Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 541

The [things] active in the underground world are not only the bones, but also various dangerous creatures.

The [things] whose volume is still in the [normal] range are usually grouped into groups. Once they appear on the scene, they are a large group, and those whose volume exceeds the normal range are basically acting alone.

This rule is not absolute, but almost all creatures encountered along the way.

I have been walking in the underground world for more than a month. In addition to the epiphysis and Ox Head Man I encountered before, I also encountered a lot of branches of the bone family, basically also some muscle textures, and even the characteristics of the eyes.

Compared with the epiphysis and Ox Head Man, the bone-type creatures not at all encountered later brought Luo too much trouble. After all, they still do n’t have the kind of epiphysis and Ox Head Man. Backtracking] ability.

Afterwards, Luo also thought about the recovery ability of the epiphysis and Ox Head Man. He thought that it was enough to drink a few 100 barrels of milk to supplement the calcium, and it would not recover so quickly. Also, it was the bone that was cut off. Will automatically suck back.

The scene when that scene is restored always gives people the feeling of a movie upside down.

The effect of the piano solo is to make the performer and the listener flesh and blood and turn them into bones. I wonder if there is a hidden ability like [backtracking]. Unfortunately, the cost of the performance is too high, and there is no opportunity to verify the conjectures one by one.

At present, he dares not easily use piano solo music, and he does not know what secrets the complete body of the bones has. If he can master the ability of [backtracking] with the fleshhy body, maybe he can be unying and unextinguished?

In a month, in addition to the guesses that come to mind from time to time, another discovery made Luo a little regretful.

After breaking through 80%, traveling in the underground world has become much easier, and you can easily deal with all kinds of creatures attacking from the dark.

Among those many creatures, there is no shortage of b-grade ingredients, and they often encounter a-grade ingredients.

Luo felt that as long as he stayed in the dark continent for a while, the mental ability value exceeded 100%. However, after eating a grade of ingredients, the mental ability value did not increase.

Before the breakthrough, the a-grade ingredients could rise a bit, but now it is better to break through, and there is no response at all.

This discovery is tantamount to losing a way to ascension.

At first I regret it. After all, one more way to improve is tantamount to another way.

Until one day, Luo encountered a beetle that knows how to use mindpower, which is a Grade A ingredient. It took a lot of effort to solve it, and then consumed it. As a result, the value of mindpower increased by a little, although it was still very low, but it was good. good news.

This is an explanation. After breaking through 80%, only the a-grade ingredients that know how to use and retain mental ability can increase the value of mental ability, while the a-grade ingredients are easy to see in the dark continent, but the a-grade ingredients that know how to use mental ability are not so Easy to see.

The turtle’s flesh, in addition to providing Luo with mental energy, also has another effect, which is to temporarily increase the energy within the body, similar to the effect of a blue bottle.

The black cat’s space does not have the preservation function. Sooner or later, the meat will rot, but Luo still puts the remaining turtle meat in it.

Continue to explore, leaving from the residence of each ethnic group, and now in the past for a month and 20 days.

The Luo entire group was a bit accustomed to the darkness, and they started to feel stuffy, and even the breeze was gone.

One day, they finally saw rays of light in the underground world.

It is red light, just like the red light on the burning red iron block, which emerges from the rock wall or stone in front, and the intense heat wave assaults the senses from time to time.

“This is the entrance to the center of the earth.” Luo looks at the Burning Rock Road.

Clansman used to live inside, with a natural terrain to resist foreign enemies, making the ethnic group feel safer and stronger.

I heard from the Zhuan Cang before that all kinds of knowledge about the geocentric area were unthinkable. At this moment, I can only sigh about the unreasonableness of the dark continent.

Those rock walls, those rocks, are continuously reddened by the high temperature, and the shape is not deformed at all, like an endless charcoal fire.

Just standing for a while not far from the entrance to the center of the heart, Tonpa was already sweating, and he felt that picking up a string of meat and getting closer, maybe he could grill on the spot.

If you want to go into the center of the earth, you can’t step on the rocky ground that is burned red.

Bisji pointed to the road of burning rock and said, “I have mentioned this one by one, but the temperature and area are not as outrageous as they are now.”

“Well, it may be a change after many years of evolution.” Luo nodded.

The entrance of the geocentric area was mentioned one by one. A long time ago, the rock was under constant high temperature burning. In many high temperature areas, there will be small and small low temperature areas. Unlike at this moment, everywhere is red and burning like a soldering iron. Set off such a bright red light.

For example, the entrance to the geocentric area used to be incompletely burning black coal, but now it is black coal with full firepower.

“We can’t get in.” Tonpa glanced at the entrance to Scorched Rock, then looked back at the darkness far away.

Luo and Bisji heard the words, and they both said nothing, but quietly looked at the entrance of Scorched Rock.

There are disasters and hopes coexisting, in addition to chasing flint, there are also some other products.

Not to mention others, just chasing the flint is an extremely abundant energy source, that is, heat energy, which has many uses in the human world.

“I want to go in and see,” Luo said suddenly.

He wanted to go in, not to get the flint, but to see with his own eyes the few geographies he had painted.

“How do I get in?” Bi Siji asked.

Luo thought about it and said earnestly, “Just don’t step on it.”

Bi Siji heard the words, helped Fu amount, said: “That’s right to say so, but what about 10000?”

She knows how Luo wants to enter the center of the earth. It is nothing more than using Emitter’s technique to make her body hover in the air and burn the rocks at a slow and stable speed over all around.

Although Luo has a technique called [empty line], it can be seen from the entrance of the geocentric area that it will inevitably have complicated terrain. If you use [empty line], you may hit a narrow passage.

“So I plan to go alone.” Luo said with a smile.

Bisji calmly said: “I don’t agree.”


Luo was momentarily dumb, he didn’t want to hit Bissie, but at the same time he wanted to go in and see.

After thinking for a moment, he shook his hand and shook the black cat out, saying, “Don’t worry about me, I can also use the black cat as a pedal.”

As soon as the black cat came out, he heard Luo’s words, and roots floated around his eyes, giving Luo an angry look.

Luo wanted to go in and take a firm attitude. Bi Siji saw this, and knew that it was now ten or eight cows that could not pull back Luo’s plan. In desperation, she could only agree.

The obvious change in the entrance to the center of the earth has shut Tonpa and Bisji, and only Luo can try to go in.

Unfortunately, Luo’s ability can destroy Feitan’s scorching small sun, but it can’t destroy the heat here, because the burning rock here is taken from the endless energy source at the center of the earth, which can be countered by non-human resources.

In the end, it was only Luo who used the floating style to enter the entrance of the geocentric area.

His body was affixed with algae, and after purifying the mind, he continuously refined the purified water, but it would soon be burned into water vapor by high temperature, and this water vapor was controlled by Luo and injected into the body to maintain the water balance.

Thanks to the value breaking through 80% and the control power being improved, the mental control skills of doing two things at the same time can be performed.

Suddenly, Luo saw a small grass standing in front of the rocky ground. It was rooted in the rocky ground under high temperature, but it had a green body, voluptuous life, and regarded the surrounding high temperature as nothing.

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