Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 516

I don’t want to believe that there will be room for aliens. Basically it’s all about you, so the anger before the ruler is the struggle before death.

However, Luo gave him a chance to choose, and there was an option to survive.

To choose to live, is it to die vigorously?

The ruler who has finally come to this point is of course unwilling to miss the opportunity to survive.

His anger gradually subsided, and finally there were signs of lowering his paws, but the arrogant attitude that was born of the racial gap was still not relaxed.

Obviously the death robbery was in the hands of outsiders, but it still maintained an expert attitude.

Luo did not understand where the ruler’s attitude came from. Is it because of the large volume difference?

“How do I believe you?” The hoarse, low voice of the ruler passed into Luo’s consciousness.

“You have no choice.” Luo indifferently said.

The ruler no longer says that where he can, only attitude is left.

If he was given another chance, he would never fall into such a situation, and it would be a good idea to fill in all the same races.

I only hate that this human being has controlled his life gate with strange powers, and no matter how much thought he has, there is no place to show it.

After being silent for a while, the ruler answered, and he did not have a choice.

Later, after learning that Luo wanted to leave, the ruler’s heart calmed down a bit.

Despite being dissatisfied with his previous intentions, the ruler agreed with the potential threat of Luo, a small human.

Therefore, one mountain can’t be shared by two tigers. If it is best to kill Luo and not to kill him, it is acceptable to let him leave.

“Iwashima crabs have several drainage outlets from which they can leave,” the ruler said coldly.

When rock island crabs eat, they swallow a lot of seawater, and then circulate within the body, leaving food and draining the seawater.

Therefore, there are many drainage outlets in the body structure of the rock island crab, which are used to discharge seawater, and the rock island crab does not need to be excreted. To be precise, the rock island crab has no excretory organ.

Following Luo’s detailed inquiry, the ruler responded in cooperation.

Once you have mastered how to leave, the next step is to wait for Rock Island Crab to land.

The ruler was very hostage, and marched forward to lead the way for the Luo entire group.

“How did you learn to read?” Luo asked halfway.

“You humans call it mind?” The ruler asked back.

Luo paused, calm Kaidou: “Yes.”

“Read, read.” The ruler didn’t answer further, but said to himself there.

As if he didn’t know the Strength name he used was Nian.

Luo frowned as he saw the reaction of the ruler.

At this moment, the ruler’s thoughts become complicated, linking the name he reads to the Strength he has mastered, and the strange power used by Luo.

The original Strength is called a mind, and it can change the ability of Special.

The ruler was overwhelmed by emotions, and it seemed as if he had opened up a path for ascension.

“You haven’t answered my question yet.” Luo coldly said.

The ruler shivered, Kaidou: “I don’t know the Strength chant, but one day, I felt that my body had a lot of holes, which made my life strength leak out. It took me several days to learn how to seal Live. “

Luo’s eyes flickered, awkward explanation, but also very vivid.

For human beings, fine holes are very fine, but when they reach the ruler’s body, they are described as holes.

This is the Demon Beast tribe far beyond the upper limit of human beings, except that the Demon Beast tribe of the 6 continents does not at all, but here the Demon Beast tribe has, and in that many parasites, only the ruler can.

Perhaps, there is a great possibility that many Demon Beast races on the dark continent will use mind.

Thinking so deeply, I can’t help scalp.

“I’ve observed that you can’t read the same race.” Luo suppressed the chill in his heart.

The ruler lifted his eyes, looked towards Luo, said with a sneer: “In a world where strength is paramount, if you are you, will you give away your hole cards?”

Suddenly, Luo felt that he still underestimated the human nature and intelligent possessed by the ruler.

At least, in the ruler’s body, he saw a human weapon called “selfishness.”

“You want to leave, and I’ll stay here all the time. We don’t conflict, so I will help you get out of here. After that, it doesn’t matter.

The ruler’s eyes were glittering, and even now he hasn’t put down his body, begging for mercy even once.

“This is a deal, I can do it,” Luo said coldly.

Then, he jumped to the ruler’s body and let Bisji and Tonpa also come up.

This move shamed the ruler, but it was not easy to attack.

Luo stopped talking to the ruler and silently sorted out the information he received from the ruler.

The Demon Beast can also learn to read by themselves, and finally use it through exploration.

Fortunately, their knowledge of not at all system, they only know how to attach the mind to the body and form a more conventional Enhancer application, but even so, it is very scary.

Jump to the ruler body and use him as a horse.

Luo did it on purpose, but he did say it, as long as the ruler took them away, he would give the heart back to the ruler.

After walking for about 5 days, I arrived near the drain and stopped there, waiting for the rock island crab to land.

During this period, the rock island crabs have eaten many times, and everyone gathers them as food.

The ruler has difficulty moving, but still has the energy to eat, sometimes hungry, and actually uses his same race as food.

I don’t know when I can wait for Rock Island Crab to land, waiting for Bruna’s prompt.

I have said it in a few weeks. It took almost a month to finally wait for the rock island crab to land.

When everyone came to the huge cave-like passage, as long as they walked to the end, they would encounter a cold lake, from which they could leave.

During these weeks of waiting, Luo had the black cat explore the way down early, proving that the ruler did not lie.

Before entering the cave, Luo summon produced a book, took out the heart, and returned it to the ruler’s within the body.

It was only at this moment that the ruler’s hanging heart really fell down, and this human being really did what he said.

He watched Luo entire group walk into the cave, and the expression was slightly more complicated.

Suddenly, he saw the human looking back, and smiled at him with a profound meaning.

The ruler froze until the rays of light of the pedestrian body disappeared at the end, and some movements around him made him suddenly look all around, and he saw a pair of eyes of the same kind staring at himself.


Do not wait for the ruler to think more, but saw that the same kind has always obeyed their orders moved towards me flocked.

It was … the icy killing intent, taking yourself as the target of devouring.

“You guys! Want to die!”

The ruler roared and was soon drowned by countless others.

When he died, he didn’t understand why the same kind attacked himself. When life was gone, he thought of that human.

Is that human? Is that human …?

On the other side, Luo cut a passage and walked out of within the body of Rock Island Crab.

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