Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 554

The globular body is pale, the volume of the sprout is about the same as that of the bean sprouts, but it is more like a granulation.

Whether it is bean sprouts or granulation, it is by no means a vegetable.

Luo is two hundred meters away from the bean sprouts, and while staring, he is already in combat.

After a while, the bean sprouts just hovered in the air, it seemed that Luo was not found, and the black cat kept urging Luo to hurry.

Luo raised his hand and compared it with a gun-like shape. His forefinger pointed at the bean sprouts and gathered a solid thought, forming a marble-sized thought ball.


No recoil occurred, and the ball burst through the air like a thunderbolt. After more than a second, it penetrated the body of the bean sprout ball, and then fell directly to the ground, silent.

“So simple?”

This was a tentative attack, but it directly shot down the bean sprouts.

Such a result surprised Luo, who had a deep understanding of the dark continent.

“Hurry up and see if it’s suitable for materials.” The black cat’s joyful voice came from the back of the hand.

“Are you serious?” Luo with a weird look at the coat of arms on the back of his hand.

“Nonsense, this forest is so big, but it doesn’t even have a bird’s hair, so it’s hard to come across this vegetable-like thing,” said the black cat.

“It doesn’t look like vegetables, then.”

Luo shook his head slightly and walked towards where the granulation ball fell.

Despite being shot down and silent, Luo remained vigilant, after all, nothing in the Dark Continent could be taken for granted.

Luo came to stand a few meters before the bean sprouts, and his eyes fell on the hole in the bean sprouts body that was about the size of a fist. Not at all saw blood-like things, but many bean sprouts that had not just wriggled before did not move.

“You look over.”

Luo called out the black cat, who sprinted in front of the bean sprout corpse and fiddled with his paws. Nothing happened.

“Deadly,” said the black cat.

When Luo heard about it, he walked over, squatted down, and looked at the bean sprouts at a close distance. The palm of the hand extended the field, covering the bean sprouts, as if stripping and cocooning, separating the bean sprouts wrapped into a ball. .

Each bean sprout is only as long as the middle finger, until all the bean sprouts are released to the ground, not at all other objects such as some important organs are found.

Extend the hand Pressed on the bean sprout, there is a touch between brittle and soft, lifeless, and extremely fragile.

The point is, the white smoke font not at all gives no information.

Luo withdrew his hand silently, thinking that if there was no field to protect it, the rainwater would be isolated, otherwise the big raindrops would fall, and maybe he could break the bean sprouts, but the bean sprouts just suspended in mid-air was not only not rained. Shattered or even completely motionless.

East’s New World Book only describes some strange things of East Continent, and here is the West Continent. As long as the white smoke font does not give information tips, it is impossible to understand what these things are.

Looks at the many bean sprouts flattened on the ground. Luo intends to abandon it. Without the protection of the white smoke font, there is no need to go deep.

“How? Can you eat it?” The black cat asked.


Luo was too lazy to explain and directly refuted.

The black cat was disappointed when he heard that, and he really wanted to try the taste of that turkey.

Luo got up and prepared to go deeper. The strangest part of this forest is that the creatures are so scarce. There is also a distance of 5 kilometers from the tree hole to this place, only to find a strange and fragile bean sprout.

When he stepped out of the five-six hundred meters, behind suddenly heard a loud, high-pitched cry.

Turned back sharply, only to see the rain curtain at several hundred meters ahead gave the sound wave form, making ripples.

The scream was a dwarf humanoid, with a large head, no hair and no eyebrows, only hollow eyes and mouths, and the body and limbs were withered, making use of strong constraints and vows to bear the cost. Young Gon is alike.

The four limbs, the body, are like dry corpses with very little water.

The gnome opened his mouth and screamed. The ripples of sound waves in the rain grew faster and more urgent. After a few breaths, his opened mouth suddenly closed, and the screams disappeared in the rain.

It walked several steps forward, stood in front of the bean sprout corpse, then looked up, her empty eyes looking straight at Luo.

The rain brought the cold chill to the air, and the not-so-bright forests were shrouded in a thin dark curtain.

Luo meets the hollow eyes of the dwarf, and immediately thinks that it is not Alluka, but a mural in the tomb of St. Ji.


Luo silently observed all around and came to a judgment.

If only one.

He thought, and then concentrated his thoughts on the palm of his hand, slowly forming a thought blade.

Regardless of the level of threat, at the moment of sight, as long as it is not human, it should be more straightforward to remove it directly.

As soon as the idea fell, Luo 2 said nothing to the gnomes.


The gnome seemed to be able to see the blade, and the closed mouth opened sharply, sending out a sharp sound wave, and rippling in the rain curtain.

The sound wave seemed to have a strange power effect. After hitting the blade, the two actually melted into the invisible.

Seeing this, Luo thought that the sound waves were quite threatening. While pulling back, he took out the hidden weapon created by the stone from the black cat space, divided his mind and wrapped it in the hidden weapon, and threw it at the dwarf again.

The extremely hard hidden weapon, under the blessing of the mind, directly penetrates the sound waves and rushes out the dwarf’s head.

The dwarf’s only withered body slowly fell to the ground without a voice.

His head was shattered, and like the granulation ball, no blood-like liquid was spilled.

Luo frowns, didn’t hesitate too long, looked towards the gnome’s body, he wanted to identify the gnome with a white smoke font to see if he could get some information.

He had just lifted his feet and walked a few steps. One after another, the granulation ball floating in the air floated from all around, causing him to stop immediately.

In the next second, silhouettes emerged from the rain, but they were all pygmy men of the same height, about 100 names, and all around.

The light seemed to dim, like a thin layer of black veil, adding a bit of coldness.

Without any warning, the gnomes opened their mouths and made a sharp sound wave, heading for Luo in the center.


Luo didn’t know much about this sound wave, but only knew that he could counteract the notion that formidable power is not weak. Now he opened the field and was ready to resist the sound wave.

Countless sound waves came from all around, and even broke through the field, banging every inch of Luo body.


Luo was shocked and didn’t feel any pain, but his arms, thighs, and chest were all broken apart and turned into granule-like shapes that collapsed in 4 places.

In such a crisis, Luo actually thought of a spider in his childhood memory.

It was a spider with a bulging belly. At that time, it was patted with slippers and then picked up. The spider died, but at least 100 small spiders were drilled in the belly and fled in 4 places.

At this moment, his body turned into granules in the sonic strikes and broke up in 4 places, and the scene I saw there was like that.

Thoughts were suddenly cut off, maybe the room was turned off.

The next second, the light came again.

The afterimage in the rain was still on the eye mask, but Luo looked at the fire that was about to burn out in the tree hole, his face was astonished.

The sound of wind and rain outside is still there, the people who are there are there, and the changes are slight.

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