Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 580

Appearing from the fog are apes that are 4 meters tall, with four stout limbs, back of a tiger and waist of a bear, but the head is small, a pair of small eyes are only the size of a coin, and the flesh on the face is squeezed together, like It is a blooming chrysanthemum.

The ape’s legs are very explosive and can easily move back and forth between widely spaced trees, but the sound is very low.


A faint voice came from overhead, and Luo and Bisji were ready to fight.

If the cursing-like ability is still there, I have to say that it is a trouble for this group of apes at the moment. Fortunately, the apes do not seem to be threatening.

“Tonpa, come here.” Luo glanced at the apes in the surrounding trees, and moved towards Tonpa.

Tonpa also noticed dozens of apes on the trunk glare like a tiger watching his prey, and suddenly came to Luo’s behind.

He is now powerless, and I am afraid that even an ape can punish him.

Bruna’s body curled up a little and landed beside Tonpa, trying not to interfere with Luo’s fight as much as possible.

“Keep it.” Bisji calmly said.

There is no shelter in the place, the so-called guard is to stand still.


Luo nodded. In this case, you can only stand still. If you trigger the negative effects of tripping and slipping in battle, you may be injured.

The group of apes whispered for a while, then jumped, arms raised, and moved towards Luo entire group.

Suddenly, Luo’s behind showed a white jade illusory shadow with a long knife.

Luo looked up at the many apes that fell from the air, and the mind condensed into the shape of a long knife, holding it on the right hand.

Cut out with one stroke, sword qi cracked through the dense fog and penetrated the bodies of many apes like lightning.

With the inaudible sound, red flowers bloomed in the white mist.

There are more than 20 apes, chopped in half in the air, and fell to the ground.

The remaining apes also came close to 20, and moved towards Luo and Bisji.

Luo removes the white jade illusory shadow and turns into a realm, forming a semicircular shield around it.

The apes came fiercely. When they touched the field, the falling speed was weakened. At this time, Bisji shot a series of boxing shadows, injected the mind into the fist wind, and flew all the apes through the air.

In order to ensure that every ape was flying, Bisji moved a few steps quickly when she adjusted her position, immediately triggering the “curse” effect of tripping and slipping, but she just hit the last punch and fell to the ground. .

The apes roar uttered their voices and were blown out by the fist wind.

Luo once again embodies the white jade illusory shadow, killing the remaining apes in the air.

In less than a minute, all the apes became a corpse on the ground, and the thick bloody smell spread out in the mist.

Looks at Luo and Bisji resolved the apes at once, Tonpa immediately sighed in relief.

“We have to go, don’t touch the blood.” Bisji stood slightly angrily from the ground.


Luo complied, let Bruna stand on her shoulders, and the two people, Si Ji and Tonpa, bypassed the ape’s body and walked forward.

Inevitably, there is still a sense of obstruction from foreign bodies around the ankle, and exaggerated slipping out of thin air, also the Crow squeak from time to time.

In this way, the entire group left its original position in a constant trip.

Within a few minutes, a variety of creatures emerged to snatch the bodies of apes.

Crow’s screams always hovered, and Luo entire group walked for a few kilometers to stop, because various bad luck things came in line.

When a stack of 100 square meters of dung from an unknown creature nearly fell to the ground and nearly killed them, Luo decided not to move forward and wait for the black cat to return.

He avoided the dung of a giant sky creature, and in the same way, dug a hole in a large tree.

However, just after they entered the tree hole, the ground collapsed for some reason, the roots of the tree broke open, and the big tree fell to the ground.

After that, Luo dug a few more tree holes, but the big trees collapsed unfortunately.

Looks at those big fallen trees, Luo looks didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“ga ga.”

Crow’s cry always came in time.

Two hours later, the black cat returned to meet Luo.

“Can’t find it.” The black cat returned without success, and even Tonpa’s investigation circle couldn’t find the position of Crow. The possibility that the black cat could find was not high.

Tonpa had collapsed at the moment, almost pulling his bowels out.

Luo and Bisji also went to the toilet several times, not as miserably as Tonpa, and dozens of times.

“What’s wrong with this guy?” The black cat glanced at Tonpa with a pale face.

“He went to the toilet 42 times,” Luo said.

The black cat couldn’t help but made a swear, and then laughed heartlessly.

Luo slaps him in silence.

Tonpa glanced weakly and without strength at the black cat, and felt that this misery also took pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

“ga ga.”

Crow’s sneer made up for Tonpa in time.

Tonpa got up sharply, opened his mouth, and collapsed to the ground.

Instead of screaming, leave some stamina.

Various unreasonable bad luck come in turns. If it is not resolved, let alone climb the sky-high World Tree and cross the sea of 鈥嬧€媡rees is a problem.

Luo listened to Crow’s voice, thinking about how to deal with this trouble.

Until now, he had every reason to believe that these things were all made by Crow.

“Sound …”

Luo thought of the dark sonata, but the effect of those two music scores seemed to be incapable of responding to Crow’s call, so what was left … yes, the 2th rhythm of Shuang Ji’s tone.

“Black cat, become a harp,” Luo ordered.

Biszki heard, frowns said, “Do you want to use the dark sonata again?”

Although Luo has half a hope to increase lifespan, she feels that the dark sonatas are less useful.

“No, I’m going to use the seven rhythms of Stryki.” Luo explained.

Bi Siji could not help but look surprised and surprised. She knew that the 7 rules of the sounds of the Shuangji were the thoughts that the Shuangji used to attack them in the tomb.

The black cat also found the Crow annoying, and it turned into a harp without saying a word.

Luo took the harp. If he could, he didn’t want to make too much noise to cause some trouble, but he had to find a way to solve the problem of Crow’s barking.

Stroking the strings, the clear sound of the piano sounds from the fingers.

Thought power is transmitted along the arm to the harp, blending with the sound of the piano and expanding all around.

The 7th tone of the sound, pan song.

“ga ga.”

Crow’s bark sounded and slammed into the sound of the piano.


The strings broke in response.

As soon as Luo’s eyes brightened, the black cat repaired the strings on its own without saying a word, but this made the black cat feel weird.

The sound of the piano is still there. Touching the crow’s cries with sound, progressively, you have found the position of Crow.

“It’s so close?”

Luo pressed the black cat’s harp into the back of his hand, stepped on it, and leapt into the air.

He stumbled one step at a time, but immediately adjusted his posture with Emitter’s mind, crooked and came to a trunk ten meters away.

My vision broke through the dense fog, and I saw a normal-sized Crow standing on a tree trunk. It was completely black, but the bird’s head was covered with a layer of snow-white unknown, like a faceless mask made of plaster.

Seeing Luo coming, Crow turned into Thought 4 and broke up.

“Reading a beast?”

Luo’s eyes changed slightly, which would allow Crow to escape, open the field, and imprison the four scattered thoughts into a ball and control it in the palm of his hand.

At this time, the white smoke font suddenly jumped out of the option of whether to absorb.


Luo was shocked.

The thoughts that can be absorbed are the thoughts that remain after death.

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