Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 506

The sea monster group that had previously shown off one’s military strength was caught in by the oversized Uzumaki, and immediately turned into a soup dog, one after another making a roar that represented fear.

No matter how strong the individual is, in the face of Nature’s Strength, there is still no resistance.

However, to be precise here, it is more like the relationship between hunters and prey increasing layer by layer. The appearance of Uzumaki is not a pure natural phenomenon.

The roar of the sea monster group rang through the sea, and all the sea monsters were pulled into Uzumaki straight down.

Even the large sea monsters could not break away from the pulling force of Uzumaki, let alone the Luo Li, which was not even a squid, was swallowed by the whale, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Before being inhaled into Uzumaki, Luo and Bisjig acted at the same time. They quickly returned to the cabin with Tonpa and came to the captain’s room to meet the black cat.

At this time, the Luo Li had been drawn into the sea water, and the hull vibrated violently, as if dropped into a drum washing machine of 2 1000 revolutions, and the ears were full of harsh sounds of torn steel.

The crisis appeared too abruptly, and Luo had no time to lay out the gods. The hull of the Luo Li could not withstand this terrible disaster, and the hull was on the verge of disintegration.

In less than ten seconds, the light was suddenly dark, as if sinking into the depths of the sea in an instant, and no fingers were reached.

In the boundless darkness, seawater poured into the cabin, blocked by Luo’s open field.

The pressure of the water kept increasing in horrible multiples. Within a few seconds, Luo felt strong pressure and there was an illusion that the next moment would collapse.

He knew that if the realm was broken, they would lose the chance to live.

Even if it seems like a senseless struggle now, as long as you don’t give up, perhaps the dawn of hope will appear in the next second.

“Come over here.”

During the violent shaking, Luo gritted his teeth to Tonpa and Bisji.

In the darkness where I can’t see my five fingers, coupled with the strong shaking, it is difficult to lean against Luo’s side.

However, after all, Bisji was experienced on the spot, immediately gathered his eyes, and used his condensation to immediately see Luo’s location in the dark.

She reminded Tonpa, and quickly hugged Luo’s right waist. On the other hand, Tonpa, when the critical moment broke out, there was a lot of potential, but she also overcomes the instability of the foothold instantly, and fluttered on Luo’s body.

In order not to waste space, the black cat turned into black smoke and got back into Luo’s palm.

People are leaning together, and Luo immediately shrinks the scope of the field, so as to increase Power to counteract the constantly increasing water pressure.

Luo’s idea is simple, just wait for the seabed’s raging current to weaken, and then float towards the surface of the sea, and the oxygen stored in the field, shared by three people, can only support for about ten minutes.

The most serious problem at hand was that he didn’t know how many meters he had been taken to the seabed. Judging from the water pressure alone, it was extremely difficult to determine a similar value, I am afraid that the depth was not low.

Once the uncontrollable time becomes longer, the chances of survival will become smaller and smaller.

Luo forcibly calmed himself, not thinking about it.

There is only one thing to do now, and that is to keep on.

Almost a minute passed, the Luo Li made a sudden turn, and several of Luo hit the wall directly.

In the dark, the sound of crash-bang and the roar of sea monsters were heard.

Luo Li seemed like a sink with the stopper removed, and the seawater filled in the cabin found a vent, and it burst out in a blink of an eye.

Several Luo people affixed to the wall, and the whole cabin showed a weird Kakuzu degree of 45 degrees Kakuzu.

The environment has changed …

The signs of rapid change made Luo aware of this, as did Bisquite.

It was originally in the water, but now it is clearly a state of falling from a height. What is the transformation process in this two people?

However, compared to Uzumaki, who is trapped in an endless sea, it is best to fall from a high altitude.

“Hold me tight.”

Luo made an immediate decision, double-handed grabbed Tonpa and Bisji’s clothes, broke the cabin, and went straight to the outside, still in the dark with five fingers.

At this moment, a soft white light came from above, and the speed was very fast from far to near.

A few people looked up subconsciously, all with astonished expression on their faces.

The thing emitting white light is a huge lantern from a huge lantern fish.

Near the source of light, there are all kinds of giant sea monsters. Along with the crushed large sea water, they act coquettishly, and the body has a better posture in mid-air.

They formed a chaotic formation, pressing down quickly from above.

White light was far away a few seconds ago, and a few seconds later came to the top of the Luo people.

At the moment when time seemed to stagnate, you could even see the scarlet meat in the sea monster’s teeth.

Ahh! ”

Tonpa couldn’t help screaming, then rolled his eyes and fainted.

Luo bit his lip stubbornly, regardless of whether there were obstacles on the left and right sides. He was holding two people, stepping on empty steps, and moving to the right, trying to avoid the horrible thing that fell from the head.

However, the area of ​​sea monsters and seawater is too large and the weight is unreasonable. The falling Speed ​​was amazingly fast. Luo was too late to avoid it, and was hit by the seawater, and fell together like an abyss.

Even under the pressure of the sea, Luo remained stubborn to maintain the field, while watching the movement below.

It’s too strange.

The first second was still in the sea, but the next second didn’t know where it was.

The lantern fish’s source of light is not weak, and the end that can be illuminated is still dark, and it is impossible to see what is here.

Deep in the dark seabed, a pair of eyeballs lit up, emitting a dazzling blue light.

It was a pair with two football field-like eyes moving deep in the seabed, accompanied by a rumbling sound, and each move raised a lot of dust.

The seabed was dark, and although the eyes were huge, the rays of light emitted could not even cover a part of the body.

At this moment, a group of giant shoals of light glowing like electric lights suddenly turned on in a dark room, suddenly illuminated the seabed.

From the dazzling rays of light, the master of the pair of giant eyeballs is an extremely huge crab that can no longer be described with words, and its body is covered with layers of rock covered with shell coral.

The rock crab walked slowly on the seabed plate. When the group of glowing fish swept over it, it suddenly sank and was sucked into the crab’s back.

When Jinghong glanced, it was the abyss-like mouth of the crab’s back that opened, and swallowed the luminous fish in the mouth, then closed quickly.

After swallowing the school of fish, the crab seemed to have happened, and continued to move slowly towards a certain direction.

It is indeed crab because it is walking sideways.

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