Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 347

The tremor came suddenly and was very short, giving people a feeling like Titan walking with his feet on his feet. The next step every few seconds caused a short vibration on the ground.

If this is not an earthquake, what could be the cause?

Luo thought of that huge meatball monster, wouldn’t it be jumping around?

In fact, although the short vibrations this week were not caused by the bouncing of meat balls, they were also related to the meat balls, because the warships surrounding the port of Alcatraz attacked the meat balls and dealt a full blow.

The vibration of the underground space was caused by the wide range of firepower of the warships.

For this reason, Luo and Jin have no way of knowing. The frequency of the eyes at vibration will not show signs of cessation at one and a half. To be conservative, the two of them should leave this underground space first to prevent accidents.

Leaving the underground space, walking through the crooked aisle, and returning to the cave that had previously jumped down.

It’s easy to get down, it’s not so easy to go up, it’s more than 100 meters in height, and there is no lending point or a place to rest your feet temporarily.

Luo used [empty line] to easily go up, but he did not immediately go up, but looked towards Jin, and wanted to see how the other party got up.

The two of them did not carry a rope when they came, but they were on the mast ship, so that the black cat can spit out the ship and look for the rope. The problem is that Kim would choose to be more troublesome or simple.

Kim pointed at the upper hole and asked, “Can you get up?”

“Yes,” Luo said with a smile, and then asked, “what about you?”

“Little things.”

Kim extends the hand, and the power of surging expands into a skateboard-like shape.

“Emitter usually releases the mind to the effect of killing the enemy, but it can also act on its own, exerting a similar effect as a rocket propellant, pushing the body to perform explosive movements.”

Kim’s control is quite horrible. He uses his mind to pinch the skateboard and is extremely stable.

“Depending on the style used, the length of the distance, and the quality of the quality, you can achieve durable movement or teleportation.”

Having said that, Jin looked up at the top of the cave and continued: “At this height, about 3 to 4 seconds will be enough. Can you keep up? If it is too far away from you, the air film will break?”

Jin ’s series of explanations evoked Luo ’s aura. His [empty line] was extremely difficult to change direction, but if it is really like Emitter ’s Emitter application methods, as long as the control force is reached, maybe it can The air changes direction at will.

Thinking about this possibility, he has no response to the question of gold.

Jin’s gaze was on the hole in his head. He didn’t see Luo thinking, but he just spoke for a few seconds. He couldn’t hear Luo’s voice either. He moved to Luo and saw that the other was thinking.

In this case also the mood in contemplation?

Jin revealed a pair of dead fish eyes, and immediately took away the gas-shaped skateboard on his hand, and squeezed out a balloon, and then put it to Luo’s ears in a prank.


Thought ball exploded like a balloon. Although there was no formidable power, it made a loud noise.

Luo’s body shook. When she reacted, Jin was laughing aside, and suddenly she was speechless for this childish performance.

Seeing Luo break away from his thinking state, Jin changed his heart from laughing and laughing, repeating the question just now.

“Any 3 or 4 seconds? No problem.” Luo looked up at the hole.


Kim squeezed out the shape of the skate shoe again and began to prepare.

The two people stood about one meter apart, each standing. After the countdown, the two people moved together. They both jumped in place and jumped to a height of 2-2 meters.

Luo used [empty line], stepped on the air and walked upwards, and at the same time he turned his head and looked towards Jin, and saw that the other party made a chic turn in the air, and instead squatted on the skateboard with one hand on the front of the skateboard. With the other hand pinching the tail end, he flew towards the opening like a rocket in the sky.

When Luo saw this, he immediately speeded up Speed ​​and immediately followed the gold to prevent the gas film from getting too far away and cracking. You must know that there is a faint toxic smoke here, and it will be dangerous to touch it.

3 4 seconds later, the two flew out of the hole together and landed on the ground outside.

In the process of coming up, although Kim was stepping on skate shoes, the mental power covered by his whole body was in a running state. In Luo’s eyes, like the incantation card that used the mobile function on the island of greed, he was covered in the extreme mobility. Quick thoughts.

Luo has a high level of understanding of Mind Power, and also knows that there are many strange cards in the Island of Greed, and those cards have strange and strange abilities.

Some cards can move a long distance in the split second, some can recover one’s youthful vigor when eaten, and some can heal serious injuries on the split second.

It is precisely because of personal contact with Mind Power that we can better understand the inverse nature of those card abilities. For cards that move far enough, it is already an Emitter with a high cultivation base.

However, not to mention the number of cards, an average Mind Power player can easily use the cards without bearing any cost.

Luo believes that the island of greed should contain expensive constraints to have that effect, but the Emitter method used by Kongou is exactly the prototype of mobile incantation cards.

In other words, it is possible to achieve that level without the restriction of the island of greed. If he can use Emitter’s ability, he may be able to achieve Teleportation.

Luo is thinking about the ability that Kongou only used, and Jin is also guessing Luo ’s [empty line].

Unlike Emitter alone, Luo’s [empty line] is not only Emitter, but also other applications, and the use of style is very different from him.

Kim thought of this, mouth Kakuzu slightly hooked.

Except for special cases, each Mind Power has its own department, and only that department can play 100% of the effect, so many Mind Power people usually specialize in only one department.

King never likes to limit himself to a framework, so he will train specifically no matter what department, and then integrate the characteristics of multiple departments to do something he wants to do.

In his opinion, Luo should also be this type.

After a while, the black cat floated up from underneath, and when he came to the ground, he suddenly looked at the place where the withered trees were piled up on the edge of the open space, and the silver eyes appeared doubtful.


The color of the doubt in the black cat’s eyes slightly a bit, then looked at Luo and Jin 2 people, seeing that they did not react, and subconsciously looked towards there, his face suddenly changed.

There was nothing just now, and now there were 3 empties suddenly emerging from the withering woods.

“Hey, you two, didn’t notice it at all?” The black cat shouted, and he didn’t want to provoke any more.

Hearing the black cat’s voice, Luo and Jin suddenly noticed the imagination not far away, because there was no mental fluctuation, they were not at all aware.


Luo raised his hand decisively, sent out three bullets in a row, broke away, hit the virtual body, and turned the surrounding bandage into a fluttering fragment.

“I want to take a closer look.” King looked calm.

“Don’t make trouble, there are also 4 heads who don’t know where. Before you can figure out the false information and weaknesses, it’s better not to provoke.” Luo looked up at all around, but did not see the other 4 heads.

At this time, the flamboyant bandage fragments were reconstituted as they were, and green smoke was emitted from the body. Then, they saw that they ignored Luo and moved towards the black cat.


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