Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 630

The three reckless candidates paid the price of their lives and made other candidates more cautious.

Except for a few candidates who are very strong in themselves, most of the candidates did not expect to work together, but were looking for suitable tools to put a security measure on themselves.

However, soon people noticed the fishing rod of Young Gon body.

“Well, dogshit luck.”

Some candidates are thinking imbalanced in their hearts, so they have the idea of 鈥嬧€媢sing local materials to make fishing rods.

It is indeed the safest way to use your fishing rod to try your luck, but if the catfish can be caught, will it kill 1000 workers every year?

Strong candidates, such as Illumi and Feng Xiaoyu, are already looking for suitable positions.

As the so-called boldness of execution stems from superb skill, they do not need tools, they intend to take the same approach as Menci, and go straight to the water to find the sturgeon.

Few candidates think of forming a team, and Young Gon and his team of 4 people have more advantages.

“With Young Gon’s fishing rod, you don’t need to launch the water,” Leorio rejoices.

Kurapika looks at the river, wondering if the catfish can be caught?

“Young Gon, fishing rods let me play!” Killua’s eyes turned into cat eyes, and he followed Young Gon to ask for a fishing rod.

“No, we have to find a way to catch the mullet first,” Young Gon said seriously.

“Stingy.” Killua pursed his lips.

Not far away, Little Fatty was holding the computer and soon noticed the group of 4 young people here at Young Gon.

He looked down towards the computer screen, showing the details of the sturgeon, even the pictures.

This is the advantage of the computer. Before hunting Haobi pigs, it was also through the computer to find the weaknesses of Haobi pigs.

“I can use their capabilities.”

Little Fatty thought to himself, and just got together.

He was just approaching, and Killua suddenly looked towards him, and it scared him.

Little Fatty quickly calmed down and calmed down, “It’s impossible to catch a mullet.”

Hearing Little Fatty’s words, others couldn’t help but look towards Little Fatty.

“I have detailed information, even pictures.” Little Fatty said in the eyes of everyone.

“Do you want to trade intelligence for 100 grams of fish eggs?” Kurapika calmly said.


Little Fatty glimmering in his eyes and lowered his voice, “You don’t need to go one more time, because the eggs of each catfish are at least 500 grams, in other words, just catch a catfish. . “

“How? If you can catch a mullet, there will be a minimum of 100 grams of fish eggs anyway. Use the extra fish eggs in exchange for detailed information. Is it a better deal?

Several people couldn’t help looking at each other.

As Little Fatty said, this is really a good deal, mainly because all the initiative in this deal is on their side.

The Kurapika entire group moved intentionally, which was expected by Little Fatty. After all, he was on the passive side. He had to share the information first. After that, if the roe’s eggs are less than 500 grams, then he may not get 100 g.

In that case, it’s tantamount to his busy work, which is also nothing.

After a few discussions, they agreed to Little Fatty’s conditions.

Little Fatty 鈥檚 hopes of knowing how to pass the challenge are all in Young Gon 鈥檚 body, and she simply gave them information about the sturgeon.

After reading the information, everyone knows why they ca n鈥檛 catch the mullet, so in this case, they can only dive into the water to get fish eggs.

Five people got together and naturally caught Luo’s attention.

He saw the movements of Little Fatty and that laptop, and even if he couldn’t hear their conversation, he guessed what Little Fatty was doing.

In this way, Little Fatty, who is actually the most inconspicuous, took advantage of his own advantages and got the opportunity to overcome this difficulty.

After paying attention for a while, Luo suddenly saw that Young Gon tied the fishing line to his body, and couldn’t help but stun it.

On the shore, Kurapika worriedly said, “Is this feasible?”

Leorio took off his shirt, pats his chest, and said, “Let me do it, just pull it.”

Young Gon looked down and checked the fishing line tied to his waist, and when he heard that, he looked up towards Leorio, said curiously: “Leorio, how long can you hold your breath in the water?”

“About 40%,” Leorio smugly said.

“That won’t work, it’s too short,” Young Gon said seriously.

“That’s short?” Leorio opened his eyes wide.

“Well, I can hold my breath for at least 5 minutes.” Young Gon laughed hehe.

Leorio was suddenly hit.

Ten and five minutes.

Little Fatty was surprised at looks at Young Gon, and at this age looks at eleven-twelve.

“Is it only 5 minutes? My latest record is 20 minutes and thirty two seconds.” Killua double-handed holding his head.


Young Gon tilted his head toward towards Killua, his eyes seemed to be starlight.

“Uh … okay.” Killua was embarrassed and looked away subconsciously.

“Just take a step in, is there really any problem with this method?” Little Fatty pointed to the fishing line of Young Gon body.

“No problem at all, this is a method taught by a person I respect very much, and he also used this method to catch the King of the Swamp!” Young Gon smiled broadly.


It turns out that this is how others teach you?

The presence of a few people looked dull.

Kurapika seemed to think something and lost her voice: “The one who taught you the method, wouldn’t he use you as a bait?”

Hearing his words, several others silently made up for the dark picture.

A sinister adult seduces the naive Young Gon, using him as a bait, and then fishing for various types of fish for profit.

“No,” Young Gon said, lowering his head and tightening the fishing line. “He used a very difficult to deal with cat, and even the Swamp King could easily grasp it.”

Kurapika, Leorio, and Little Fatty were silent when they heard it.

Is it even more outrageous to use a cat to fish?

Immediately, they looked at the young Gon who was ready, thinking that something more outrageous was what they were doing now.

Killua’s eyelids drooped to hide the doubt.

When ready, Young Gon jumped into the river and disappeared in a blink.

Leorio, Kurapika, and Killua took the fishing rod and became Young Gon’s most reliable rock.

If it were not for the special material of the fishing rod and the fishing line was tenacious, otherwise this would undoubtedly be a courting death.

Luo pats forehead, thinking that Young Gon came up with this method, should he come to the pot.

Five minutes later, Young Gon directly caught a fish with a fish head shaped like a mallet, plucked 5 grams of eggs from the fish body, and then put it back into the river.


Young Gon held the fish eggs and gave them to Luo.

Others also turned in fish eggs.

Luo took the fish eggs in silence, and Menqi announced that they passed the test.

Time passed, the sky was getting darker, and the test was nearing completion.

In the end, Luo received 2 1000 700 grams of fish eggs, which represented a total of 27 candidates who passed this level.

Just swiped over 100 people, this result is still acceptable.

They boarded the spaceship and proceeded directly to the next level test site.

When the spaceship arrives at the destination, candidates can not only enjoy rich food, but also have plenty of rest time.

In one room, Netero dialed a number and said: “The number of candidates is 27, so the level of the” trap tower “is canceled and the process goes directly to level 4.”

The disappointed man’s voice came over the phone: “So, the prisoners are going to cry under the covers.”

The phone hangs up.

Therefore, due to Luo’s intervention, the test cut off a level directly.

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