Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 394

The dark-colored valley contrasts with the black clouds above the sky. Even if the light is faint, it seriously highlights the existence of many white bones in the mountain road.

Luo stared at the dead mountain road, released the [circle] with a diameter of 100 meters, quickly burst into the mountain road, and incorporated everything with a radius of 50 meters into the Sensor.

There are no moving objects, and the bones are shoved. They can barely distinguish the specific human skull bones, but the number is quite large.

The wall of the mountain is uneven, there are many foreign objects protruding, and the shape is various. Except for the vines, it is easier to distinguish the rest, and it is difficult to determine the true identity. Some look like scallops, and some look like yo-yos. Some look like feathers.

While holding a dark insect arthropod roasting leg while eating, Bu Hajiu quietly looked at maintaining [Circle] Luo. After a few seconds, William came to them and noticed that Luo was using [Circle] detection within The situation in the valley is silent.

Luo kept his eyebrows silent. Although all objects within 50 meters are still, they are not 100% sure that these objects are dead and there are too many bones stacked on the ground. This is only a mountain pass and it dies. Got that many creatures?

He read it, looked towards Baha 剌, and said, “Throw the shell in your hand, no more than 50 meters away.”

“I haven’t finished it yet.” Bu Ha snorted and said.

Luo glanced at him and urged: “Hurry up.”


Praha gave a perseverant glance before prying out half of the meat’s arthropod roasted legs, and threw it towards the mountain road. The arthropod legs made an arc in the air, and then landed on the white bone pile and made a sound.

Nothing …

Luo brows lightly raise, within the scope of the Sensor, still silent, after a moment, he withdrew [Yuan] and looked at the mountain silent.

“Is there a living thing in it?” William asked Luo as soon as he recovered [Yuan].

His [Circle] has a range of less than 7 meters, which is too difficult to detect.

“I’m not sure.”

Luo felt that there would always be something hidden under the deadly darkness, so he did not give William a positive answer.

Hearing Luo’s words, William pinched his chin, wondering what he was thinking.

On the other side, Ali has ordered the number, and no one has left, but some materials tied to the armored cow body were scraped away by Sandstorm, and it is not suitable to bring a sled when passing through the sandstorm, so when I came over, I brought The supplies are only enough for them to last about 3 to 5 days.

Ali collected all the materials and distributed them to everyone, and then placed the armored cows on the sand outside the valley. Here the sky was blocked by dark clouds, blocking most of the sun’s light and temperature, even if the armored cows had no food. , And can easily survive for several days.

After the armored cow was settled, Ali led the rest toward the entrance outside the mountain road.

“Did you find anything?” Ali asked Long with a long spear in his hand.

Luo glanced at the eagle group who came over, Kaidou: “No.”

“is it…”

Ali stared at the deep bones within the valley, took a deep breath, and said, “Ignite.”

Tone barely fell, the 20 members of the Eagles quickly lit the prepared torch, and the others were holding weapons.

“I won’t say any more than that. Fame and wealth are just a distance away from us. They follow me!”

After Ali said, he immediately headed for the mountain road, and the people of the Eagle Group followed Ali in silence. Everyone’s expressions were quite complicated, with expectations, greed, and fear …

The eagles lined up, the person holding the torch stood inside, the person holding the shield stood outside, and the person holding the long weapon stood in the middle.

Luo and Ge’er did not carry Melee Weapon, they were packed in the center of the team, which is the safest area.


Ali led the team about 20 meters away, watched around at, and suddenly said.

Upon hearing Ali’s order, the people holding the torch in the team took out the stone crossbow hanging on their backs and shot the gunpowder-laden arrows forward. With the continuous explosion, many bones shattered.

After the sound elapsed for ten seconds, the road ahead was still silent, and the team continued to move forward.

Be cautious, every 20 meters the team walks, they will use explosive arrows to test the situation, to prevent dangerous creatures from hiding in Kakuzu that is not exposed to the fire. After all, hiding sneak attacks is an Innate Skill that desert creatures can generally master.

Keep going out of 100 meters distance and shoot out 5 waves of explosive arrows. Except for many pits on the road of bones, not at all found anything.

From entering to the present, Luo has been observing the surrounding environment. The stone wall on the left and right sides of the mountain, such as Moyu, has numerous irregular white stripes, uneven surfaces, and protruding rocks that are grotesquely shaped, which fits the Sensor just outside. result.

Looking up on the mountain road and looking upwards, I can only see the dark clouds rolling not just, as if that is the ceiling of the valley.

It is worth noting that the yellow vines spread on the mountain wall, which should be regarded as the existence of life so far.

Seeing that the team was about to go to 100 20 meters, Luo suddenly wondered, thinking in his heart, “How did the bones that fell on the behind formed?”

Just then, Ali’s voice came forward: “Stop, there is something.”

The Eagles heard that all stopped immediately.

Luo crossed the crowd and came to Ali’s side, looking at the dark shadow hidden in front of him.

“Giant trumpet flower?” Ali whispered.

Luo glanced at him. The shape of the dark shadow was indeed a bit like a trumpet flower that was ten times larger. There were a dozen tracks in total, just across the middle of the road, with a gap of more than one meter.

“Torch.” Ali reached out a hand to the team behind him, and someone quickly handed him torch.

Ali took Torch and threw it forward. Torch spun around and flew over. The fire light illuminated the mountain road and made the people present see the true features of the shadow.

It is an unknown plant with a height of more than 2 meters. It looks like a record player in the Republic of China. The upper part is a huge trumpet-shaped mouthpiece. It is connected to a thick arm pipe and is slightly bent. The lower part is passing slowly. Agitation of hemoglobin.

The trumpet-shaped mouthpiece faces everyone.

Luo clearly saw the agitated blood red sphere, which was running down the pipe and conveying a spherical object to the location of the trumpet mouthpiece, as if a candy was stuffed in the throat. It can be seen from the outside of the pipe. See the shape of the protrusion.

“Your Majesty.”

Too late to think, Luo shouted and opened the field at the same time.

puff puff puff!

I saw that a dozen plants suddenly ejected a ball-sized unknown ball from the trumpet-shaped mouthpiece, flying towards everyone.

Luo was able to open the field, but when he saw the dozen or so spheres exploded in the air immediately, they turned into countless miniature spheres, covering almost all the directions in the mountain road.

When the people of the Eagle Group heard Luo’s words, most of them lay directly on the bones subconsciously. A few of them reacted slowly and did not immediately lie down.

Luo blocked a part of the miniature sphere in front of him, and the number of remaining spheres was still amazing. He crossed his body and flew towards the Eagles.

Those few people who were not lying down were directly smashed into a sieve, next moment, their bodies suddenly exploded, and a blood mist sputtered away.


Hearing the muffled sound of the explosion, Luo’s gaze fixed, and he bounced off dozens of miniature spheres and bounced towards the record player plant that was continuing to transport [ammunition]. The spheres exploded and turned into a smoke of pale red, all around in a blink of an eye.

“this is…?”

Luo subconsciously shrinks the field and sticks it on the surface.

The pale red smoke swallowed everyone up at once.

At the same time, the miniature spheres reflected by Luo hit those dozens of record player plants into Crush, which also caused a large area of ​​pale red smoke to blow out in place.

The smoke appeared suddenly and disappeared quickly.

Everyone in the Eagles got up slowly and was shocked.

Ge Er also got up and stared at Luo with an inexplicable gaze, next moment, her face changed slightly.

“It’s poison.”

Ge Er frowned.

As soon as the words fell, I saw the crowd who had just stood up, like the Domino Bone Token, falling to the ground again.

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