Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 389

There are many ancient valleys, valleys, palace ruins, and ancient capital ruins under the desert.

There are many factors in the formation of quicksand. Normally, an ingenious balance is maintained, but when the balance is destroyed, quicksands will form.

According to the anecdotes circulating among the three major oasis nations, several gold prospectors with great fortunes were accidentally caught in the quicksand, but were not buried to death, but were sent to the sites that ordinary people dream of, or there were many funeral items. Necropolis.

In my life, there is always a time when I hit the Grand Canal.

However, when there is an abyssal mouth under the quicksand pit, don’t even think about trying your luck, because the abyssal mouth is one of the most dangerous creatures in the desert. It has been hidden in the sand for many years. Motionless As Mountains can only be caught when prey is captured. A huge mouth will be opened. Once a person enters, no one will be rescued.

Each time the mouth of the abyss opens its mouth and swallows a large pit, it will not be long before sand will be blown by the wind, burying the large pit, forming a new hiding effect.

Therefore, no one has ever seen the whole picture of the abyss giant mouth, who was fortunate enough to have escaped, and only saw the abyss-like teeth of the Kakuzu fairy predator, who can easily dissect all creatures driven by quicksand. 2 and a half.

Because the sand in the desert is flowing, the types of dunes are complex and diverse, driven by strong winds, and often unpredictable. A dune piled up here this morning may flatten out in the evening.

Therefore, even if the abyss giant mouth is a kind of dangerous creature waiting for its prey, people walking on the desert can’t judge the location of the abyss giant mouth, even the armored cow.

About 30 armored cows were trapped in the abyss, and under most urgent, they ran away and died a few. The remaining people, according to the rescue status, can save ten. Already.

In this situation, Luo’s move on a wooden board to dash down the abyss scared everyone who rescued on the pit.

The speed of the wooden board in the quicksand running state is very fast, and the abyss mouth has more than 100 sharp teeth exposed outside, spreading out irregularly, and one will be cut in half by accident.

This rescue operation, let alone save people, simply put himself in.

“Come on help!”

A youngster yelled, the rope head in his hand was pulled by Luo, looking at Luo, he was so anxious that he was afraid that he couldn’t hold it and was pulled, so he quickly called the side person to pull it together.

After hearing what he said, 3 or so big men nearby hurried over and pulled the rope together, just like tug of war.

In the quicksand, Ali’s entire group looked towards Luo, who was sliding down on the wooden board, and was also shocked.

“are you an idiot!”

Yaya held the large wrench tightly in her hand, as if it could give her a little more sense of security.

She felt that Luo was here to add chaos, wasting 3 or 4 manpower in vain, and as soon as the scolding sounds came out, her expression froze.

I saw Luo single-handed holding the rope and holding it above his head to ensure that it would not be cut by the tooth that was more than one meter high, and Luo’s feet seemed to be glued to the wooden board, regardless of each other, as the upper body Swinging, the direction of the board is also changing, and it cleverly crosses the rows of criss-crossed jaws.

Luo controlled the wooden board under his feet, and quickly glanced over all the people who were trapped in the quicksand, including Ge Er, a total of 22 people, and 4 were unfortunately cut into two and died by E. teeth.

The position of everyone was instantly recorded in his head, and his thoughts burst into bursts, weaving a most reasonable route, taking into account how many people on the bunker can save a few people.

The plan was organized in his head, Luo immediately turned in a direction, and passed by a dangerous Ejaculation, causing the people trapped in the quicksand to sweat coldly.

“Compared to the reef rapids of Mavando Port, this quicksand has no pressure at all.”

Luo thought silently in his heart. He quickly passed the First Title rescued person. When he passed, he raised his hands to grab the collar, and his arm violently forced him to throw him directly into a quicksand with a diameter of 50 meters. Because it was soft outside In the sand, Luo didn’t need to be distracted to control his power, just throw it.

