Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 623

No one or even a creature can completely hide the killing intent. It can only dilute the killing intent to an imperceptible level through the difference in level.

Illumi pulled out the needle and sent a ray of killing intent before the thought became actionable, and then disappeared.

Because when he threw the needle out, he was not deliberately aiming at anyone, but upholding an attitude of throwing garbage at random, throwing grass to grass, and throwing flowers to flower.

Then the needle flew towards Young Gon.

Bu Hazhen and Men Qi, who were the examiners, also reacted later.

Throughout the venue, only Luo and Tonpa noticed Illumi’s actions.

Both of them were people who had crossed the dark continent and were very sensitive to the killing intent, so when Illumi pulled out the needle, the slight killing intent was leaked, even if it was not directed at them, they were immediately aware of it.

However, Tonpa is keen to return to keenness, but there is no way to stop it, only looks at that needle is about to pierce into Young Gon’s temple.

Just then, accompanied by the low and inaudible light sound, under the gaze of Young Gon Killua, the beaded needle turned abruptly, passed through several candidates, and pierced into the wall.

Those candidates who were almost affected did not realize the danger had just passed by them from beginning to end.

Young Gon and Killua stood still, unclear what happened.

Illumi and Men Qi suddenly looked towards Luo, who was sitting at the wall Kakuzu, and saw no change in the other’s posture.

“Speed ​​is too fast.” Men Qi looks at Luo, thinking in her heart, she didn’t even see what hit the needle, and then changed the flight trajectory.

Later, she turned towards Illumi, who was covered with beads and pins, and felt the threat from this person deeply.

This man is strong!

Because of this time shot, Menchi noticed Illumi who always eliminated the sense of existence.

“It’s grit.”

Illumi saw it clearly, and it was only a grit that hit the bead tip.

Although the beaded needles thrown out did not contain the slightest consciousness, and the grain of gravel was entangled with consciousness, but it was extremely difficult to get a grain of gravel to hit the beaded needle later.

Illumi silently looks at Luo, as if a sleeping tiger looks at at.

In his heart, he gave the same evaluation as Menci.

too fast.

Not only is it the kind of speed that came later, but also the kind of speed that leaves no trace at all after raising hands.

If it weren’t judged by the flight path of the gravel, plus Luo only in that direction, it would be really difficult to find the trail afterwards.

Illumi was puzzled by Luo’s nosy affairs, and did not take the examiner’s attention to heart. He also pulled a bead from the body, and wanted to kill any candidate and grab a cooking table.

In the indifferent gaze of Men Qi, Illumi froze with a beaded needle, and was about to froze when she was about to shoot.

In the split second, a light breeze of air was locked on his right hand arm, as if it were bound by countless iron chains in an instant, so that the thought was released, but the arm did not move.

That wisp of air machine also came from that direction.

Illumi turned his head and looked at the air machine. When the sight hadn’t completely teleported, the air machine disappeared and disappeared. Then he saw Luo sitting on the floor and still had the same movement.

Illumi didn’t have any fear or fear, only deep confusion.

I would not be locked by a ray of air that can be scattered easily.

“That won’t work, you still have to kill one.”

Illumi whispered to himself, at this time, he would not pause again.

However, just as he was about to do it again, a candidate in the venue finally completed the steamed lion head, happily carrying the dish moved towards Buha and Menqi.

Alas, the rising killing intent scattered disappear without a trace.

Illumi stowed the bead pins and walked towards the vacant counter.

The motive for killing lies in occupying the cooking table.

Then, when a cooking table comes out, there is no need to kill more.

This principle of motivation, like killing a person with a commission, is deeply embedded in Illumi’s values, so he receives it so simply.

Luo’s eyes narrowed slightly, he took a casual look at Illumi’s back, and then continued to sham.

Tonpa saw the end from side to side. There was no accident about Luo’s move to rescue him. However, he determined that among all candidates except Luo, this strange needle man was the most dangerous.

The person who shares the same feelings with Tonpa is Menci. She looks coldly at Illumi and walks towards the vacant cooking table.

There are only 158 cooking tables in the venue, and there are 300 41 candidates. Only fast candidates can seize the cooking tables first. As for slow candidates, you can only line up honestly or use tough methods.

This strange needle man is obviously very strong, but how can he be late.

If Menqi knew that Illumi had arrived so late, it was because Illumi was thinking about whether to cook a dish that was not good at her extra time.

At the cooking table, Killua gave a vague and dreadful glance at the strange needle man. He didn’t know that this strange needle man was Illumi, whom he was most afraid of.

Young Gon came back to his senses, only to find a cold sweat startled, and his heartbeat has not stabilized yet.

At that moment, he thought he was going to die.

“What happen to you guys?”

Leorio noticed that Young Gon and Killua did something wrong, and couldn’t help asking.

Young Gon and Killua glanced at each other, wondering how to answer.

After a while, Young Gon shook the head, and found an excuse, and uncovered the matter, focusing on the food at hand.

Seeing this, Leorio didn’t ask much, put the prepared lion head into the bowl, and looked confident.

On the sofa, Bu Hadi ate the lion head brought by the third candidate, and Menqi just dismissed the bowl of lion heads, closed his eyes, and stopped paying attention to the subsequent cooking.

Because I saw Luo’s process of completing the lion’s head with my own eyes, I glanced across the venue at this moment. All of them were laymen. I didn’t even have to taste it, so I could judge that the taste was unqualified.

“You passed.”

Bhajan didn’t say it was delicious, only announced that the third candidate passed.

The candidate heard the words, shook his fist in excitement, and then retreated.

In fact, there is Luo’s cooking in front, and the lion heads of these candidates are not in the same state, but Buha is very hungry and a bit hungry, so like the original, the evaluation standard is greatly reduced.

With the third, there is the fourth …

Candidates who came first brought their own lion heads, and all passed without exception, and Leorio was also in the process of passing because of his fast performance.

With Bahab’s mouthful of a bowl, the number of passing candidates gradually broke through 60.

looks at very easy and easy to look, but Kurapika keenly noticed a slight change in Buha’s expression, was it impatient, or was it difficult to swallow?

Noting this, Kurapika vaguely reminded Young Gon and Killua to hurry up, and then passed his lion head to pass the test successfully.

Not only Kurapika noticed, but also many candidates who were not weak in observation.

They realized in vain that from now on, the standard for passing the test was no longer delicious, but efficiency.

Serve the food as soon as possible before Buha Rong does not want to endure it. If not, I am afraid that the first loser will appear.

Aware of this, the atmosphere in the venue changed, and at the same time, there was a dispute between candidates in order to compete for limited cooking stations.

The root cause of this phenomenon comes from the two lion heads that Luo tops.

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