Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 352

This is a weird seed that feeds on flesh …

After hearing Luo’s narration, Jin and Lin Nie’s reactions were different.

Regardless of the authenticity of the information, how did Luo know about this seed?

Lin Nie’s attention was all on the seeds, and Jin thought of more things, including false information, as if Luo had a special intelligence channel.

However, he will not explore Luo’s secret, and that is his feelings and speculation, and there is no evidence to implement it.

To confirm that the seeds were “Death” or “Live”, Luo went outside and bought a pound of pork and threw it into a stone box.

At first, the seed met the bloodshot pork not at all. After a while, there was no movement of the seed. The pork became smaller at a relatively fast speed.

The seeds are alive …

But in 20 seconds, a pound of pork was consumed by the seeds, and no blood remained.

That pork was several times the size of the seeds, but the volume of the seeds remained the same after the pork was consumed.

Throughout the smoking process, no action was seen on the seeds. It was like using an invisible stomach fluid to dissolve the pork into a liquid and then absorb it into the body.

There is no doubt that this seed must be the product of the dark continent, and it cannot be explained by common sense at all.

Luo couldn’t use mindpower, so he didn’t want to take the risk to contact the seed, but Jin didn’t have his worries. After confirming that the seed was still alive, he reached out his hand covered with mindpower and gently pressed on the seed.

The tentacles were a bit warm and felt like they were touching uneven metal.

The contact lasted only 2 seconds, and Jin yanked back his hand, and the seed was absorbing his thoughts.

Luo could n’t use mind, so I do n’t know why Jin pulled her hand like an electric shock, but Lin Nie used [Ning] to see clearly 2 Chu, she saw that Jin ’s mind covered by her hand was partially absorbed by the seed.

“It absorbs thoughts.”

Kim touched the chin, and his interest in this seed increased.

Hearing what King said, Luo felt that he couldn’t touch the seed easily before he unblocked it.

Just by studying this seed, I feel that I cannot start.

In the next few days, Kim stayed in the association very rarely, waiting for the ancient paper hunter he contacted to come over.

Netero has heard about this, but he has been busy during this time and has no free time.

Luo didn’t leave either. His spoils of war [Surprise Box] was still at Netero. Before leaving, he absolutely took away [Surprise Box], but it was not clear when Netero would be busy.

For the past few days, Kim kept the seeds as pets and fed them with a variety of meat.

Luo repeatedly sought the gold to discuss the ownership of the seed. After many conversations, Jin promised to give the seed to Luo, but he was not allowed to bring the seed to the island of greed.

After discovering that the seed has the ability to absorb thoughts, one of the things that Kim thought of was the threat of the seed to the island of greed, which can be said to be nuclear bomb level.

With regard to the condition of gold, Luo certainly agreed.

After another 2 days, the ancient instrument hunter hired by Jin finally came to the association.

Force is the basic quality of professional hunters, no matter what industry or profession, but among professional hunters, the number of hunters like Bounty Hunter who speaks by force is the largest, while those like gourmet hunters are relatively small.

However, among the occupations with the least number of professional hunters, ancient instrument hunters can occupy a seat.

According to Kim’s understanding, there seems to be only one ancient paper hunter in the association, and he has hired him, and there is only one ancient paper hunter.

The meeting place was in Luo’s room. Lin Nie didn’t come this time. She sat in the room.

Luo and Jin were sitting on the sofa in the living room, and a bunch of a4 paper-sized photos were slowed down on the coffee table.

These photos, all taken at underground sites, are related to the ancient In Literature there is. As for the photos carved by the stone, there is no need to take them out.


The knock on the door came.

Luo said, “The door is unlocked, come straight in.”

The person who knocked on the door heard the words, and just opened the door and walked in, but he was a young maiden, wearing a fashionable dress, cutie on the upper body, and a pair of hot pants on the lower body.

Luo looked at this young girl who seemed to be less than 18 years old, and wondered if the ancient instrument hunter that Jin found was reliable?

In his impression, ancient document hunters and archaeologists should have deep roots. Generally, they are erudite middle age people who are close to middle age, right? And gender is not the key, age is.

This young girl has short orange hair covering her ears, her red eyes are very agile, her mouth is slightly tilted, and she wears a youthful and lively atmosphere under her entire body. No intellectual beauty can be seen.

Mainly … too young?

“Who is gold?”

The girl hurriedly walked in front of the two of them and asked, splitting her head.

“I.” Jin raised his hand. He had a one-sided understanding before hiring a girl over.

The girl immediately looked towards Jin, took out a pen and paper from the shoulder bag she carried, and patted it on a coffee table. Said with a smile: “The reward you give is very attractive, but the procedure you should take is still required.”

Jin picked up the paper and browsed it. It was a two-piece contract. The girl was uneasy when she thought about it, so she drafted the contract.

After a rough look, this contract actually serves as a guarantee. Jin directly picked up his pen and signed his own name, so this contract became effective immediately.

The girl reached out to win the contract, looked at the name signed by Jin, and immediately screamed in excitement, bouncing up and down in the same place, as if she had already got the reward.

“Is this … reliable?” Luo tilted his head toward Kim.

“Her name is Pion, and she is one of the ancient paper hunters in the association.”

Kim faced Luo shrugged, then raised his finger and knocked on the coffee table, looking at Pion, who was so excited that he couldn’t find the direction, and seriously said, “Are you too happy? Do n’t translate all the ancient Chinese, do you Ways to get the entire reward. “

According to the contract, King paid a high sum of money, and what Pioen had to do was translate the ancient text.

If you can only translate half of the translation, you can only get 50% of the compensation. If the translation progress is less than 20%, you can’t get any compensation, and you can get the entire compensation if you translate all.

Pioyne stopped his circling body, raised his face, and said, “I’m sure of your reward.”

Then, she picked up the photos on the coffee table and looked up.

After a moment, she said to herself: “It’s Serbowen.”

“Is it difficult?” King asked.

Pyoern looked up towards Kim and said: “The difficulty is definitely there, it is mainly time-consuming, anyway, you have no limit on how long I can complete the work. I took these photos. As long as it will take me to translate them, I am not at the end, you are old Wait honestly. “

Tone barely fell, she picked up all the photos, and walked towards the door violently.

Luo and Jin 愣愣 looks at Pioyne.

After a while, Luo asked again: “Reliable?”

“Should …” King scratched his head.

Luo felt speechless. He always felt that the young girl named Pioyne was unreliable. If it took too long, he would not wait, and fulfilled the conditions agreed with Lin Nie, and left the association.

The night is as dark as the night breeze in July contains a touch of dryness.

There is a brightly lit mansion on the mountain, which covers a large area and has an empty courtyard.

At this point, the courtyard was filled with a corpse in a black suit, and blood was flowing under him.

The air was full of acrid blood.

Chrollo stood in an antique study in the mansion, quietly looking at the many ancient books on the bookshelf.

That night, Phantom Troupe blood-washed the home of a top rich man. For this matter, he planned for almost 20 days.

It was a real blood wash, and none was left.

Some things have changed from the very beginning to impossible. Phantom Troupe is still the original Phantom Troupe. The attitude towards outsiders is always indifferent and there is no awe in life.

In front of the bookshelf, Chrollo suddenly picked up his phone from his pocket, held up his keyboard, and edited a text message in reply to Luo.

He received a text message from Luo more than 20 days ago, and he only responded more than 20 days later.

The content is short and only 3 words: I don’t know.

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