Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 632

It was serious observation, so Netero’s eyes opened to the maximum, and in less than a second, the eyes returned to normal size.

If it were these two little ghosts …

Netero was calm on his face, but he was intrigued.

Compared to evenly matched games, bullying and bullying will be more boring, but there are many ways to play, and you can always find a suitable pastime.

“Mr. Netero, do you see anyone coming over there?” Young Gon asked Netero, pointing in the direction of the hallway where the breath came.

Killua gave a subconscious glance at Young Gon, thinking that Young Gon hadn’t noticed that the person who gave the breath was the old man in front of him.

“No.” Netero calmed Kaidou.

Just answering from Young Gon’s question, he didn’t lie because he really didn’t see anyone else coming over there.

Killua looks at Netero, with his eyelids raised, saying, “You are quite Agility at your age.”

When saying this, Killua couldn’t help thinking of his grandfather and great-grandfather at home.

“En? I’m just walking.” Netero was serious.

What kind of Speed ​​is a walk? This old man!

Killua’s forehead popped up a crossroads, while Netero remained calm.

When two people looked at each other, there seemed to be countless electric light in the air.

Young Gon looked at the two of them, confused.

Killua put out a breath lightly, and said indifferently, “Are you looking for us? It’s free time now.”

“Don’t be nervous. I just feel bored. I just want to find someone to play with me. How about it, are you guys interested?” Kerozu said slightly.

Young Gon smiled and said, “Okay, what do you play?”

“No interest, Young Gon, let’s go, don’t waste time here.” Killua took Young Gon by the shoulder and took him directly.

Netero looks at the two people who left, scratched their beards, took out a trump card, said with a smile: “Play a game with me. If you win, I will give you a hunter license.”


Young Gon and Killua turned back abruptly.


After 5 minutes, Netero took 2 people to an empty room of about 300 square meters, which seems to be a volleyball room specially set up by Netero.

Netero pointed the volleyball that kept spinning with his forefinger, and said with a smile to two people: “Before this ship arrives at the next destination, as long as you can grab the ball from me, even if you win.”

“Of course, you can attack freely, and I will not shoot.”

Young Gon blinked and felt easy.

Killua felt underestimated, her eyes darkened, and said coldly, “As long as you get that ball, you will give us a license?”

“Yes.” Netero narrowed his eyes.

Next to the door outside the room, Luo leaned against the wall, remembering the day when he asked Netero for a hunter license.

At that time, Netero expression refused to be justified, and now, in order to entice 2 little fellows to entertain, it is not simply a hunter license as a bargaining chip.

“I’d like to see, the ball is really stolen for a while, and see how you can solve it.” Luo smiled an evil smile.

Inside the room, Killua thought it was easy to grab the ball. Not at all and Young Gon meant to cooperate and took the lead.

He used the high-tech limbs in the Assassination Technique. During the seemingly gentle walk, he pulled out afterimages that confused the target, so he kept spinning around Netero.

Netero’s eyes lit up when Killua used her limbs.

At this age, limb music is used. Should Zoldyck teach well, or is this child gifted? I want to come to the latter.

Killua’s afterimage is increasing, while moving, carefully watching Netero’s eyes rolling around.

Instead of rushing, he was impatient, showing the perfect hunter mentality.

“A lot of Killua!” Young Gon gave a surprised look.

Netero’s gaze moved with afterimage, and when his eyes turned to the right, Killua suddenly moved and struck from the left.

He’s been waiting for Netero’s sight to turn to the other side, that is, now, a sprint leap, his hand moved towards and his hand over.

Netero stepped back without eyeballs turning back, and easily escaped Killua’s confident blow.

“Hidden away ?!”

Killua was startled, single-handed pressed to the ground, kicking back in front of Netero, aiming directly at the volleyball.

After the patient management blow didn’t work, he planned to take a continuous offensive to force Netero to expose the weak spot.

However, no matter how tricky the Kakuzu degree chosen, no matter how fast the Speed ​​is raised, it can’t even hit a ball, and this Old Man …

After attacking for a long time without any success, Killua stopped moving, frowning at Netero.

“What?” Netero stared at the volleyball casually with his forehead.

Killua just undressed silently, and then Young Gon got on.

After several entanglements, like Cat and Mouse, Young Gon and Killua were played by Netero.

Until then, the 2 talents realized that it was not easy to grab the ball not at all, so they joined together, attacking Netero one by one.

“It looks boring until morning.”

Netero easily avoided wave after wave of steals.

As time passed, Killua and Young Gon were sweating, while Netero was out of breath.

“Not playing.”

Killua was the first to give up, picking up the clothes thrown to the ground.

“Why, also a lot of time,” Young Gon wondered.

Netero gripped the ball with his arms and quietly looked at 2 little fellows.

Killua silently looks at Young Gon and sighs: “Did you not find out yet? This Old Man from the very beginning has never used the right hand and left foot, let alone also the time, that is to give us another year, there is no way to start He caught the ball there. “

Young Gon was surprised.

“I thought it was hiding well.” Netero hoho laughed twice, thinking that Killua was indeed better in all aspects.

Killua coldly snorted and said, “Let’s go, Young Gon.”

Young Gon was not discouraged, said with a smile: “I want to try again.”

Killua froze, then said relentlessly: “Don’t waste your time, no matter how hard you try, you won’t get that ball.”

“It’s okay if you can’t grab it. I want to see if Mr. Netero can use his right hand and left foot!” Young Gon said seriously.

“Ah?” Killua gritted his teeth slightly, turned around and said, “I will go to sleep whatever you want.”

Then he left the room.

When he came to the corridor, Killua didn’t notice the existence of Luo at the moment. At this moment, his eyes slowly became dark, and there was a killing intent in his chest.

In that way, he was afraid that he could not help but kill Netero.

Luo looks at Killua, who went away, frowned, and whispered, “Illumi this guy …”

In the room, Young Gon approached Netero with an attitude of limbs.

“It’s a skill that requires a lot of effort and hard work to master.” Netero throws the ball at will, answering Young Gon’s question.

Young Gon pretended to tilt his head, stretched out double-handed in vain, and hurled at the ball that Netero threw in the air.


Netero smiled insidiously, was about to take the ball down, and at this moment, there was an undisguised fluctuation of mental power at the door.


Netero was a little surprised, and saw that the volleyball leaned towards Young Gon’s double-handed, and he was unprepared and disturbed by the resistance created by nothing.

“It’s Luo, it’s a stumbling block for me!”

Between the electric light and the flint, Netero wanted to split Young Gon’s double-handed with a palm, and a shock wave came out from the sole of the foot, destructing his body balance.

Then Young Gon caught the volleyball.

The air suddenly freezes.

The creators have fled.

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