Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 616

The ringing is sharp and harsh, and it can’t be ignored.

Looking at the sound, the sound comes from a small hanging doll in the hands of a man with a figure 8.

The man’s eyebrows and nose are slightly sharper. Compared with the little sexy 8-shaped beard, the invisible mouth is the focus of many candidates.

The man, named Satotz, is a relic hunter and the examiner of the first level this year.

Pā tà.

Satotz pressed the hanging head and stopped the harsh bell.

Then he fell lightly from the metal pipe like a feather.


Luo looks at Satotz’s landing process, with basic judgment.

After Satotz landed, he went straight to the subject and said to all the candidates: “Let everyone wait a long time until the reception time of the Hunter test subject has just ended.”

As soon as the words came down, the atmosphere in the tunnel changed significantly, and almost every candidate showed a serious and earnest expression.

Satotz looked around, raised his index finger, and said blandly: “In advance, the hunter test is extremely harsh. Those with bad luck or lack of strength will be seriously injured or even killed.”

“Some people get out early because of the battle between candidates. People who want to shrink back please take the elevator when they come back. Those who are not afraid of death will follow me.”

It was a prudent statement, but none of the candidates flinched.

What a joke, it took me a while to find the location of the first test, how could I wince.

Most candidates hold the same view.

Satotz looked around everyone again, paused for a moment on Luo’s conspicuous bicycle, and then retracted his eyes, calmly said: “Then, there are 498 participants in this test, and the test officially started.”

Having said that, Satotz turned and walked towards the tunnel in the normal posture the soldier was walking on.

Candidates saw this and subconsciously followed along.

bang bang bang…

Dense footsteps sounded in the tunnel.

“Testing has begun.”

Luo spoke to Little Fatty and Tonpa, and followed the team on a bicycle.

Little Fatty closed the notebook and followed, and so did Tonpa.

A team of nearly 500 people walked slowly in the tunnel.

After a while, Speed ​​rose from walking to sprinting.

Candidates are aware of this, and stride movements begin to grow larger.

“I have n’t introduced myself to everyone yet. I ’m Satotz, the examiner for the first test. Next, I ’ll take you to the venue for Level 2 test. Those who can follow me to the venue for Level 2 test will pass the first level. test.”

“However, please keep in mind that I will not disclose the location of the venue and the time of arrival, so you can only follow me closely.”

Satotz walked in front of the team and planned out the content of the first test.

His tone barely fell, and the speed of walking was mentioned again, from sprinting to running.

Although the Speed ​​has improved significantly, the walking posture he adopts is still a normal walking.

His acceleration directly changed the speed of the entire team. Every candidate ran, with only two people being the exception.

One is Luo. He rides a bicycle. The other is Killua. He rides a skateboard.

But soon, due to the existence of Young Gon, Killua put away the skateboard and honestly followed the team to run.

Although Luo was riding a bicycle, he did not ride in front of the team, but fell to the back of the team, riding slowly.

Tonpa doesn’t work in the industry this year, so there is no need to mix in the new team. After saying hello to Luo, he ran to the front of the team and closely followed Satotz behind.

That attitude, which was exactly like 3 good students, surprised a group of veterans familiar with Tonpa.

The team moved forward, footsteps from low to high, slowly to anxious, and not just ringing in the tunnel where I didn’t know where to extend.

After 3 hours, the journey distance is almost 60 kilometers, with an average of 20 kilometers per hour.

Ordinary person runs at a speed of about 20 kilometers per hour, but the team’s speed reaches 50 kilometers per hour, and the marathon distance is usually about 1 kilometers.

Not to mention that this surpasses Power’s long-distance running in the international marathon, then the psychological burden of not knowing where the end point is is always with every candidate.

However, after more than 4 hours of boring silence, the distance approached 80 kilometers, and none of the candidates had left the queue. It can be seen that this year’s candidates are of good quality and can persist for so long while running fast.

However, it is estimated that the distance to the second test venue has not yet reached half.

Luo rode on a bicycle and landed at the end of the team very leisurely. He thought of going to the cinema and getting the license, but it was too slow and boring.

After a while, he suddenly saw the speed of the Little Fatty holding the notebook slow down.


Perhaps it was about to reach the limit, the notebook caught under the arm fell to the ground, and Little Fatty continued to run as if he didn’t realize it.

His clothes were soaked with sweat, and there was a moist patch on his face, as if he had just taken it out of the water.

Later, Luo saw the Oiya 3 brother deliberately slow down and spoke a few words next to Little Fatty.

After they said it, laughed a few times, they speeded up to keep up with the team.

Little Fatty was hit by the taunting words of 3 brothers, like a camel crushed by the last straw, and stopped slowly, kneeling to the ground with his knees, his expression almost collapsed.

Seeing this, Luo shook her head slightly. Even if Tonpa wasn’t making trouble, there would still be other old birds stumbling. For example, Oia ’s 3 brothers deliberately taunted the little fatty.

“Take, take, up, me …”

Little Fatty looked up hard, looking at Luo passing by.

Luo heard the words, stopped slowly, and looked back at Little Fatty lying on the ground.

“Look, on, me, me, help you, check the information, take, on, me! I don’t want to fail!”

Little Fatty uttered this sentence intermittently, tears and sweat mixed together, hoping his eyes fell on the back seat of Luo bike.

Luo was silent for a moment, pointed to the tunnel in front, and said, “Keep going, you will die.”

What was said, after a slight rendering of the aura, like a morning bell in a temple, struck every inch of spirituality of Little Fatty.

Little Fatty’s expression suddenly became dull, and there were many sounds colliding in his head. Gradually, the harsh and expressionless parents showed up in his mind.

Will you die?

That until now, regardless of study or sports, is a life that stands out with the attitude of First Title. At this moment, like a mirror covered with spider marks, it suddenly broke into 10000 1000 pieces.

But is death more terrifying than failure?

His spine seemed to be pulled away, his head hung down, and his entire body would have to stay close to the ground, a completely weak posture.

In a life that doesn’t allow failure, is death really more terrifying than failure?

Luo calm looks at Little Fatty, the first to be eliminated in the original book. After a while, he stepped on the pedal and continued to ride his bicycle.

After riding more than ten meters, Little Fatty’s hoarseness suddenly passed over, even to the entire team in front.

“I don’t want to get out!”

That cry seemed to have exhausted the last strength, full of extremely complex emotions, and more unwilling.

Most of the candidates who were running quickly sneered without a trace when they heard the cry of Little Fatty.

“That guy is also shouting with strength.” Omory moved towards his two younger brothers, laughing at him with a smile.

Imoli and Amor heard the words and laughed.

“The hunter test is not a house play, he came to participate without any psychological preparation, he can fall here, it is his luck.” The youngest Amor said with a sneer.

In front of the team, Satotz’s expression was unwavering, and he murmured in his heart: “The first eliminated.”

Luo stopped again, and looked back. Little Fatty, who was lying on the ground, had stood up, her body was on the verge of collapse, her legs kept swinging, but she could not support it.

Little Fatty lively reversed the original ending of the original book.

Not a foregone conclusion.

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