Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 562

The red flowers are bright and the aroma is extremely strong.

With a basic understanding of forest ecology, Luo saw the blatant red flower and directly identified it as a trap of red fruit.

He leaned against a tree and looked sideways at the dark hole. Nothing was visible in the gap blocked by the stump.

The roots of the tree and safflowers lay still on the ground, only the flowers scented all around.

The trap is clear, but the floral fragrance is a bait for fishermen.

Luo waited and watched. In less than 30-40 seconds, a mouse the size of a domestic pig stepped on a small broken step and came straight to the red flower.

The rat had muscles all over it, rock-like bulge, four limbs came down, looked at all around, suddenly a lightning-like probe, biting on the red flower.

As soon as its mouth touched the split second of the safflower, the root of the tree moved like lightning, tearing it into the hole, and there was not even a second, so the mouse disappeared into the hole.

“So fast.”

Luo was so dazzling that he did n’t have the ability to lift his mind. He could only see a series of afterimages. What surprised him was that the volume of the rats was significantly larger than the area vacated by the hole in the ground. , The several stumps across the entrance of the cave did not even move.

Moreover, the rat was obviously not weak, not only did not make a sound, but did not even have a bit of struggle?

Looks at the quiet and dark hole in the cave, Luo is curious, and the Speed ​​revealed by that tree root is really strange.

A few seconds later, another tree root passed through the gap between the stumps and extended to the ground outside the several meters. A red flower exudes aroma on the tail end.

Luo wanted to take out the hidden weapon of the stone, but he took the time, and realized that the black cat didn’t follow him, and he only brought Allah.

The black cat must be on the back of the hand to use the storage space. This limitation is really troublesome.

Luo gently put out a breath, thinking whether to destroy the tree hole by violence first, at this moment, a fluffy black ball came not far away.

The pretty fluffy ball was the size of a cart, bouncing slowly on the ground, and a pair of white eyes could be seen.

After a while, the fluff ball stopped in front of the safflower.

Luo gazed at the black fluff ball with no threatening appearance. The next second, the expression flickered. I saw the fluff ball’s body cracked a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, the bright red tongue and The sharp teeth of the white flowers contrast strongly with the black fluff.

bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl swallowed the safflower, and immediately walked on the footsteps of the previous mouse, was instantly dragged into the hole, and became silent.

This time, Luo saw it clearly.

Within a few meters from the ground to the ground cave, within a second of the tree roots holding the prey, the prey has been digested by some kind of eating style, so when the tree root retracts into the hole, the body of the prey shrinking can pass through. The gap between the stumps.

Luo couldn’t help but be silent, the more he saw, the more hesitant he would be to the dark continent.

Curiosity sometimes kills cats, but Luo wants to know what’s underneath the cave. He didn’t act act blindly without thinking and watched patiently.

For half an hour, a creature was dragged into the burrow almost every 30 seconds.

An hour passed, the things in the burrow seemed to be the Great Appetite King, with no sign of rest, relying on the aroma of flowers, tempting the moth flies into the flame.

After another 20 minutes, the root of the tree did not stick out after dragging into a prey.

“It seems to be full.”

Luo thought silently, quietly teleportation position, came up to a dozen trees outside the cave entrance, and then gathered his mind in the palm, rubbing out a crescent air blade.

After a pause, Luo flung his arm, the crescent air blade came out of his hand, and flew into the cave precisely. With the sound of explosion, the air waves flying across the stump and cave at the entrance of the cave lifted up, and dust and mist flew from the cave .

The dust was suddenly stirred, and more than a dozen tree roots pierced through the dust, pointing to Luo hiding behind the tree.

The speed of that tree root is obviously not as fast as when hunting, but Luo’s position can be found in a short time, presumably through the fluctuation of mental strength.

“The reaction is very fast.”

Luo single-handed held the knife, his mind spread out thinly, and he did not retreat. He slammed into the formation woven by the roots of the tree. He slashed several swords and cut off more than a dozen tree roots.

After cutting down the roots of the tree, Luo was again moved towards the burrow filled with smoke and cut out a sword qi, which once again caused the burrow to explode.

He has two air blades, not penetrating, but explosive.

After the second explosion, the burrow remained silent for a long time until the smoke and dust dispersed.

“do you died?”

Luo silently thought, using a dozen of meters across the cave, using baton.

The circle of thoughts fell, layers of sand and soil were dug out, gradually revealing the whole picture of the burrow, but it was a large pit, and the wall of the cave was full of residue and green juice.

Those two explosions obviously gave the cavemen a devastating blow.

After a while, Luo found the corpse at the bottom of the burrow. It turned out to be a plant life, the head was a large red flower, and the flower was covered with egg-sized red crystal fruits, like fish eggs that were enlarged several times. .

Below the flowers, a body of green leaves is wrapped around the body, and the lower body is a messy tree root.

The volume of flowers and leaves alone is only less than one-tenth of the root of the tree. You must know that the root of the tree has been destroyed.

Place the plant life on the ground and touch it with your hand. It is learned that this is a plant life called bead flower. The fruits in the flower and the leaves of the body are edible parts.

Fortunately, the flowers and leaves are deep in the bottom of the cave, which has not been affected by the explosion, and those tree roots are the life roots of Zhuhua. Once the tree root is damaged too much, it will die directly. No wonder Zhuhua has such a root However, only one tree root is used when hunting.

According to the information provided by the white smoke font, Luo returned to the burrow again, and found a lot of rice grain-like translucent seeds from the depths, which is also a precious ingredient.

The roots of the tree are not ingredients, and all are cut off, leaving bright green leaves and petal fruits and rice-sized seeds.

“These seeds may replace rice grains.”

Luo looks at Harvest. I thought these ingredients were enough to cook that turkey. Each kind of ingredients is top-notch. I don’t know what kind of flavor can be combined.

Create a wooden box from the stump, put all the ingredients in, and prepare to return to the tree hole.

Just then, Luo’s spine was slightly cold, and a faint killing intent came from behind with a low to unnoticeable sound of breaking air.


Luo traversed several dozen meters from the side, looked towards the original place, and the smoke was permeating.


In the smoke, a human body more than 2 meters high was revealed.

Luo frowned, but saw that “person” turned around and waved his arms, the smoke and dust spread away, revealing most of his true features.

“Demon Beast …?”

Seeing his face clearly, Luo’s eyelids were slightly raised.

That seems to be … the Demon Beast tribe, from some features, is it a leopard?

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