Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 396

The [Poisonous Seed] launched by Zangzihua can make the poisoned person lose consciousness within 3 seconds and then die without knowing it.

Luo helped them remove toxins, and when they woke up, they just thought that the pale red poison mist that exploded was just ordinary smoke.

No one knows how long this bone road to Imperial Capital in 1000 is, but at the beginning there are such dangerous plants. Luo doesn’t think that the people of the eagle group can safely cross the bone road.

As he said, he can help the first time and the second time, but not every time.

It is undeniable that the physical fitness of the members of the Eagles is above the horizontal line, but many risks cannot be avoided by relying only on their physical fitness.

Seeing Luo not talking, Ali frowned and said calmly: “Luo, we are very grateful for your assistance along the way. Indeed, without you, the people in the group may be reduced by half, or even not here, but you think Is the until now effort so cheap? Will it come before the danger that might exist? “

Having said that, Ali looked around his teammates and shouted, “Are you afraid of death?”

The people of the Eagle Group didn’t answer, all of them laughed. For a time, the quiet mountain road was full of the momentum created by all the members of the Eagle Group.

“I’m nosy.”

Luo nodded, let go of the gold hand bracelet and let it fall on the bone pile to make a crisp sound.

His persuasion against the Eagles is correct, but everyone’s position is different. He feels that the Eagles will continue to lose their lives if they go deeper, but since the Eagles are not afraid of death, his dissuasion is meaningless.

Ali walked towards Luo, bent over, picked up the gold hand bracelet, and handed it to Luo, saying: “I heard a long time ago that there was a puddle in the Kendia Desert that would appear when it rained, but the water in it was muddy, but There will be a lot of fish in thick mud. “

“People travel 1000 miles regardless of the mortal danger in order to get the fish, even chasing the rain clouds, so I don’t understand why you lost it.”

After speaking, disregarding Luo’s reaction, he stuck the gold hand bracelet into Luo’s hand.

He believes that this is the first treasure that Luo has gained since he came to the penalty area. It should not be taken lightly. The significance of it is above its value.

“Maybe I don’t need it.” Luo glanced at the gold hand bracelet in his hand, which he flipped out of the bone pile, in order to remind the Eagles that there was hidden wealth under the feet without risk.

“Then you shouldn’t be here.”

Ali took a deep look at Luo, fearing the danger hidden in the dark place ahead, leading the eagle group to move on.

Luo looks at the back of them leaving, sighing.

William came to his side, indifferently said: “You don’t have to take some responsibility.”

After speaking, he walked towards the mountain road. The responsibility he said was to help the Eagles and even him to solve the dangers he might encounter.

Luo silently put away the gold hand bracelet, and shouted on Buha, followed along.

Ge Er slowly recovered from the blow, but also kept silent, and her gaze kept on Luo body along the way.

The team continued to march out of 5 more than a hundred meters without any risk. Mutation was regenerated, and a member of the eagle group holding torch suddenly fell on the bone pile.

Sudden changes caused the team to stop immediately.

The people around him squatted to check the situation, and by the firelight, they saw that the member who had fallen to the ground had exuded a lot of blood, and the place where the bleeding was was the heart.

Ali turned around, poked away the crowd, and came over.

The crouched man looked towards Ali, shaking his head and saying, “Dead.”

The deceased’s shirt was ripped apart, and there was a blood hole the size of a thumbnail on his chest.

Ali squeezed his fists, looked away, looked towards several people on the side of the deceased, and asked, “What’s going on?”

Those people looked at each other in blank dismay, and after a while, someone said, “Hey suddenly fell to the ground, and we don’t know what happened.”

Just then, another person fell to the ground, as if triggering a chain reaction. Every 2 seconds, someone fell to the ground, and the team suddenly became restless.

Luo, Bu Hazhen, Ge Er, and William 4 immediately entered the state of war preparations, and were wary of looking at all around.

“What is there …”

Luo looked towards the gloomy Kakuzu who couldn’t be reached by the light of fire, his eyes dimmed.

It didn’t take long for the number of people who fell to the ground to increase to ten. Everyone suddenly had a blood hole in the heart, and then died silently.

“Raise your shield.”

Ali had no time to manage the corpses of members of the regiment. With an order, the members of the eagle regiment acted in a round array, with members holding shields standing outside, watching the wind and grass around.

Luo stood on the periphery, his body covered with thoughts.

When no one spoke, there was silence in the mountain road.

Suddenly Luo reached out and grabbed Bu Hayu’s chest, suddenly a sharp zhi zhi sound was heard in the dead mountain road. Everyone heard the sound of shock and noticed Luo’s move.

Bu Ha 剌 looked at Luo, holding something in his hand, and said, “What is this?”

Luo did not answer him because the white smoke font did not give any information.

This is a black software with a long index finger. There are more than a dozen compound eyes on the body surface. It is impossible to distinguish where the head is.

When the unknown was caught by Luo, a dozen eyes opened or closed in a mess, and they made a sharp squeak.


At this time, someone suddenly fell to the ground, this time a skull was punctured through a hole.

The position of the attack is not limited to the heart, so the shield cannot protect the whole body.

Luo put his strength in the palm of his hand and pinched the unknown, and the sharp cry disappeared. Then, he opened [Circle], putting his defense into the lowest condition.

Bhajan 2 didn’t say anything close to Luo and assumed the responsibility of protection.

Inside the Sensor, there are many catkin-like unknown objects floating in the air. Each unknown object is as small as a fingernail, and its volume is different from the black unknown object just caught.

When Luo was puzzled, one of the small fingernail objects suddenly changed, its volume was elongated, and it was originally a slowly floating action state. While deforming, like the arrow off the string, Speed ​​burst suddenly, Directly into the head of one of the members.

“leave here.”

Luo grabbed Torch from a member body immediately, Shen Sheng said.

There are a lot of catkin-like unknown objects in the air, but fortunately the attack frequency is slow and no group attack has arisen.

Ali heard Luo’s words and gritted his teeth, “Go!”

As soon as the voice fell, they ran inward.

The eagle group’s people suddenly moved, leaving the body to lie on the ground.

“You also go.”

Luo held torch and said to several people.

A few people in Budha did the same, and after walking for some distance, they turned around and stopped.

Luo suddenly withdrew several dozen meters to the direction where they were, and the field opened, and Torch threw it at the area full of catkins.

“Hū! ”

torch seemed to ignite the invisible gasoline, burst into flames, and formed a fierce wave of flames, but it only disappeared for less than a second, and disappeared together, also those catkins.

After dealing with the situation, before Luo could think about what the catkins were unknown, there were screams in front of the mountain road.

Luo and Bu Hazhen looked at each other, and rushed to the location where the screams came. They saw the eagle group being attacked by a bunch of plants.

It is a vine-like plant with dense spikes. The sharp spikes are as dense as the branches and leaves on the strips. When they reach people, they directly become bottle gourd.

In less than a minute, more than 30 people in the Eagles were killed by spikes.

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