He had worked hard for a while in Marfando, and had passed through the reef torrent zone from the inner port to the outer port many times. He was very skillful in grasping and judging the timing.

Now, he has been trained as a devil like Siji for a year, and his physical coordination has become stronger. At this time, he stepped on the wooden board and slid on the quicksand, avoiding E-jackets and saving people’s hands. one little thing.

“Is this OK?”

“Monster, for me, my feet will be soft.”

“I heard that there is a sport called surfing in the sea outside, it seems like this!”

Looks at Luo stepping on a wooden board to dodge freely in E teeth, throwing out the trapped companions of each and everyone, staring at Luo with an inexplicable gaze.

Soon, Luo threw out a total of ten people including Ali and Yaya into the quicksand, and finally greeted Geer, who was calm in expression, and the others had been dragged up by the rope.

Ge Er stood on the back of the armored cow, staring closely at the overflowing thoughts under Luo’s feet. This planning Luo knew how to read, but in the previous contact, Luo let the energy of life be lost, pretending not to be Mind Power The illusion of a person.

In general, if there is no need to disguise, Mind Power people usually maintain it all the time, even sleeping will not be removed, because it is a skill that requires constant exercise, and, if it has been used, there is another more substantial statement, that is Can retain youth or lifespan.

Therefore, Mind Power owners who hold this view will maintain it after they have a solid grasp, and will not easily withdraw it.

Ge Er was able to get away easily, but she did not leave immediately, but thought about how to save one easily before leaving, but after thinking for a while, there was no good conclusion, and then she saw Luo coming.

Should I say it’s an enthusiastic guy?

Ge Er looked at Luo with his own eyes and easily rescued ten or five people. He also saw that Luo used it.

When Luo came to Ge’er, he suddenly loosened the rope and jumped from the sliding wooden board to the back of Ge’s cow, preparing to take Ge’er to jump out of the quicksand.

“I can do it myself.”

Ge Er gave a deliberate glance at the soles of Luo’s feet and let Luo notice.

Seeing Ge Er’s intentional actions, Luo didn’t care, and said, “You go up first.”

Ge Er was not polite, and his foot slammed into force, jumping like a rocket to the sky, and heading out of the quicksand.

With this kick, the armored cow who was eaten by quicksand into the bottom of the sand shocked, and the quicksand swallowed Luo’s calf at once.

Seeing the situation, Luo also exerted strength under his feet and leapt to the side of the quicksand.

After he jumped up safely, the people of the eagle group immediately gathered around, thanked him excitedly, and looked into his eyes, full of respect.

The Golo state has a strong respect for the people. For those who have the ability, the Golo people have always been convinced.

“Tum, You’re quite something!” Ali, who escaped from the dead, patted Luo’s shoulder in excitement.

“Get out of here,” Luo said.

The next trip to the quicksand transformed ten pages, and there were also close to 5 places in the regiment waiting for him to convert, but there was no guarantee that all conversions could be made. Anyone who was in danger and could save and save would be one. Page book page.

Hearing Luo’s words, Ali Nodded immediately gave orders and directed his teammates to evacuate here, while preparing to take stock of the losses.

Although the Eagles are not a well-trained army, their execution is not weak. Under Ali’s order, they quickly organized a team to stay away from the abyss.

People were rescued, but 30 armored cows were swallowed by the abyss.

When the Eagles evacuated one kilometer, it was discovered that a corps of armored cows, about ten in the distance, was walking around their periphery, like wolves staring at their prey.

“It’s a burglar. There are 9 people.”

Someone looked at it with Telescope and reported it.

Ali coldly said: “These 9 bastards are responsible for staring at us. There must be other bastards going back to gather the team. All the moves give me a little bit of benefit. Going to the stone area earlier is better for us.”

Sand pirates are people in the three oasis countries who want to be skinned and cramped, and encountering burglars is also something that is expected in their hearts.

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