Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 640

In this one-on-one duel, the winning condition must be the opponent’s loss. This is the most difficult place.

It’s not difficult to win when you have a bright or timid opponent, but if you meet a guy, this rule is simply a disaster.

Like those guys who are stubborn, the level of Young Gon can be said to be max.

It was Netero who saw this and assigned Young Gon to him.

Young Gon heard Luo’s suggestion and wondered: “Why use Rock–paper–scissors to determine the outcome?”

“If you don’t adopt this style, will you not give in anyway?” Luo said.

“Well.” Young Gon was seriously nodded.

Can it still be like this …

The examinees who were on the sidelines were a little surprised, and after just listening to 2 dialogues, they immediately realized the difficulty of the duel rules.

The conditions for winning sound simple and easy to understand, but it ’s tricky to think about it. After all, you ca n’t kill your opponent, nor is it a points system.

“It turned out to be.”

Hanzo thought about it, but he didn’t need to worry about it, because forcing him to torture a confession was a routine thing, like a brat like No. 389. After a few sets, he must not admit defeat.

With this in mind, Hanzo was puzzled by Luo’s approach. He was clearly crushing his strength, but chose the most unfavorable situation for himself.

There are not a few people with the same thoughts as Hanzo, after all, they don’t know the origin of Luo and Young Gon.

“Anyway, use Rock–paper–scissors.” Luo said.

“No.” Young Gon refused.

The opponent sent a great advantage unconditionally.

There are a few black lines hanging from the heads of Hanzo, Bakuro, Ponzu and the others, thinking that this kid is stupid?

Immediately afterwards, an even more incredible scene happened.

“Let’s go, I’ll give you ten lives, and then I’ll only have one life. What about this condition?” Luo tempted.

After hearing Luo’s suggestion of this condition, all the candidates who stood by were startled, which can already be regarded as a blood sale!

“Why did Luo do this?” Killua couldn’t figure it out. He glanced at Young Gon and looked at the group bulletin board.

Although everyone has at least 2 duels, in this group, some people have 4 duels, such as Luo and Young Gon who played First Stage duels.

If the number of duels is determined by test performance, then Killua thinks that Luo can match 4 duels, but how can Young Gon also have 4 duels?

The most important thing is that he only has 2 duels.

From this point of view, is he far worse than Young Gon?

Perhaps because of the same age, Killua, although the test was boring, still valued something.

If you group by performance, he doesn’t agree with such grouping, because he thinks his performance is better than Young Gon.

Killua was not convinced.

As for the inducement, it may be due to grouping, or it may be due to Luo’s concession to Young Gon.

He thought to himself, if Young Gon loses 2 games in a row, he will face himself, by then …

On the court, Young Gon said with a question mark on his face, “What do you mean?”

Seeing that Young Gon did not understand the conditions proposed by Luo, Hanzo and the others’ faces were a little dark.

Luo couldn’t help laughing, explaining: “Simply speaking, I have to win you ten times to win this victory, and you only need to win me once, and you can win this victory. The conditions are good.”

Young Gon suddenly realized, and thought for a while, that the conditions are very favorable, is to answer: “Then decide with Rock–paper–scissors!”

The black clothed examiner looked at 2 silently, and then looked towards Netero, but saw nothing.

If you think about it, there are no limited rules. Even if you bribe your opponent on the spot, buying a victory with a few 100000000 million is not a foul.

Then, a good duel became Rock–paper–scissors under the temptation of Luo.

In the case of Rock–paper–scissors, Luo lost impossibly, relying solely on eyesight and physical coordination, it completely broke the streets of Young Gon.

“The tense atmosphere alleviated all of a sudden.” Kurapika thought, after all, the good duel became Rock–paper–scissors.

Young Gon hid the double-handed to his waist and seriously looked at Luo, and he was ready.

“Come on.” Luo laughed.

“Scissors stone cloth!”

Young Gon lost.

“Scissors stone cloth!”

Young Gon lost.

Each round ended very quickly, and it was tenth round at once.

Young Gon lost 9 straight games, leaving only one last chance.

“the last time.”

Young Gon took a deep breath, calming down the tension.

“Scissors stone cloth!”

Young Gon made a rock for the last time, and Luo made a cloth.

Ahh! ”

When he saw this, Young Gon hugged his head in annoyance.

Luo shook his palms, differently said: “You lost.”

Young Gon was not reconciled, but as a result, he couldn’t play tricks, but could only bitterly say, “I confess.”

Seeing this, referee immediately announced that Luo had won the first round duel, becoming the first candidate to pass the hunter test.

Get a hunter license with Rock–paper–scissors. Is this really the final test?

Candidates on the sidelines were silently thinking.

Luo returned to the spectator crowd, but Young Gon didn’t have to go on. As a defeater, he would meet the second opponent.

“It’s my turn.”

Hanzo came to the opposite side of Young Gon and said earnestly, “I’m different from him. You better admit it early, so you don’t have to suffer a bit.”

“No.” Young Gon without the slightest hesitation.

“Really.” Hanzo’s eyes were slightly sharper, and he was already thinking about how to torture Young Gon.

Outside the battle circle, Killua calmly looks at Young Gon and Hanzo. He believes that Hanzo’s strength is far better than Young Gon, so Young Gon loses, so the third round is his duel with Young Gon.

This was exactly the result he wanted.

Thinking of this, Killua could not help but glance at Netero. Did the old man come up with this grouping based on his answer and expected the result?

“Let’s start 2!”

At this time, the referee announced the start, drawing Killua’s attention to the field.

Young Gon took the lead. Instead of attacking Hanzo, he moved in a roundabout way.

Seeing this, coldly smiled, and caught up with Young Gon in an instant, a hand knife accurately chopped Young Gon in fast movement.

Young Gon was in pain, groaned, and fell heavily to the ground, his vision suddenly blurred.

If it is a normal duel, it means that the victory and defeat have been scored within 3 seconds. From this, it can be seen that the strength of Young Gon and Hanzo is not on a level at all.

“Well, if I were, I had avoided it easily.” Killua hummed in his heart.

On the court, Hanzo directly grabbed Young Gon and shook Young Gon’s consciousness back. Indifferently said: “This is the strength gap between us. It is better to admit you to give in early.”

Young Gon’s vision gradually cleared, a little pain appeared on his face, and he shouted, “Don’t!”


Hanzo punched him hard on Young Gon’s cheek.

Young Gon’s body flew out like a disconnected kite, then landed heavily, and even rebounded by dozens of centimeters, showing that the force was fierce.

This fist was supposed to hit the temple, but Hanzo didn’t want to stun Young Gon, otherwise he had to wait for Young Gon to wake up.

“Thinking it out, you give up now, and it has little effect on the next round.” Hanzo followed, coldly.

Young Gon got up, grinning, “Don’t!”

Hanzo’s indifferent kick was on Young Gon’s belly.

“Are you losing?”



“Are you losing?”



Everyone’s situation is being watched little by little by everyone.

No matter how Hanzo beats him, Young Gon still gives up.

One hour, two hours, three hours …


No matter which pain point he hit on, this little devil is not dead and hard enough to be incomparable.

Hanzo’s patience was polished by Young Gon, and he immediately became impatient.

Before the duel began, the full confidence forced the little ghost to confess …

Did the man think this was the case, and would he talk to the little guy Rock–paper–scissors? In this case, it is a wise choice.

Hanzo glanced subconsciously at Luo, who was sitting outside, and saw that the other party didn’t pay attention to it at all.

At the same time, Tonpa also looked towards Luo, thinking that your old friend’s son was being abused in such a way, do you have no reaction at all?

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