Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 613

The day tiger held in his hand was a large disc with a wellhead. The white smoke flowed down like water, and the steam was rising.

The crowd raised their necks and moved their eyes toward the plate. They saw mountains, water, flowers and grass in the white smoke, just like Immortal Realm.

“Cold cut?”

Looks at the dish, Luo thought about it, and then saw that the fire rune egg was faintly exuding the excess temperature. Although the water was not boiling, it kept emitting hot air.

Although the ingredients have basically retained their original color and freshness, this is not a cold dish, or rather, it is not a complete cold dish, it should be Binghuo 2 days.

The day tiger walked to the stone table, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, cautiously rested the disc on the stone table.

A scent of heat carried the scent and immediately assaults the senses.

After putting down the disc, the day tiger stepped back 2 steps, and put the hot red hand to behind, and there was some excitement in the calm expression.

Everyone’s eyes gathered on the landscape within the disc.

The rising heat was like the white clouds above the mountains.

Looking through the white clouds, a hill made of stone clams first came into view.

Around the mountain, half of the shell was pried open to reveal the crystal white clam meat, one after another, water drops like jade ice, rested around the clam meat.

The white smoke rising from the river below turned into white clouds around this mountain, and the white snow was like frost and snow on the top of the mountain.

On the side of the river, there are several fire rune eggs. The temperature is introduced into the water, and the heat gradually rises like a hot spring.

A few steps away, it is a bamboo forest.

The bamboo body is green, flashing with translucent gloss, but the bamboo leaves are as thin as cicada wing. If you look closely, you can see strands of cold air.

This piece of bamboo forest occupies most of the space inside the plate, and in the bamboo forest, a bright red flower blooms, and the seductive and rich aroma is basically spilled from this flower.

In addition to the general structure, can be seen everywhere, details are filled with meticulousness, like a sculpture.

In this landscape painting, it seems that Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter are hidden. Regardless of the appearance, the fragrance alone is addictive.

The ingredients were brought back by Luo, and they were generally recognized, but Lin Nie added a lot of ingredients to make this dish so full and complete.

Lin Niejingjing looks at this dish, with a contented expression on the old face.

Seeing Lin Nie’s expression, Netero realized that his old friend had a wish at this moment, and asked with a smile, “What’s the name of this dish?”

“Without a name, it’s enough to remember its form.” Lin Nie slowly said.

“Really.” Netero felt in vain.

Seeing enough, just want to move the chopsticks quickly.

Luo picked up the chopsticks, moved like a crab claw, and said, “The introduction is unnecessary.”

Lin Nie smiled, lightly nodded, beckoned to the day tiger again, and let him sit down.

Seeing Lin Nie’s smile, Tian Hu couldn’t help getting his eyes wet, and it was also rare to take off Steward’s identity and sit on one of the seats.

With Lin Nie’s permission, the crowd immediately moved their chopsticks.

Netero’s Speed ​​is the fastest, he picked the clam meat from the stone mountain, and chopsticks came in and out, and he took out a piece.

I don’t know if Maha prefers to watch cartoons. The target he chose was the hot spring fire rune eggs standing by the river.

The eating habits of Zoldyck’s family are biased towards China, so Zeno’s first goal was to choose bamboos with strange shapes, and even provoke white bamboo shoots under the bamboo.

All three had goals, and Luo suddenly dropped his chopsticks, picked up a bowl and spoon, and went straight to the blooming flowers in the bamboo forest.

That piece of petals and the soup in the flower are the weight of this dish.

Just then, a pair of chopsticks cut into the obliquely and stuck Luo’s spoon, but it was Lin Nie’s chopsticks.

“You are old.”

Seeing this, Luo could only retrieve the spoon.

There was a smile in Lin Nie’s eyes, and he slowly filled a bowl of soup for himself, and then filled a bowl for Tian Hu.

Among the soup pans, there is one after another fruit seeds that look like red agate and peeled red pomegranate, which is quite tempting.

After finally waiting for Lin Nie to finish the soup, they saw that Netero also had their eyes on the soup in the safflower, mainly because that soup had actually made Luo and Lin Nie two food hunters scramble for the top spot.

“Hey, you guys eat the bowl first and then come to the pan.”

Luo couldn’t stand it anymore. He shot like lightning, filled a bowl of red flowers, twisted a petal, and then had no time to hit the second bowl. Then Netero and Maha and the 2 Old Man joined forces to retreat and let Zeno quickly filled the soup.

Such an old hooligan’s behavior provoked Luo to turn up Byakugan.

In the whole dish, the fire rune eggs were barely distributed, and the amount of saffron soup was the least. The last one may not be served.

Seeing Netero and Maha incarnation, the two door gods, Luo shook the head, put a piece of petals into the soup in the bowl. In a moment, the petals turned into countless filaments and melted into the soup.

After getting it done, Luo handed the bowl of soup to Machi.

Machi took the soup and looked at Netero and Maha who looked like they were guarding something. They felt that Luo and their style was very interesting. They divided half of the bowl and gave it to Luo.

Luo smiled and took the half-bowl of soup from Machi.

In the eyes of the Neteros, it seemed as if they had given up the fight.

As a result, the next second, Luo clipped all the hot spring eggs on the river to his plate.

“… “

Netero speechless looks at.

Maha quietly brought the hot spring eggs from his plate to the edge of the table, and silently returned to his own bowl of saffron.

Luo ignored it, picked up a spoonful of soup, put it in his mouth, and his eyes immediately stunned.

The filaments transformed by the petals are picked up like strings, and then they are densely popped on the tip of the tongue. Following them, the agate fruit seeds, which bring a very complex taste, If it’s sour, sweet, bitter and spicy.

You can pick between the crickets like the Rainbow Bridge, 7 colors.

Luo’s thoughts moved slightly, and two of the seven colors were taken subconsciously, with a sweet and sour taste.

Later, the complex taste in the mouth changed magically, leaving only the sweet and sour taste.

The sweetness of mango and the sourness of pineapple.

Luo opened his eyes, his eyes surprised.

Later, I tasted the second bite again, and that complex level of taste occupied every inch of the tongue.

Luo’s thoughts turned to hot and sour and salty, so the taste of the second mouth became hot and sour.

This is a puppet that can change its taste freely.

Luo couldn’t help but look towards Lin Nie, I don’t know what magic he used in this dish. To be sure, this is not due to the superiority of the ingredients themselves. It should be Lin Nie’s idea.

Not only did Luo show a wonderful look, but so did others.

Is this … a dish made with Lin Nie’s entire life?

“Thanks, Luo.”

Netero’s eyes slowly drooped, silently thanking Luo in his heart.

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