Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 369

Under the yellow sand of the Kendia Desert, there are buried ruins that cannot be counted out by historical documents. Countless treasures are hidden in the darkness, never seen the daylight.

There are two types of people who come to the desert for the sake of profit, one is a merchant who buys low and sells high, and an adventurer who is a gold rush.

The former carried a cartload of cargo to the Oasis country for high prices, and then bought low prices for antiquities or local specialties, returned them for sale, and obtained high profits with 2 heads.

The latter organized a small team to explore the dangerous desert, hoping to dig out the ruins full of treasures, or to find leaks in the vulture street.

Whether it is the large team of the former or the small team of the latter, they not only face the potential danger from the desert, but also the threat from the sand robbers. If they are not careful, they will lose their lives.

However, money like this always makes some people who are not afraid of death like it.

The people in Vulture Street are basically Outsiders, there are merchants, gold prospectors, and even travelers who want to try their luck.

At this time, on the stage resembling an auction table, a robe old man called Ze Wrath continued to evaluate the sentence of the pot of strong desire, and finally came to a conclusion: high imitation fake!

The short-sleeved hot pants, the wheat-colored woman who did not seem to be afraid of the poisonous sunlight, seemed to be the host. When she heard the conclusion of the old man, she looked sadly towards that middle age person.

“Sir, your heirloom is not a treasure. According to the agreement, regardless of whether you are satisfied with the result of the appraisal, you must pay Ze Wrath Master an appraisal fee of 500,000.”

The middle age person bowed his head slightly, desperately, “I don’t have that much money.”

“Ze Wrath Master just said, although your pot is a fake, but the high imitation technology is very unique, and it is sold at least 1,000,000 Jenny. You can take advantage of the crowd now, as long as the price exceeds 1,000,000 , You can not only pay the appraisal fee, but also get 500,000 Jenny. “

Wheat-colored woman smiles with sunshine.

The spiritual spirit of the middle age person seems to have been taken away. At this time, when I heard the suggestion of the wheat-colored woman, there is no room for rejection. Furthermore, there is not a lot of 500,000 Jenny, just agree to auction the pot of strong desire on the spot.

Seeing the middle age person agree, the wheat-colored woman’s eyes touched an imperceptible joy, and said to the audience: “Everyone sees that although this pot of desire is a fake, Ze Wrath Master still gives A good evaluation proves that it has some value. “

“With the consent of the original Master, this pot of strong desire will now be auctioned. The starting price is 500,000 Jenny, and the additional auction price cannot be less than 10000. The highest price will be awarded!”

The wheat-colored woman’s throat is very loud, but it doesn’t look harsh. No auxiliary equipment such as a microphone is needed. The words spoken can make everyone in the audience hear clearly.

As the wheat-colored woman’s voice came to an end, the guests on the floor whispered, but no one offered to bid, after all, it was a fake, even if Ze Wrath’s evaluation was not low, it also greatly reduced the value.

After a while, someone finally raised his hand and shouted, “5110000!”

The wheat-colored woman took a quick look at the man and shouted, “This gentleman is bidding 5110000. Does anyone follow?”

After confirming it twice, someone in the crowd called out the price of 2 again. The interval between the two times was a little long, which showed the hesitant psychology.

The middle age person saw that the response from the audience was very cold, and suddenly panicked. The pot considered to be a heirloom was actually a fake, and that’s it. Keze Wrath Master gave an evaluation price of 1,000,000, and succeeded. If you sell it, you pay the appraisal fee and you still have 500,000 remaining.

However, the enthusiasm for bargaining now is so low that middle age persons start to trembling in fear.

After that, some people shouted the price and raised the price to 600,000 a few minutes later.

Among the crowd below, Luo was like a calm bystander, observing the people on the stage and the guests who bargained, always felt that something was wrong.

He yanked an uncle next to him, pretending to be a cute man who didn’t understand the world, and asked, “Uncle, who is Nazawa Wrath Master? It seems that very difficult to deal with is very famous.”

The uncle looked at Luo with a disdainful expression on his face, and said, “What the hell is this little ghost here for?”

“Come on for a long time!” Luo blinked, looking as cute as the purple pig.

The uncle said impatiently: “Ze Wrath Master is a well-known top Appraisal Master in 3 oasis countries. There is nothing he can’t identify, but the identification fee is very expensive.”

“This is a place where talents can have fun. It is not suitable for you brat. Hurry up.”

At this time, the pot of strong desire shouted a price of 60 50000, and the second time confirmation was already in progress. After another second, as long as the wheat-colored woman confirmed the third time, the pot would be sold at 60 50000.

On the other hand, in the field, the person who had bid before seemed to have no intention to continue to shout.

Luo eyes looks at the pot of strong desire is about to close, under the uncle’s shocked gaze, he hurriedly raised his hand and shouted: “10010000!”

Jumping from 60 50000 to 1,000,000 immediately attracted the attention of the guests present. Many people here did not lack such a little money, just want to see who is so rich, willing to spend money to buy a fake.

He taught Luo a while ago, and shocked his uncle, who took a few steps back. He stared at Luo with a look of “what the hell is going on in this world”, only to feel that the slap he had just fanned out fell on his face.

Luo ignored the uncle and ignored the amazement around him, and moved towards the stage and looked over.

Ze Wrath Master sat on a chair and turned a blind eye to the auction. The wheat-colored woman in charge of the host looked at Luo deeply, and the middle age person with the pot of strong desire was excited. color.

If Luo didn’t shout, the final price might be set at 60 50000, but when Luo shouted it, he would have to see whether 60 50000 people would follow.

For this counterfeit, the price was directly increased to 1,000,000 and it was difficult to understand in the eyes of others.

There is a thought entwined in the pot of strong desire, which is why Luo is bound to get it, so even if it is 10,000,000, he has to take it down.

The reason that ordinary people cannot see is the origin of incomprehension.

Furthermore, with the experience of contacting antiquities with Luo until now, the odds of antiquities that are entangled in the mind are very high, and that Wrath Master swears that the conclusion is true or false, also to be verified.

But unfortunately, you must touch the object with your own hands, the white smoke font can give an accurate assessment, including the price.

After shouting the price, Luo kept watching the reaction of the wheat-colored woman, and saw that the other party quickly moved his gaze and then retracted, and Luo knew immediately.

Assuming the pot of strong desire is the real thing, the drama on the auction floor seems intriguing.

The person who gave the price of 60 50000 previously raised the price again and called 10110000.

Luo didn’t immediately follow the price, but looked at the wheat-colored woman, showing a meaningful smile.

The wheat-colored woman is lightly startled, and her psychological qualities have been exercised to break through the sky, and she somehow feels uneasy.

There is an illusion of being smashed.

She suppressed the inexplicable emotions in her heart, and said to Luo said with a slight smile, “Sir, do you want to continue to follow?”

“Of course, 10210000.” Luo slowly leisurely said.

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