Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 577

The sky was bright, the forest was faintly misty, and the air was icy wet.

Luo stood at the top of the giant tree, surrounded by the endless sea of ​​trees. The white mist was everywhere, not too thick, but it also made the crown appear indistinctly.

Gazes fell into the distance, where the blurred outline of the World Tree was visible.


Luo opened his mouth and spit out a breath of heat, then closed his belly and took a sip of coolness, slowly closed his eyes, and exerted a little force under his feet. The body flew backwards for a distance and fell vertically to the ground.

The body burst into the mist, and the sound of the wind murmured in my ears.

With only about 2 meters left of the ground, Luo opened his eyes, rolled a simple tumble, and adjusted it to his head and feet.

When it was about to touch the ground, the mental force was released from the soles of the feet, which resolved the falling force generated during the descent, and landed steadily.

The team is ready to go and looks at Luo is in front of them.

Without stopping, after looking at the direction, looked towards the forest.

Luo walked ahead, Bisji behind, Tonpa and Bruna in the middle.

Backed by the cookie Miss, Luo demanded that Tonpa maintain the investigation circle and stop only when exhausted.

Although Tonpa’s investigation circle can effectively avoid many obstacles, there are also things that cannot be detected, such as shadow.

Release the investigation circle non-stop all the time, you have to exhaust your mind at all times. When your mind is exhausted and stamina is not available, let Cookie Miss massage and recover in half an hour.

This means that for less than 2 hours, you have to stop and rest for half an hour.

To some extent, Tonpa’s responsibilities are an urgent practice.

One day passed, Tonpa was miserable, but he got used to it.

As long as the situation is maintained for a period of time, the use of Tonpa Mind Power and mental skills will make great progress.

“What is this fog?”

The black cat squatted on the mouth of the tree, looking at the wetness blowing in from the outside, and was quickly burned by the temperature of the fire.

I thought it was just an ordinary mist in the early hours of the morning. I never thought that the day would come down, and the mist showed no sign of disappearing at all.

No one answered the black cat’s question.

Luo raised his hand and pressed it against the wall of the tree. The palm of his hand was wrapped with a little bit of force, and a small hole was opened. The mist was like water with no opportunity, and he got in there.

This is the fog that lasts from early morning to night. It can be seen clearly during the day and not very clearly at night, but the fog can still be felt.

Luo closed the small hole with his backhand, leaned against the tree wall, closed his eyes with false eyes.

I think the forest at night is more dangerous than the day, so once it is night, we have to find a place to rest and wait until dawn.

The vigil at night was given to the black cat, and the rest could rest assured.

Only late at night can Tonpa feel at ease, at least he can go to sleep without alert.

Early the next morning, I ate dry food for breakfast, left the temporarily opened tree hole, and proceeded to the forest.

The fog didn’t stop.

Yesterday was mist and the visibility was quite high. This morning it was significantly thicker by 2 minutes.

“The fog is getting thicker.”

Luo walked ahead and whispered.

“Well.” Bisji complied.

Even if the mist shows signs of thickening, there is no natural phenomenon in the forest, everything is as usual.

The week passed, what danger did the team not at all encounter, but the fog lasted for a week, and it hadn’t disappeared yet, and the creatures in the forest did not have any obvious reaction to the thickening fog.

Doubt and puzzlement, even unknown reasons.

However, the team didn’t stop there because of Tonpa’s reconnaissance circle and it didn’t interfere with the passage.

Another week passed and the fog was so dense that the visibility was only 3 4 meter away.

Luo wasn’t sure how far the road could be to cross the sea of ​​trees, but he kept rushing for more than half a month.

Along the way, it was quite smooth, not at all encountered some difficult existence.

Luo is cautious and cautious, preferring to sometimes let go of curiosity rather than putting the team in danger.

After half a month, if the biggest change is Tonpa.

Every time he hurries, he has to release Mind Power constantly. From the beginning, it can only last for 2 hours. Now, it can be maintained for nearly 3 hours.

He worked hard and complained, and was able to maintain a calm performance even when he was in danger.

Simply put, it is because of the obvious contrast between black cats that Luo feels that Tonpa has become more useful than black cats, and at least is moving closer to being a qualified teammate.

If Tonpa was just a tool radar half a month ago, then Tonpa is a humanoid radar. If so, Luo actually hopes that Tonpa can become a true teammate radar.

I have to say that it was wise to choose Tonpa’s Mind Power and bring him to the dark continent.

This shrouds the dense fog that has never scattered in the sea of ​​trees, such as the same invisible walls, which prevent people from moving forward, but Tonpa’s radar, although the team’s Speed ​​will slow down, at least not in the dense fog with some creatures. .

Luo’s goal is to cross the sea of ​​trees, so try to avoid war, even at a distance.

In this way, calm and tranquil walked for a month, and the dense fog still remained.

It’s been a few years since I came to the Dark Continent, and it doesn’t matter how much I’m used to.

However, Luo repeatedly climbed to the top of the tree during the period, stepped on the air, and rose to the sky. He wanted to get out of the dense fog, distinguish the direction and the approximate position, and strangely, no matter how high he rose In the thick fog.

It seems that the fog covering the sea of ​​trees is shaped like a chimney.

After many attempts, Luo gave up. Although he wasn’t sure which direction was right, he just had to go deep.

On this day, the smooth road was broken.

Luo They hurried as usual, and from a long distance, Crow’s cry came suddenly.

Because I listened so far, I didn’t bother, and I didn’t have any plans to find out.

It’s just that the cry of Crow, but Shadow Chase, is irritating.

“Behind us?”

After walking for hours, Crow’s voice kept hanging in his ears, and Luo asked Tonpa several times.


Tonpa shook his head. He also felt that the Crow was annoying, but in the investigation circle, not at all found that, in other words, Crow was not too far away from them, but the sound sounded clear.

Since they are far away, they will endure.

About 20 minutes later, Crow’s cry of soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed.

As the team walked, Tonpa stopped suddenly.

Luo and Bisji saw him stop and immediately vigiled.

“It feels so familiar,” Tonpa said.

“What?” Luo asked strangely.

“I feel like eating a bad stomach?”

Tonpa said in an uncertain tone, and suddenly there was a drum-like sound in his belly, and suddenly he clenched his butt tightly with double-handed.

Luo saw a black line on his face.

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