack, Hanzo gradually gained the upper hand, killing him on the cheek in a boxing, and flying him out.

“2 times.”

Hanzo bland.

Killua stepped back a distance and quickly stabilized.

His right face was already red and swollen.

“Can’t beat.”

In the 2 rounds, Killua understood the gap.

This Baldie, like him, came out of the harsh training environment. According to the existing rules, he has no chance of winning.

“I surrender.”

Killua looked towards referee, coldly.

Seeing that Killua suddenly confessed, Hanzo stunned and said, “Isn’t there a chance?”

Killua didn’t explain, his eyes turned slightly, and he looked at Hanzo’s eyes quietly, but soon disappeared.

Referee immediately announced that Hanzo had won the duel.

Killua was directly moved towards the field, leaving Hanzo in fog.

Compared to Young Gon’s unyielding, Killua has given up too simply and doesn’t seem to value the conditions of a duel victory.

Therefore, Killua realized that he did not have the possibility of winning without killing Baldie, so he decisively abstained.

Netero’s attention followed Killua from inside to outside, and he could not help but think of the volleyball game on spaceship that night. At that time, Killua also simply gave up. Actually also accorded with Zoldyck’s training style.

For example, if there is no way to kill the target, just give up.

“That’s Killua’s current shortcoming, and it’s related to Illumi’s needle,” Luo thought silently.

Killua came out of the field, double-handed meddling, lowered his head to prevent anyone from seeing his expression.

If the duel of Luo is a group, then the “promoter” of a group has been born, that is Killua, and then it is b group’s turn. In several rounds of duel, one person must be promoted to face a group Killua.

In terms of grouping, b group is simply a big fight, and grouping sorting and a group are different styles.

a group is a round of battle, so people who lose the duel must immediately play against the next candidate, while b group is a normal 2 2 battle, only Illumi is in the air, and will be promoted at the end. People fight.

In terms of victory and defeat rankings alone, the final duel was the weakest of a group against the weakest of b group, which determined the elimination of the final test.

The b Group’s First Stage was Tonpa vs. Kurapika, and Tonpa won.

In the second game, Feng Xiaoyu played against Ponzu. As a result, Feng Xiaoyu conceded on the ground that he did not hit a woman, allowing Ponzu to obtain a license without pressure.

In the third game, Bao Kuer was defeated by Bao De Luo. As the same type of medicine expert as Ponzu, Bao Kuer was defeated by hidden weapon with medicine applied to make Bao De Luo’s body weak and weak. Here comes Bao’s Luo’s admittance.

In the fourth game, Kurapika played against Feng Yu, and the result was Feng Yu.

Kurapika’s two duels are against Mind Power, and before the gap that cannot be crossed, they can only honestly admit defeat.

In the next 5 games, Kurapika played against Bao Luo. Due to Kurapika’s decisive defeat in the first 2 duels, and Bao within the body’s medicine efficacy has not completely dissipated, Kurapika finally won.

In the final game of b group, Bao De Luo met Illumi.

By this moment, the situation was clear.

In this duel between Boulder Luo and Illumi, the defeated will face Killua and then decide the eliminated.

Luo figured out the next trend, and concluded that Illumi would deliberately lose this duel with Bao Deluo in order to dissuade Killua.

Illumi came into the field, thinking with his chin in his hands.

It’s easy to win Bao Luo, but it will be the duel between Bao Luo and Killua. In that case, there will be no doubt that Killua will win the victory and then become a glorious professional hunter.

That can’t be done.

“Killua is unsuitable as a hunter, so he cannot be licensed.”

“So, in order to eliminate Killua, I have to give up this fight.”

“Well, that’s all.”

Illumi thought.

Bao De Luo dragged his tired body into the field, and he was ready to give up anyway.

At this moment, the candidates who passed the test seem relatively relaxed. There are also 2 places to be decided among Killua, Illumi and Baode Luo.

After the referee looks at 2 candidates in place, the announcement was announced immediately.

“I surrender.”

Illumi said simply.

The audience was silent.

After a moment, referee calmly announced that Bao De Luo won.

Bao De Luo won without a fight, but was not at all happy, and with his current physical condition, he was not qualified to say something beautiful.

As a result, he retired from the war.

This old Warrior stated in a question and answer session before the final test started that he wanted to challenge the strongest 45 (Luo), but he lost the battle and finally won a charity-like victory.

Although I can get a hunter license, I can’t feel any joy at all, or I can’t agree with my achievements.

After half a day of testing, we finally ushered in the final duel.

Killua came to the court, looking towards Illumi’s expression with a hint of killing, that is the expression of absolute victory.

In any case, Young Gon has passed the test. If he loses this game, it is not explanation that he is really inferior to Young Gon.

Therefore, you must not lose.

Rare, giving birth to a strong fighting intent.

“Well, it looks good.”

The sound of a familiar nightmare came suddenly, killing Killua’s rising fighting intent.

Illumi unplugged the pins on his face and head, his face deformed for a while, and he quickly recovered to the original.

Killua seemed to see something terrifying, and his face was covered with cold sweat almost instantly, enough to show the emotions in his heart.


“What a coincidence.” Illumi indifferently said.

“Really?” Killua gritted his teeth.

It was no coincidence that it was followed, but it was not found from beginning to end …

Luo looks at Killua and Illumi’s confrontation, thinking about how Illumi can be eliminated.

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