Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 582

Very far apart, you can’t see clearly, but you can also see it roughly.

It looked like a big hand on a mountain, it did move, and it caught a flying creature.

Looks at this scene, neither Luo nor Bisji reacted very much, and Tonpa was not scared.

I’ve seen that many shocking existences, maybe I already take it for granted, or it may be a long distance, what I see in my eyes is not large, and lacks an intuitive visual shock.

After about 2 minutes, the big hand slowly released, and the flying creature that was holding it was gone.


Luo looked back, took a deep breath of the cold air on the mountain, and started the second step of climbing the mountain.

Bisji followed, and Tonpa just stopped talking, and in the end didn’t say anything, and kept pace.

There is a group of flying creatures that look like bird-like dragons. Wanting to climb the World Tree is more difficult than heavenly ascension?

This is what Tonpa just wanted to say, but he didn’t say it. After all, there are some things, and the vernacular words are not convincing at all.

A normal person just needs to take a closer look, and then he will be defeated, right?

Tonpa thought so, so he was quiet this time.

Luo’s response was very dull, but in fact he had no idea at all.

When I was sailing in the dark waters, I flew over the clouds in the sky and saw the horrors of the “airspace” with my own eyes. They were all super-giant flying creatures.

At that time, the boat they were on was not as big as the eyes of a bird.

Far from looking at World Tree at this moment, there are countless flying creatures circling nearby, forming an absolute “airspace deterrent”, in which environment can humans climb up?

Even if you give up, you have to take a closer look.

Luo thought so, so he ignored the “black hand” performance and moved on.

Climb a mountain, go to the bottom of the mountain, and then climb a mountain again, so ups and downs, and gradually move closer to where the World Tree is.

One day passed, night fell, and the temperature suddenly dropped sharply. Fū Yamanaka blowing over was like Rin’s cold knife in winter.

Luo cut a cave on the spot on the spot as a resting place.

Take out the dry food and firewood from the black cat space, raise the fire in the cave, and drive the cold and warm.

Outside Fū Yamanaka hu hu sounded, and sometimes a cold wind swirled into the cave.

Less than an hour into the cave, Luo found a layer of hoarfrost on the edge of the cave entrance.

“Fortunately, there is enough fur.”

Looks at the hoar frost produced by the sudden drop in temperature, Luo glanced back at the animal skins of Sigi and Tonpa body, closing the hole.

Through the moonlight, you can see the mountains outside covered with a layer of hoarfrost, as if entering the wonders of Snow Mountain overnight.

There was no snow, only frost had condensed.

What was the reason, Luo didn’t want to know. After closing the hole, he walked back into the cave and sat by the fire.

At night, Tonpa sleeps besides eating, and Bisji has endless magazines.

Luo embodies books and quill pens, and slowly writes down what he sees and hears today.

Bruna looked quietly at Luo.

Nothing in the night.

Early the next morning, everyone simply ate breakfast and left the cave.

The low temperature at night no longer exists, and the hoar frost at the entrance of the cave is gone.

Looking up at the mountains all around, the view of Snow Mountain you saw last night is like a dream.

“The temperature difference between day and night is too exaggerated.”

Luo thought silently.

The team continued to trek.

Towards noon, the team was about to climb a higher mountain.

When it was less than 100 meters from the top of the mountain, some other sounds were engulfed in the howling Fū Yamanaka.

The sound sounded like the sound of holding a rope around a stone and then slamming it, but it was denser and louder.

When they reached the top of the mountain, everyone finally knew how the sound came.

Countless stones circled upward in the mountains far ahead, channeled into the clouds, fell farther down into the basin, and then were rolled up again and again and again and again, straight up and down.

Those stones are about the size of an egg, and the speed of the flight is very fast, and the number of them is loud, and they sound loud, they don’t look weak, and they are uncomfortable.

The stone is so strong that Fū Yamanaka alone cannot handle it, and perhaps there is a magnetic factor in it.

Luo is on the top of the mountain some distance away from the circling stones, but occasionally there are several stones falling from the air and hitting their area.

If Ruo Shiyu, this is a true portrayal of the scene in front of him.

There are too many stones, and they even obstruct the sight when hovering.

“Go around.”

Shi Yu circled around several mountains and soared, the area covered was too wide, and the road was almost intolerable. If you want to continue to move forward, you have to make a fortune or detour.

Although he has the capital to try hard, Luo chose to detour.

Naturally, Tonpa and Bisji would not have any opinions on Luo’s proposal. They also took a closer look and found no way to pass.

Forced to detour, route changed.

A week passed and finally returned to the right path.

Looking back, you can still see the wonders of countless stones forming the Dragon Scroll Wind, but Luo they have passed through.

Although I was curious how this amazing stone formation was formed, Luo wanted to go to the World Tree as soon as possible to see, naturally there was no intention to find out the reason.

Since entering the mountain range, I haven’t seen any plants or creatures. It has a bleak scene, and the temperature difference between day and night is huge. At night, Frost covers the mountain, and Frost disappears at dawn.

Anyway, there is a reserve of dry food in the black cat space, and it is much easier to encounter no creatures along the way.

mountain range boundless, the area seems to be no less than the sea of ​​trees.

That World Tree looks at not far away, but after walking for more than ten days, I feel that the distance between each other is not shortened and the efficiency is extremely poor. After all, there are endless high mountains.

Luo felt that it was too slow to rush this way. He came to the bottom of the mountain and said, “It’s too slow to climb up and down. I want to dig directly.”

Tonpa’s eyes widened and he said, “That’s slower.”

“Really?” Luo laughed, manifesting that Allah was in his palm.

Tonpa realized that Luo had helped clansman live out a perfect home.

“It seems that you are serious. In front, I can’t help.” Bi Siji glanced at the mountain. She was not interested in this kind of hard work.

“It’s okay, you can’t help anything.”

Luo said, cutting into the mountain wall with a knife, just like cutting tofu, directly digging down a large stone, and then started digging the second stone.

When the second stone was dug down, a hole appeared very dramatic, and there was a faint 2-color rays of light glittering in the dark place inside the hole.

looks at this hole, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

“Flashlight.” Bi Siji reached the entrance of the cave and looked in, looking at those 7 colorful rays of light, his eyes flashed a light.

Luo took out the flashlight and gave it to Bisji.

Bi Siji turned on the flashlight, the light broke through the darkness in the hole, and fell directly on the glittering place of 7 colorful rays of light. I saw that the gems embedded in a large area of ​​the ground were arranged in irregular rows.

Luo and Tonpa also saw the gems, and they suddenly stopped.

Is this too much?

Bi Siji’s heartbeat speeded up, his eyes turned into starlight, and he was about to cross the entrance to the gem, and suddenly, the gem under the light actually moved.

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