Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 637

Cold and painful.

Familiar homes have been turned into ruins, withered flowers and lost vitality.

The familiar face lost its color, leaving only blood in the empty eyes.

Relatives, close friends, compatriots …

When the sound of the past became a corpse with Madara’s refusal and loss of temperature, the blood flowing out soaked every inch of the land.

If there is hell, is it like this?

Kurapika’s eyes opened sharply, his face was soaked with sweat, and his chest was undulating.

He leaned his head against the tree wall, his forehead fell into a dead silence.

It was not a nightmare, but a cruel reality that had happened before.

Moonlight came into the tree hole with the cold temperature, and threw it on the ground in front of him, staining Kurta Clan’s clothes on the ground with a layer of silver frost.

Kurapika silently extends the hand, picks up the coat, and then gently covers the body.

The hand holding Kakuzu’s jacket suddenly drew a large amount of wrinkles.

early morning.

Kurapika left the tree hole and walked into the forest.

He can’t grab Luo’s number plate. If he wants to pass this level test, he must grab the other 3 number plates, which is 60%.

Candidates who participated in the third pass test, including him, had a total of 28. To select easy targets to deal with, select them one by one, and the remaining candidates were at most ten.

In other words, we must grab 7 number plates from these 3 targets within 1 days.

“It must not be eliminated.”

Kurapika murmured to herself.

He was walking in the forest. After an hour, he accidentally saw Leorio. He wanted to treat him as if he hadn’t seen it, but suddenly he changed his mind.

At 60 meters, Leorio was holding a short blade, and he was alert to the strange needle man who appeared out of thin air, and his heartbeat gradually accelerated.


The strange needle man raised his hand to Leorio, and a weird voice came out of Paulie.

Leorio swallowed saliva and said, immediately understood that the other party’s goal was himself, and demonstrated a short blade, said solemnly: “Not good, I never thought I would let the number plate arch.”

“Oh.” Said the strange needle man, pinching 3 needles, and the momentum was overflowing.

The cold momentum swept through, and Leorio’s body shook a few moments.

“Leorio, give him the number plate.”

Just then, Kurapika suddenly stepped out, dignified looks at the strange needle man.

“Kurapika.” Leorio was startled by the strange needle man’s momentum. When Kurapika appeared, his mind was a little firm.

“give him.”

Kurapika came to Leorio with a serious tone.

Leorio wanted to refuse, but the momentum from the strange needle man made him slightly stiff.

“Even if we join forces, there is no chance of winning,” Kurapika said gravely.

The strange needle man in front of him gave him the same feeling as Luo. It seemed to be a line that was clearly hopeless, although it was not clear.

“whispering sound.”

Perhaps because of a wave of Luo’s aura, Leorio also seemed to see something, took the number plate from the suitcase, and threw it to the strange needle man.

“A wise choice.” The strange needle man took the number plate, and then put away the beaded needle, indifferently said: “You guys are lucky, I wouldn’t be so gentle without someone’s warning.”

Tone barely fell, his body flickered, and he left the place.

Seeing that the strange needle man left, Leorio sat down on the ground with a loose buttock, desperate, “What kind of monster is this?”

Kurapika was silent, someone’s warning …?

“Say, what did he mean?” Leorio wondered.

Kurapika shook the head, saying, “I don’t know.”

Leorio got up from the ground, throwing two questions, and said, “Why are you here? Who is your target?”

“Number 405.” Kurapika Kaidou.

“Ah? It’s that person.” Leorio lost his voice.

He did not deliberately remember the numbers of the candidates, but Luo’s number 405 alone impressed him.

“I can’t grab his number plate, so I can only find a way to collect 3 number plates.” Kurapika calmly said.

Leorio then thought that not only did he fail to grab the prey’s number plate, but also the body, and the entire face suddenly collapsed.

“We are in a similar situation now, do we want to cooperate?” Kurapika suggested.

At this moment, Leorio has no room for refusal.

By the side of a stream, there was a Little Monkey nested in the arms of a man shiver coldly, and the man’s face was swollen and looked extremely miserable.

This man is No. 118 candidate Somi, who is a veteran candidate with a Ghost Spirit Essence Little Monkey.

“Just take it out early.”

Tonpa threw the number plate in his hand.

“Tonpa, you …” Somi looked at Tonpa in fear.


Tonpa held the number plate and pinned it under his own way.

Somi moved his lips, but after all said nothing.

Tonpa wasn’t interested, so he turned and left.

He made up 60%, just wait until the 7-day time limit is up, but …

“So it seems that Young Gon’s goal is me?”

Tonpa left the stream and walked into the forest.

From the first day, he found Young Gon tracking himself, but left after a while.

At first, Tonpa didn’t take it seriously, looking for food in the forest, strolling casually for a few days, and then started hunting.

But today, Young Gon is back.

At the moment when Somi Mi was defeated, Tonpa obviously felt that the young Gon wanted to take the shot, but Tonpa habitually did not leave a weak spot, which made Young Gon hold back.

No doubt Tonpa is convinced that Young Gon’s goal is himself.

“This is troublesome.”

Tonpa rubbed his head and thought of what Luo was saying.

It looks like Young Gon is the son of Luo’s old friend.

In the dark, Young Gon was disappointed.

“It is indeed Mr. Tonpa, and there is no chance at all.”

Young Gon thought in distress, and then quietly followed, without realizing that his whereabouts were all under Tonpa’s control.

Under the big tree with its roots bare, Killua shattered the laptop, and various parts fell to the ground.

Little Fatty’s body was sandwiched between tree roots, Killua looked at expressionless, shivering coldly.

“Take it out.” Killua extend the hand.

Little Fatty 2 said nothing, took the number plate from his pocket and gave it to Killua.

Killua took the number plate and turned to leave.

“No interest.”

He whispered to himself.

After Killua left, Little Fatty collapsed.

On the edge of a cliff, there is a sullen woman wearing sunglasses, and the figure of lithe and graceful is undoubted.

Holding a cold sniper rifle, she looked for prey through a sight.

Within the frame, it looks like every drizzle.

“Rest assured, I won’t kill you.” Shiba said indifferently.

Time passed day by day, almost every candidate tried their best, and now there is less than an hour left before the test ends.

On the shore, Luo was still sitting there, and Greta was still lying in the same position.

“There is still one hour.” Luo looks at the woods in front of me. I wonder if Kurapika can gather 60%.

When the test is over, he intends to push a hand from the back and teach Kurapika Mind Power himself, and ask Machi to exit the brigade. In this way, Uvogin should not die, and Machi and Nobunaga do not have to stand in Kurapika. The opposite.

Some things may be more suitable for Kurapika, but if necessary, you can do it yourself

After all, the current tour group has the character Hisoka, and Hisoka also participated in Kurta Clan’s operation.

After a while, the steamer’s whistle came from the sea, but it came early.

At the same time, Illumi stepped out of the woods and glanced at Luo sitting on the ground, and Greta lying on the ground before waking up.

“Are you early?”

He deflected his eyes and landed on a ship far away from the sea.

After a while, he found a place to sit casually.

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