Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 552

Cold rain fell in front of him, separated by the field.

Luo jumped a few times, came to the top of the tree, raised his eyes to the four sides, and the rain curtain was like a white veil over the sea of ​​trees.

Each tree is very tall, about fifty-sixty tall, and the crown grows extremely luxuriant, but the gap between the trees is very large, it seems to divide their respective chassis.

Luo stopped at the top of the tree, his sight was blocked by the rain and the canopy, and he could not see any creatures, but he could vaguely see the towering World Tree.

What will be on it?

Such a question emerged in Luo’s mind.

After stopping for a while, Luo jumped to the ground and found nothing high, so he could only go to the ground to investigate the nearby potential threats.

It didn’t take more than a few seconds from the tree top to the ground.

However, when Luo’s feet had just touched the ground, the majestic rain pouring down from his head stopped without warning.

Luo suddenly looked up towards the sky with a strange face.

Generally speaking, the rain will change from weak to strong, or from strong to weak, and then stop. Whether it is fast or slow, there must be a process of change. However, the style of the heavy rain stop is like God turned off the tap. It was sudden and very tough.

The rain stopped, but the thick red clouds in the sky showed no signs of spreading out. Between the red light floats, we can see the dark shadows passing through the clouds.

Luo quietly retracted his gaze, and it was a good thing that the heavy rain stopped, so that his vision was not limited and his hearing was disturbed.

He glanced at the flat ground as he came, and then circled around all around.

After a lap, not at all found dangerous creatures, probably because they are close to the edge of the tree sea.

Luo stood there for a while and decided to go alone to explore the road before Tonpa returned to action.

He wanted to go to World Tree, but obviously had to cross this endless tree sea first, and the tree sea occupies such a large area that no one knows how many dangerous creatures will be in it.

I didn’t go far enough, and suddenly I found mists in the forest, clouds floating around, whitewashing the atmosphere like Immortal Realm.

Luo stopped vigilantly, leaned against a tree, and released the circle, covering a range of 800 meters.

Based on the touch from the skin, not at all finds anything that moves.

“I’m not right.”

Luo frowned, the forest is so rich in ecology, and it doesn’t make sense to not even have a small insect, which is a strange thing in itself.

Not to mention the large trees grow lush, even the ground has many shrubs, and occasionally low trees.

Suddenly the mist appeared, and no life could be detected, Luo hesitated to recover the circle.

If the circle is maintained, then its own defense will be greatly reduced. If it is not maintained, it will not be possible to immediately grasp the movement in a wide range.

After thinking for a while, Luo still decided to take back the circle and use the field instead, covering him within a meter of Monday.

At this moment, the mist filled all around.

Luo moved forward slowly, maintaining high vigilance at all times.

After about 20 minutes of walking, everything was quiet.

The more this happened, the more strange Luo felt.

Along the way, the species that can be seen are very monotonous, except for large trees with almost uniform varieties, otherwise they are bushes and low leafless trees.

The white mist is getting denser and visibility is lower.

Luo stopped in time, just as he hesitated to go further, the white mist that had just thickened suddenly disappeared, just like when the heavy rain stopped.

all around, but Heaven and Earth turning upside down changed in an instant.

Up ahead, the ground is covered with a group of red Madara mushrooms, about half a meter high, with a group of strange flesh-colored creatures standing on the umbrella cover.

The group of creatures is about the size of a palm, and its body is like a ball. It has a yellow one-eyed eye that occupies a large area of ​​the body of the sphere. The lower body is a thick strip of meat that firmly rests on the umbrella.

The edge of the one-eyed eye was a circle of red swellings, like one after another terat sarcoma clustering together, quite frightened.

On the trunk of the large tree on the right side of the mushroom cluster, there are thorn-covered vines blooming with bright flowers, and 100 bath-sized butterflies stop on the flowers.

The wings of the butterfly resemble dead leaves, covered with full health-colored lines. When incited, there are waves of red scale powder falling to the ground.

To the left, there is a clearing, where there is a strangely leafless tree.

That tree is about 5 meters high. The top of the trunk, like the palms that open on the left and right sides in the same direction, has a bumpy surface on the center. There are two parallel holes on the ball.

At a glance, it seemed as if a person opened a double-handed one and then held his chin, which was very weird.

The entire tree can’t see a green leaf, the skin is yellow, and there is a thick Death Aura, and various white bones are piled in the open space around it.

Looks at the things that suddenly changed in front of him, Luo stayed in place.

Suddenly, a dark Crow appeared on that strange tree.

The Crow stood quietly on a wooden ball shaped like a skull, without eyes, but with a slightly hooked peck.

Luo was keenly aware of a line of sight, so he found the normal eyeless Crow.

As soon as the eyes of the two sides were facing each other, I saw the naked eye creatures on the mushroom group also looked at them, including several hundred butterflies hovering over the flowers, and two long ones protruding from their heads. Touching Kakuzu, there was an eye pupil at the top.

Count 100, or look over 1000 at a glance.

There was a chill in Luo’s heart, his nerves tightened a little, and the strange tree that held his head with a double-handed head gave him a very dangerous feeling.

The two sides were staring at each other, and no one acted blindly without thinking. Only those 100 butterflies were still scattered with red scale powder.

About half a minute, Crow in sight disappeared out of thin air.

Luo pupils shrank, overpowering his body, forming a powerful defense, but seeing that Crow did not know what method to use, he appeared one meter in front of him out of thin air.

Almost conditioned, Luo summoned Allah and chopped Crow in half.

Suddenly, tentacles against the eyes were drilled out of Crow’s dissected body, like a large bunch of enoki mushrooms, with a sense of sight that would rise when the wind came, and swarmed towards Luo, who was near.

Luo complexion slightly changed, the field suddenly opened up, squashing numerous tentacle eyes, together with Crow’s body, into pieces.

For a moment, a little bit of black blood fell on the grassless ground.

When I can’t think about it, I see the naked eye creatures standing on the mushroom group, and I don’t know when to surround Luo.

Luo was shocked, and once again opened up the field, wanting to reapply the tricks, crushing this group of naked eye creatures, but this group of creatures seemed to be immune to the squeeze strength of the field, but there was nothing at all.


Luo responded extremely quickly and turned to white jade illusory shadow instead.

But at that instant, as if a flashing slide, the white jade illusory shadow just appeared, the fleshball creature flashed out, covering every inch of Luo’s body.

There is no pain, no touch, no hearing, and the body dissipates like wind and sand, as if dissolved under the saliva of a meatball creature.

The vision fell into endless darkness, but again in the next second.

“Luo? What’s wrong?”

At the ear, a voice that Bisji cared about came.

Luo tilted his head and saw that under the light of fire, Bi Siji was concerned about looks at himself.

This is in … the tree hole?

When listening to your ears, the wind and rain outside remain.

Luo hesitated for a moment, and then heard Bi Siji asking, “Having a nightmare?”

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