Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 529

Where does the mixed spice come from, from family to family, Luo doesn’t know, but only smells it, it should be unique.

However, due to the environment, the spices brought by Luo are obviously better than others. They melt into the spine and evaporate the heat to attract people from each race.

There are less than 10000 people in a family. Except for the ten-man line at the entrance, almost the rest are surrounded.

The house was only erected with a few walls, and the area was not large. Each and everyone Brat broke in, making the room immediately crowded.

“Good smell.”

Someone swallowed saliva and said, most of them couldn’t see the barbecue, but smelled the scent that kept coming out of the house.

The snail house cut out of the stone has a poor smoke exhaust function, and a rising aroma can slowly penetrate any Kakuzu.


A group of Brat didn’t fear the high temperature on the slate, got close together, their eyes glowed at the seductive pieces of barbecue.

In their little heads, the food often eaten at home emerges, without exception, there is a trace of bitter scorch on the epidermis, not to mention the aroma, it is the difference between Heaven and Earth in terms of selling.

I have never smelled so fragrant, never seen so attractive grilled meat, and never seen such thinly cut meat.

The novelty and the meat-eating instincts from humans caused the drools of Paulie’s mouth to secretly spit out. With a little mouthful, the crash-bang flowed out.

Tonpa looks at clansman, who can’t escape the crowd, but feels that everything is wrong, and then looks towards Luo who is not affected at all.

He has been following Luo for a long time, knowing how good Luo’s cooking is, and also knowing that Luo’s attitude in cooking is very serious, and it is difficult to be affected by foreign objects.

However, in this situation, there is no response at all.

The rays of light of the photoluminescent algae are sometimes strong and weak, indicating that the gas velocity of the Tonpa body is affected by fluctuations.

He quietly retracted his eyes and glanced at Bisji sitting not far away, but he saw Bisji smiling and gazing at Luo with concentrated attention completely, and his eyes were as if he had caressed the cat’s soft hair carefully without Feeling a little bit affectionate, a little … maternal glory?

The glory of motherhood? The glory of motherhood? !!

Tonpa shivered and his eyes became stranger. At this moment, Bi Siji glanced quietly, and Kakuzu smiled, as if there was an invisible killing intent.


Tonpa’s body trembled, his neck narrowed sharply, his head lowered into his chest, and he dared not look at Bisji.

He thought to himself that it was in the form of Loli. It was too uncoordinated to show the maternal brightness.

Bisji did not continue to give Tonpa a sense of oppression, his eyes moved, and he looked quietly at Luo.

A man who concentrates on something, concentrate attention completely, and is very serious, is handsome, isn’t he?

After a moment, a flash of light flashed in Luo’s eyes, and the white aperture burst out from under the palm, covering the slate with heat evenly, and a lot of thin meat rolled by Kakuzu.


Under his control, the thinly roasted meat flew up in the air and scattered in front of the Brats.

When the piece of meat stopped in the air, the heat had been dissipated in half, to the point where it could be directly imported.

Even though Luo doesn’t have to carefully remove the heat, even the freshly roasted meat can be swallowed directly by the clansman, because their heat resistance is beyond the human frame.

Does not use mental power, but has a unique Innate Skill, which is the basis for clansman to survive in the dark continent.

There are more than 50 brats. Looks at floating pieces of meat floating in the air, all eyes exclaimed with exclamation, and the crowd-seeking clansman group saw this scene and also made an uproar.

Luo smiles at Brats who were shocked by the novelty, and signaled that they had taken the kebab.

The bear children looked at each other. A moment later, a Little Fatty stood up, reached for a piece of barbecue from the air, and quickly shoved it into his mouth and chewed.


Little Fatty shivered all over, and slightly raised his head to scream the loudest voice.

The screaming sound startled the surrounding Brat, and the crowd on the sidelines was also frightened.

The first thought that came to their minds was that the barbecue was poisonous, and Little Fatty screamed only after being eroded by toxins.

The process of automatic brain supplementation is astonishingly fast. The nearest part is clansman and immediately enters the combat state, but when they do n’t figure out what is going on, they see Little Fatty take the sound, then double-handed and move, fishing Tuck the next piece of barbecue into Paulie’s mouth.

That fast-changing scene kept everyone silent, all that left was the sound of Little Fatty chewing quickly, and a humming sound of satisfaction.

For a full 5 seconds, Little Fatty caught dozens of slices of meat, and the group of Brat could not stand it. They scolded Little Fatty and then joined the predatory battle with a vigorous movement.

This group of Brat doesn’t seem to be very old, at most between 3 and 7 years old, with their facial features and voices very immature, but their body functions are well developed, which can be seen from their vigorous movements.

Seeing this, Luo slightly raised his palm and pushed the hanging barbecue to a higher height, adding some fun to the Brat’s predation.

However, the survival ability of clansman is to start from the doll, even the smallest one can easily jump 2 meters to capture the meat pieces stopped in the air.

Seeing them rushing to grab the meat, Luo smiled, and the other hand pointed at the 2 empty stone bowls where Kakuzu fell in the room, sucked them out, and divided out 2 pieces of barbecued meat into the bowls.

One bowl is filled with ten tablets and placed in front of Bisji, and the other bowl is filled with two tablets and placed in front of Tonpa.

Subsequently, Luo ignored Tonpa’s resentful expression, slightly forefingered with his index finger, took a slice from the barbecue that soared above his head, and slowly passed it to Bruna’s mouth.

Bruna swallowed the piece of meat, and two ball tentacles protruded from her smooth soft head, shaking slightly, which was quite pleasant.

Never underestimate the predation ability of the bear children. Special is still a child by race.

That many pieces of grilled meat were snatched out shortly after, and obviously were not filled, each and everyone looked at Luo with the look of expectation, and the adult people around the crowd also cast coveted eyes.

They are impossible to grab the child, just thinking that after the child is full, they can grill them more.

Luo looked at clansman’s expectation expression around him, thinking that the spices he brought must be too much.

Thinking of this, he looked towards a stone bowl containing various spices, which were clansman’s own spices.

I can only distinguish these strange spices and find a reasonable composition to replace my own spices.

“Let’s do it.”

Luo laughed, in the hands, the field wave spread out, preparing to have a meat feast for clansman.

Kakuzu, a residential area, has a house with a good appearance, at least a basic prototype.

In the room, there was actually a stone bed, on which was lying an old man with pale hair and dense grass, sleeping soundly.

Suddenly, the old man’s nose in the eyebrows twitched a few times, as if he smelled something.


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