Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 373

5 seconds ago, if someone told himself that a cat could instantly kill 5 adult robust men, Ze Wrath would definitely jump up and point at that person and scold the fool.

Now, Ze Wrath desperately needs someone to tell him that everything is just a joke.

He closed his eyes and looked forward to opening, the scene he had just seen was false.

After a few moments, he opened his eyes and saw the black cat standing in front of him, with an extremely terrifying expression on his face, like a person who was about to suffocate, suddenly breathing oxygen, gasping for breath, trying to scream, and found himself calling Not coming out.

The black cat smiled at him quietly, and then a casual wave of claws, a blood line immediately emerged from the neck of Wrath.

Ze Wrath seemed to realize something, and his trembling body was struggling fiercely. At this time, he finally wanted to do his best to scream for help, but found that he still couldn’t scream, but desperately looked at the monster in front of him.

With intense struggling movement, blood spewed from the neck.

At this moment, Ze Wrath was not only filled with despair, but also with irreparable regrets.

If he knew it would end like this, he shouldn’t be embarrassed by Luo’s achievements on Vulture Street. Even if he didn’t know who had been robbed of five antiquities, today’s harvest is enough.

Shouldn’t be greedy …

At the end of his life, Ze Wrath flashed the sentence in his head, then sank into the darkness.

The black cat quietly looks at Ze Wrath’s death, his eyes move slightly, and he falls on the bulging place of the clothes, which is to gently swing his claws, cut the pockets on the clothes, and a bag of bulging money falls out.

Before the money bag landed, the black cat stretched his claws into his hand, opened it, and it turned out to be a pile of gold beads.

Above the roof, a slim silhouette flees like an ape, moves Agility, and the Speed ​​is quite fast.

It was a woman wearing short-sleeved hot pants. Her exposed skin showed a healthy wheat color, she had short black hair, and she had small curly braids behind her head. Her eyes were brown and her lips were slightly thin.

At this time, the woman’s expression was still calm, but the brown eyes could not hide the fear.

One cat could cut through the necks of ten men at once!

Thanks to her mental quality, she ran away when she reacted, so that she would not be able to stump like the Ze Wrath Master, and would be killed by the black cat at once.

The woman did not know that Ze Wrath Master was dead, and it had nothing to do with her. All she wanted was to run away and stay away from danger.

Just then, a silhouette appeared out of nowhere at ten meters in front of him.

The woman looked at the man who suddenly appeared, his face changed, he stepped on a sharp brake, but did not turn in the other direction to continue running, just staring at Luo.

She didn’t give up the struggle this way, but when Luo suddenly appeared, she realized that she couldn’t run anyway. Instead of continuing to run, she might as well think about how to get out.

What should I do?

The woman’s head turned quickly, looking for a hint of life in a situation that was supposed to die.

She felt that she was more wronged. She was not with Zawa Wrath originally, but for the money to temporarily cooperate with the performance, but when the money was split, they saw Zawa Wrath’s group trying to hit the troubled boy before. I wanted to take a look.

This is also the root reason why Ze Wrath is in the group and the woman is alone.

At this moment, the woman regretted, she finally realized the essence of curiosity killing the cat.

The woman took a deep breath and quickly said, “I and Ze Wrath are not a gang and I don’t intend to participate in this matter. I will be there just now. I just want to see the excitement!”

Be honest about why you are there. This is a decision a woman makes without being able to escape.

She spoke at the fastest rate in her life, first setting aside her relationship with Ze Wrath, then explaining the motivation, and then dare not say more.

It is also a key factor that she thinks she can escape from death.

This is a very alert and intelligent woman.

Luo expressionless stared at the woman in front of him and asked, “What’s your name?”


A woman who used pseudonyms and nicknames for most of her life, in this brief moment, she gave her real name without hesitation. Even if Luo at this time wanted to ask her some private things, she would say everything like a bean. , But never thought of asking for mercy.

“I thought you would beg for mercy.” Luo indifferently said.

At this moment, Milia’s tense nerve was slightly loose. From this sentence, she judged that the other party did not mean to kill herself, and immediately said, “I’m not against you.”

If you ask for forgiveness, you are sitting on the shit.

“Well said.”

Luo slightly nodded, walked towards the clothesline on the roof.

Just now in the alley, Luo and the black cat immediately discovered that there were also two people outside the alley and the roof. Based on Luo’s Sensor, he knew that the person on the roof was not malicious.

This situation has not reached the point of killing, so Luo won’t shoot at Millia.

He walked to the clothesline, reached out to hold the pole, and urged him with force, only to see the pole split second turned into a powder, which fluttered in the wind.

Milia looks at this scene, her eyes stretched to the fullest, her handsome face is hard to hide the fear.

Luo pats’ hand, walked slowly towards Milia, and every step, like a heavy hammer, smashed into Milia’s heart and rattled.

The atmosphere solidified in Milia’s imagination, as if it could be suffocating, and made her nerves tense again, but fortunately, she faithfully implemented the theory of practice that could not beg for mercy, and did not become guilty because of the drastic changes Turn around and run away.

Luo walked to Millia’s side and stopped abruptly, saying, “You should be glad to see the lively location on the roof.”

Tone barely fell, Luo urged his mind, took 2 or 3 steps forward, and then disappeared in place. The next second, it appeared above the alleyway outside several dozen meters, and fell to the ground.

On the roof, Milia slowly turned her stiff neck and looked back. Where can I see the silhouette of Luo, the heart in this brief moment, like a detached wild horse beating wildly.

What a … what the fuck!

Luo and the black cat can sense each other’s position, and they meet without effort.

After seeing the black cat, Luo directly stuffed the five antiquities wrapped in his coat into the black cat’s mouth, Paulie. The latter neither rebelled nor complained. He had just blackened ten pages. I am happy.

After swallowing the antiquities that Luo stuffed into his mouth, the black cat threw a money bag full of gold beads to Luo, and immediately drilled into the back of Luo’s hand, away from the wind.

Luo took the money bag, and the weight was quite heavy. When he opened it, he suddenly hesitated.

Half an hour later, Luo returned to Sago’s house, got the keys from Sago, and ran directly to the room on the third floor, using the key to open the wooden box prompted by Bai Yan.

Inside was a yellowed book, and something that looked like a pocket watch, with a tiny amount of mental power floating on it.

I do n’t know why, rather than the entangled mind, Luo paid more attention to the book, so he picked up the book and turned the first page gently.

It’s a diary …

At the same time, a terrifying scream came from somewhere in Elba. Someone found the body. Soon, the scene was crowded with people watching it.

It is not surprising that the dead in Elba City, but it is quite rare to have killed more than a dozen people at one time, and among the dead, the well-known Lord Zewrath is simply a big news!


A soldier was long overdue, the crowd automatically let go, let the soldiers enter the scene, and bend over to the leader to make a worship service.

The leader was a burly young man with an inch on his head and a scaly scar on his eyebrows. This man was King Prince of Elba.

He walked to the body of Ze Wrath Master and looked at the sharp wound on that neck, his eyes slightly cold.

Celebrities’ death in Alba is not a good thing.

In the crowd, Millia was wearing a hooded robe, cautiously looks at sitting under the wall of Kakuzu, deadly Wrath Master, and suddenly jumped out of the words of the teenager before leaving, the body could not help shaking a bit.

Thanks for being on the roof …

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