Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 591

Knowing that people on the coastline were heading towards Old Tortoise, Luo could not help glancing at the tents lined up around him.

This group of people who chased the shadows absolutely did not expect that the huge shadow flying in the sky would be a winged Old Tortoise.

Now, Old Tortoise should be deep in the sea,

“Actually, it’s not a bird.” Luo took away the weird expression and said seriously.

“Do you know what?” Da Baboon stared at Luo suddenly, expression containing a hint of tension.

From the conversation just now, Luo knew that the Da Baboon was a Magical Beast hunter. It is normal for him to react at this moment.

“It’s a turtle.” Luo told the truth.

“Ha ?!” Da Baboon was dumbfounded. If it was Luo who said this, he would have lifted the table.

A moment later, he fatly said: “It’s not funny.”

“I didn’t lie to you.” Luo looked sincerely.

The baboon looks at Luo. Looks like a fake, and silently thought in his heart: You are acting fine?

“Don’t say this, eat fish.” Da Baboon felt a bit tired, teleportation topic, scooping a bowl of fish soup from the pot.

“it is good.”

Seeing that the baboon didn’t believe it, Luo shrugged, each minding their own business, hit a bowl of fish soup, and ate again.

He thought to himself, if he asked a few words, he would not conceal himself, at least he would give him some information.

Since you don’t want to believe it, forget it.

After a while, the 2 men ate a huge pot of fish soup thoroughly.

The baboon spit out a warm breath of contentment, and his depressed mood improved.

Luo got up, double-handed in his pocket.

“Gone?” Da Baboon got up quickly when he saw this.

Subconsciously, he lowered his posture when facing Luo.

“Well.” Luo looked towards a certain direction, took out a mobile phone that had been buried in the soil for hundreds of years, put it on the right hand, and said, “I’ve just got back soon and have a lot of things to deal with. “

The reason why mobile phones are like this is because of the “time erosion” attack.

It was an experience in a human relic in a swamp on the dark continent. The disaster with the ability to “time erode” seemed to have a strong attack on “electricity” only **.

Therefore, at that time, Luo took out his mobile phone and was about to shoot at the ruins. The mobile phone was corroded by time in an instant, even if he thought about it now, he couldn’t help but start to sweat.

Fortunately, the disaster only attacked the mobile phone, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Although there are a lot of things to be dealt with just after returning, and there are many people who should meet one after another, they still have to go to Ikushobe to see if he can repair the data on the memory card.

There are many precious photos inside.

“Oh.” Da Baboon’s nodded, then glanced at Luo’s run-down cell phone, barely recognized the style, is a popular mobile phone a few years ago, very suitable as a hunter’s communication equipment, his mobile phone is also this one.

It was only a few years after the phone was launched, but Luo’s phone felt like a relic unearthed.

“Yes, here’s a good thing for you.”

Just when Da Baboon was in doubt, Luo turned the phone, his phone suddenly disappeared, his palm was flickering again, and a piece of meat about ten centimeters appeared at his fingertips.

“This is a good food that you can’t eat on the 6 continents.”

With that said, he flirted with good looking meat.

The baboon quickly reached out to catch it, and looked down at the dried meat. The appearance was very tempting, but it was also common jerky.

“what is this?”

He looked up and asked, suddenly hesitated.

What about people?

Luo, who was still standing here just now, disappeared at this moment.

Da Baboon glanced around quickly, and found no trace of Luo.

This is less than 2 seconds?

Moreover, not at all obvious mental fluctuations, so how did Luo disappear suddenly?

The baboon’s heart rate is gradually accelerating, is it hidden?

Unconsciously, the Da Baboon remembered when he first met Luo. At that time, where did Luo ’s strength not at all go, but now …

“I never slacked off on the road to becoming stronger.”

He murmured to himself, then sighed heavily, and looked at the meat again, as if to breathe out, stuffing the whole meat into Paulie’s mouth, chewing wildly.

A few seconds later, the wonderful taste received by the tip of the tongue was like the waves slamming, one wave stronger than the other.

“@ # ¥%!”

The baboon babbled inarticulately, with no concealment, and spread across the coastline.

There was a yell of curse coming from the surroundings, and even a few bad eyes stabbed like a knife in the vicinity.

Da Baboon did not have the time to bother with the reaction around him. He regretted at this moment why he had to stuff the whole piece of meat into his mouth, Paulie.

To be honest, the mouthfeel when chewing can be said to be average, but not boring. The point is, why is it so delicious?

Every time you chew, it inspires a better taste, just like … chewing gum.

As a member of the bodybuilding Sect, you must eat a lot of meat, and the baboon is a wild beast Sect, plus the main occupation is the Magical Beast hunter. He has been practicing walking in the old forests in the mountains for many years. A lot of high-quality animal meat.

However, just such a small piece of dried meat with ordinary taste, its taste is bursting with any kind of animal meat that has been eaten for decades.

The Da Baboon slowed down the chewing efficiency, hesitated to spit it out, wiped it with paper, and then slowly eat it.

At the other end, Luo entered Yole.

The night was getting darker, but this relatively backward town was brightly lit.

Maybe it’s because there are too many outsiders, the streets can be seen everywhere pedestrians, and the stalls on the left and right sides are endless.

Luo double-handed stepped in, walking slowly down the street, suddenly remembering that he had forgotten to remind Da Baboon to stop suffocating the flesh, and suddenly looked back towards the shoreline.

“Forget it.”

He looked back and wanted to see if there was an Internet cafe or something in the city. How could he know that Da Baboon’s heart was bleeding at this moment.

After strolling around the city, Luo finally found an Internet cafe.

Entered the Internet cafe, came to the counter, tapped on the counter with his fingers, awakened the sleepy Boss, then paid a deposit, walked to the innermost Kakuzu and turned on a computer.

There are only ten computers in the Internet cafe, plus Luo, there are only 2 guests.

After Luo turned on the computer, log in directly to the account on the Hunter X Hunter website.

The next instant, a dialog box pops up on the screen.

[You appear, Luo! !! !! !! !! 】

The nickname of the message was pe, which was Ikushobe. Several exclamation points were added after a sentence, showing that the mood was not ordinary excitement.

As soon as he logged into his account, Ikushobe immediately emerged, which was also expected by Luo.

[Well, send me in first. 】

Luo typed a few words and typed the keyboard.

【it is good. 】

Ikushobe replied, and within a short while, Luo’s computer screen suddenly leaked white light and sucked Luo in.

Another guest in the Internet cafe was playing the game with a concentration attention completely, while Boss was dozing off and didn’t notice the scene at all.

Along the shoreline, Da Baboon finally swallowed the meat, and then he wondered whether to call Netero President.

As far as he knew, a vacancy in the 2th Earthly Branch seemed to be left by Netero specifically for Luo.

After thinking about it for a while, he still called the Netero President.

With a beep, the phone was connected.

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