Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 344

It’s weird here. It’s rare for ordinary people to be able to stand still, and it is estimated that only Mind Power can do it with a normal mentality.

Judging from what King said, most of the time, there was no gain.

Luo came to him and asked, “What’s your gain? I only found a lot of stone carvings, but the content did not reveal any important information.”

“So do I.”

Jin put his hand down and looked his head towards Luo, saying, “People in ancient times often had sacrifice-related customs. That building is very similar to a temple, and it is more likely to be a sacrifice temple. Rarely, it is well preserved.”

“Go and see.” Luo nodded.

The building on the periphery of the site is in ruins, while the building on the inner side has left a general outline. The center of the sacrifice hall that Jin said is the center, and there are several perverse style buildings around it. Of the shell.

The sacrifice hall is made of bricks as its main material, its foundation is square, and the building’s appearance is also square. It is built on the stone platform to create a 15th-layer downward step.

On the top of the hall, a huge crescent stone sculpture is placed horizontally, which is longer than the building. From a distance, it looks like the twin Kakuzu of the Ox Head Man.

The gate of the sacrifice hall was empty. Luo and Jin walked along the stone stairs to the door, raised their eyes and looked inside, and a blue light, like the beam of a flashlight, penetrated through the hole in the roof and printed in the hall all around.

Luo took out the flashlight, turned it on, and shone in the hall. The bright rays of light scattered the blue light at once, and fell on the ground made of slate.

I saw that the slate was engraved with ghost-like characters, spreading on the floor, and there was a vaguely visible pattern between the arrangements.


Luo was surprised, and waved his arm, driving the rays of light of the flashlight to other places.

The slate in the hall is full of words, and the walls are full of vivid patterns, apart from this, leaving only a tall stone statue hidden in the shadows.

The bright rays of light swept towards the stone statue, and suddenly Luo startedled, because the stone statue was hollow and the appearance was exactly the same, the difference was that the hollow space vacated between the bandages was covered with one after another with a vivid image Eyeballs.

Kim also turned on the flashlight and observed the situation in the lower hall. He also noticed the only stone statue in the hall, and immediately asked, “Is that a virtual one?”

His understanding of imagination is limited to Luo’s description, and the appearance of this stone statue is similar to Luo’s description, except that he does not have eyes.

“A bit different.” Luo walked in.

“Are there more eyes?” King asked.


Luo nodded, gathered in the eyes, released all the mental power at the same time, wrapped around the body surface, and maintained a [strong] state.

Although you didn’t notice the danger, you should be careful. On the other hand, Kim is also full of thoughts on the body.

Two people walked into the stone statue and took a closer look. One after another stone eyeballs behind stretched out more than ten slender stone lines, which were connected to thinner bandage stones, so they looked far away. There is an illusion of stagnation in the eyes.

“What do you think of seeing these eyes?” Luo extend the hand touched the stone statue, and the white smoke font still did not respond, just silently retracted his hand.

King said, “The corpses outside, but what I care more about are the characters on the ground and the paintings on the walls.”

“Do you recognize these words?” Luo asked.

King was silent for a moment and said, “It’s a bit like Serbo text, and I’m not quite sure.”

“Serbo?” Luo wondered.

“They have individual names, called cavemen,” King explained. “The earliest discovery of three hundred sixty young men named Serbo was found in a huge underground cave ruin in the United Nations in Berg Lu Sai.”

“According to the Strange Law of the time, the young man had the right to name it, perhaps because of his bad taste. He used his own name to name this race.”

“The specific age cannot be traced back, but it is not inappropriate for ancient humans. After a long study of Gu Family, it was found that the Serbos have a complete text system, but there are too few factors for reference and the translation is extremely difficult. high.”

Berg Luo is one of the v5s and has strong national strength. He once mobilized 1000 elite soldiers to go to the dark continent, but failed in defeat.

The oversized underground cave ruins are found in the United Nations. The distance from Alcatraz Island is one on the horizon and the other on the sea Kakuzu.

Jin’s tone became slightly dignified, saying: “The Serbos settled in the underground caves to avoid the threat of harsh nature and the fierce wild beast. Actually it fits the environment of Alcatraz, but …”

Speaking of which, Kim looked towards the mural on the wall, saying: “Do you think the Serbos here settled underground to avoid the poison and cruel living environment on the island?”

“A huge creature …” Luo silently looked towards the mural on the wall, and the content in that painting gave him a familiar sense of sight.

Incomparably huge creature!

It is the small human beings in the murals that can reflect the hugeness of those creatures, and then reminiscent of Netero’s evaluation of the dark continent. The imaginable picture is …

The Serbos hid underground to settle in order to avoid those huge creatures.

Not to mention whether there is any human existence in the dark continent. If so, I am afraid that I can only live underground and become the oldest caveman, because the living environment there is countless times more cruel than Alcatraz Island. Survival on the surface.

Why are there often many giant creatures in human relics?

Looking deeper, the ancestors of humans originated from the dark continent, so the creatures of the dark continent may drift across the sea and come to the world territory where humans are now.

However, that may be a long time ago, so that most information is obliterated in history. At that time, it is estimated that it was the stone age of mankind.

If we take Earth’s biological evolution history as a reference, those giant creatures are more terrifying than dinosaurs.

In the current World map, human beings can be said to be at the top of the Junlin food chain. The reason for this is due to the rapid development of high technology or the opportunity of Mind Power?

Just as Luo was silent, when he wanted to take a thorough look at the murals and the characters on the ground, a strong mental wave came from the door, causing both Luo and Jin to change their colors, and they immediately entered the state of preparation for war and looked towards the door.

“I found a good thing!”

There was a black cat’s voice at the door, and I saw him double-handed holding a stone box shaped like an ashes, and that strong mental fluctuation came from the stone box.

However, it is not a normal mental fluctuation, but Power’s amazing black grudge.


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