Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 570

The black shadow of the lampshade is exactly the black curtain that can be described on the ground. It is not large, and it looks like the area of 鈥嬧€媋 tablecloth.

The shadow moved around, and in a matter of seconds, the flesh and blood on the ground was swallowed up, and even a lot of living creatures were swallowed into the shadow together without even splashing water.

I do not know where the large amount of flesh and blood had gone, but I saw that the shadow did not show any sign of expansion, and the area of 鈥嬧€媡he tablecloth was maintained.

If Luo were there, they would surely recognize this dark shadow, most likely the dark shadow that they had seen in the red dragon blood tree.

Forests are killing in many places, and Luo entire group and sub-Demon Beast clan encounter.

Luo first attacked suddenly, forcing the sharp-nosed Demon Beast to adjust his mind to the four limbs below the neck while avoiding, so that the mind distributed on his head was reduced, so that the black cat suddenly appeared before the attack was over. Filled a knife.

In a short round, the black nose of Demon Beast’s head was bitten by the black cat.


The black cat swallowed Demon Beast’s head politely, and blood spewed out like a spring at the decapitated point of Demon Beast.

This is the start.

The remaining 9 sub-racial Demon Beasts were killed when they saw the split second of their companions. There was no emotion of anger and sadness. Even the black cat swallowed the sharp-nosed Demon Beast’s head. There was no reaction between the eyebrows and eyes. Luo and the black cat fighting intent, and a little dignified alert.


The Demon Beasts of the Asian race fully released the life strength of the within body, Yu Wei formed a strong wind, and the surrounding grass blades were pressed to the ground.

Nine strands of gas that can pass Chimera Ants division Captain’s side, carrying the killing intent.

The remnants of the ground were lifted up, and moved towards Luo they flew over in their direction.

Luo and Bisji expressionless. The black cat opened its mouth full of fangs and ate a few mouthfuls of Demon Beast. Tonpa and Bruna quickly shrank into a tree and tried to stay away from the battlefield.

“It’s just monster.”

Tonpa looks at the 9 aura fields in front, eyes full of fear, it is impossible to imagine how big the pores of those sub-racial Demon Beast are. If he was so venturing the thought of within the body, he would be tired in less than 5 minutes. Have to get down?

Looking away, they fell in front of the bodies of Luo and Bisji, and saw that they were both trapped in the gas field Uzumaki, but they were not affected at all.

“The fierce person still has to deal with fierce person.” Tonpa whispered to himself.

The black cat choked off the sharp nose Demon Beast, and his mouth and even half of his face were stained with heavy blood and looked rather emaciated.

He abruptly backed away, avoiding the airlock of the Demon Beast subgroup, and returned to the edge of the circle, close to Tonpa and Bruna.

In this battle, he played more as a bodyguard, trying to protect Tonpa and Bruna.

He prefers protection to battles that will consume mental energy sharply. If it is as easy as blowing off dust as before, you can get the experience of Demon Beast of the sub-ethnic race, as many times as you want.

Judging from the gas field alone, we can see that these 9 sub-racial Demon Beasts are very difficult to deal with. The reason why Luo and Black Cat could solve one at a time was largely due to Luo’s grasp and targeting.

“Is wild beast instinctively ‘flowing’ …” Bi Siji whispered in his heart, and changed back to his original muscles. “Then, if you fight alone, it is difficult to determine the outcome. Only the Technology of Combined Assault Is the best way to deal with them. “

Combining the information given by Luo before, I saw with my eyes that Luo and the black cat cooperated to instantly kill a sharp nose Demon Beast.

With the battle in full swing, Bisji has found the most correct way.

She glanced quickly at Luo, who noticed her gaze and moved towards her, nodding her head.

If one person advances, bluffs or full power attack, as long as the “flow” of Demon Beast sub-ethnicity is under pressure or crisis to distribute most of his thoughts to the foreseeable position, then another person can use his thoughts. A weak blow from a weaker defense.

This idea was successfully verified by Luo and Black Cat, but there was no extra effort to clarify this point with Bisji, but the glance that Bisji looked at at this time made Luo understand immediately, so he gave a response.

The sub-Demon Beast team didn’t know that their enemies had come up with a countermeasure in silence, and they were full of momentum, and they wanted to tear up these humans.

At this time, the white jade illusory shadow of Luo behind quickly became visible, and when the Demon Beast of the Asian race just moved, he slashed across the front.

A bright blade light flashed away. Dozens of giant trees in front of it slashed, and the demon Beasts who stood upright jumped or lay on the ground, all avoiding the knife.

h艒ng l贸ng l贸ng.

The giant tree fell and the leaves fell to the sky.

Luo stepped on his feet, and the next second appeared outside the fifty-sixty meters, staring at a bear man who was the best cock, and beheaded at him.

The bear man’s body was entangled with a lot of thoughts. When Luo was cut with a knife, he looked away gravely and avoided the knife, while reaching out to catch a giant tree that was about to fall to the ground.

He yelled, picked up the giant tree, and was about to smash Luo into meatloaf.

Just then, Bisji went around to the bearman’s behind, and frightening rays of light emerged from his fists.

The Bear Man noticed the crisis from behind, but decisively released the giant tree and turned back abruptly, the body’s rushing thoughts flowed onto the arms and even the palms, and then he waved a palm to shoot a sneak attack on Biss Kyrgyzstan.


Bi Siji’s fist struck on the bear’s palm, the palm fist collided, and only heard a loud thunder, and Bi Siji flew out, while the bear’s body was completely motionless.

Obviously it was a hasty counterattack, but the explosive force was stronger than Bisji.

The bear man’s face has not changed, but his face suddenly changed, but this time he had no time to react, and turned back, and saw Luo raise his sword.


The long knife pierced into the bear’s chest with precision and emerged through the body.

Bearman not at all felt the pain, and there was no extra time to think about why. He raised the double-handed, and patted Luo’s head like a mosquito.

Luo Lip Kakuzu with a touch of coldness, using [Instant], immediately back out of several dozen meters distance, while paying attention to another sub-racial Demon Beast.

The Bear Man didn’t catch Luo, and moved under his feet, trying to kill and fall, his body suddenly startedled.


The bear’s face stiffened, his tall body fell to the ground, and blood poured out of his chest.

His behind several dozen meters away, Bisji’s right hand was stained with blood and minced meat, and beside her feet, a fleshy heart.

Luo’s knife that penetrated the bear man’s chest did not cause any substantial damage to the bear man, but stabbed the bear man’s heart out of his chest. The position of Bisji was able to directly get the bear man’s heart, and then Squeezing it hard can make the bearman die immediately.

The synchronization rate of their target selection is very similar, so they can play such a match.

The remaining 8 Demon Beasts that were previously forced by Luo to avoid the edge, saw with their own eyes that Luo and Bisji completed a successful strike to kill cooperation in an instant.


Compared to Luo and Bisji’s cooperation, Demon Beast of sub-racial is even a problem.


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