Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 342

The whole island became extremely silent, without any anger.

The green smoke floating around all around contained a deadly factor.

Luo and Jin are protected by the hand of God and can withstand the invasion of green smoke. In addition, the living creatures on the island are extinct, and they go all the way without any precautions and head towards the underground ruins.

A monster with a deformed meat ball sits quietly in the harbor, and the bandages are almost disappeared. The creatures on the island are dead, but in addition to Luo and Jin, there are still some soldiers on the island.

It took 2 days without encountering anyone along the way, and Luo and Jin arrived safely at the entrance to the underground site.

“It seems that the country has not solved the two big troubles.”

Kim looked carefully on the flat ground, and confirmed that there were no traces left by man, plus the green smoke was pervasive, so that he came to his judgment.

“The monsters made through the” Surprise Box “are huge. It’s not difficult to avoid them, but the imagination is not the same. Maybe, they are here.” Luo stood on the edge of the opening, and raised his hand to the darkness below.

“The virtual threat level is indeed relatively high, but your ability is just to restrain it. If the situation is not right, you can let the black cat spit out protective clothing for me, with virtual action, it is not difficult for us to escape.” King said.

The information of the two was shared, and there was almost no gap in the discussion, and they knew what the various terms meant by the other party.

Luo nodded, looking forward to the depths of his eyes, said: “While the country’s hand has not reached here, take action as soon as possible.”

As soon as the words fell, he just jumped down.

Jin’s blood, where the risk factor flowed, was a little boiled. He pulled the flashlight out of his hand and held it in his hand, then jumped down.

The entrance was smashed by a bomb, and the ground directly below was filled with sand and gravel.

Luo landed on both feet, and a large swath of dust and fog suddenly rose up. Then, Jin also fell to the ground, shaking up a larger swath of dust and mist, making the silhouette of 2 people hidden in the dust.


The two light beams light up at almost the same time, and they make the same move, that is, they shine towards each other.

The powerful beam of light penetrates the dust and mist, and falls directly on each other’s faces like a prank. The lights of Power and the front light are enough to make people’s eyes open.

Soon, the lights moved away at the same time, and all around.

One was relatively calm, and after a little shaking, I set the direction. It was Luo’s flashlight light. He knew where the entrance was.

Another one is more detached, moving towards all around, sweeping randomly, that is the flashlight light of gold, after all, it is the first time to come, you have to look at it first.

“follow me.”

When Luo had set his sight, he went straight. When he first lifted his feet, he saw the black cat slowly fall from the sky, looking lazy.

“Hurry up and explore the way ahead?”

Black cat who looks at lack of interest, Luo said.

“Yes Yes Yes.”

The black cat went lazily towards the position pointed by the light.

If there is something delicious here, he will be a little more interested, but he knows very well, let alone eat, there is not even an insect here, and the underground space is 10000 human corpses.

Mind beast is the best scout. The black cat naturally does not hesitate to let him go to explore the road. It is like walking into a minefield. He can fully step on all mines to eliminate the danger for Luo first.

Watching the black cat reach the beam limit, Luo followed.

The black cat’s unique autonomy, Jin is not strange, while following Luo, the flashlight in his hand does not forget to sweep all around.

“Which stone pillar do you see the stone carving on?”

There are many stone pillars all around, sweeping all the way, gold not at all found that there are stone carvings on the stone pillar.

“There’s no need to look for it. Those graffiti-looking portraits have a lot under them.” Luo complied casually.

Jin Wenyan, for the time being, died down.

After a while, 2 people came to the tunnel that was artificially cut out.

Stand still for a while at the door until the black cat’s voice comes out, and then walk in.

The tunnel is still covered with thick dust, and a large amount of dust is raised with each step.

After walking through the twisting and twisting channel that kept sloping downwards, until the end, a huge stone blocked the entrance.

Luo dug out a channel on top of the boulders, and then the blue water like water poured in, reflecting on the body of 2 people.

“Tough work,” Kim said habitually, and then hesitated, seeing that Luo didn’t respond, he was silently laughed.

When he was 5 years old, he organized a group of like-minded partners, took an unknown tomb of aristocrats and nobles, explored and repaired it, and each person had a clear division of labor, which became a part of each and everyone and set up the overall structure.

As the promoter, Jin is also one of the parts. In the process of running, he used to say to his companions: Hard work.

Since going down the hole, Luo has been busy, and now that he has dug the aisle, Jin subconsciously substituted Luo into his like-minded companion status, which is to say a mantra that is not a mantra.


Luo took the lead first, and didn’t notice the slight difference revealed by Jin.

After a month, I finally came to this underground space again. Above my head, there are still unknown crystals emitting blue rays of light, and the number is quite large.

Two people stood on a platform similar to a rock formation outside the cliff, in this brief moment, silently watching the scene in front of them.

Above is a large piece of diamond-shaped columnar crystals, 7 vertical and 8 horizontally stacked together, and below is a flat land with no undulations. The building debris of Kakuzu, which has been worn away by time, is scattered here. Rarely complete buildings.

The tens of thousands of corpses still lay silently on the ground, and there was no obvious change in appearance when they left Luo.

Whether it was Luo who came here for the second time or Jin who came here for the first time, he only glanced at the environment and finally focused all his attention on the corpse body whose signs of decay were equal to zero.

In the underground space, only the sound of the wind flowing gently and the breathing of 2 people seemed very quiet.

The black cat is not very interested in these, but he is acting as a scout at this time. Naturally, he cannot be like Luo and Jin. He can stand on the spot and try to watch the corpses. He floats down and observes all around.

Luo and Jin looked at each other and went down the slope towards the old site where this person lived.

The distribution of corpses is not dense, it should be said that they are scattered, and there are several corpses lying on the periphery of the site.

Luo came here last time and was plagued by issues. He did not immediately come close to these corpses, but now he can.

He squatted down in front of a female corpse, about 18 years old, the outermost corpse, and the 2 closest corpses to them.

Kim also squatted down, looked at the corpse up close, and threw Luo a pair of white rubber gloves.

The reason why rubber gloves are brought is not because they have a habit of responding to these corpses, nor are they afraid of being infected with germs and viruses, but because of a protective attitude.

Luo has the hand of God. The rubber gloves are completely redundant, but he still wears them.

After putting on his gloves, Luo raised his hand and slowly reached the eyes of the female body.

Kim also put on his gloves, and when Luo saw his first move, he quietly looked at.

This female corpse looks good, with long black hair, a body covered in animal skin clothing that wraps her chest, and a short skirt on the lower body. The skin exposed to the air is slightly rough.

King found that the corpse was as if it had just died, and that long hair looked supple and not greasy, quite strange.

Luo’s hand fell lightly on the female corpse’s eyelids, and her thumb and forefinger moved slightly to open the corpse’s eyelids.

The dark hollow eyes suddenly appeared in front of Luo and Jin’s eyes.

The blue light falling from the top of his head didn’t seem to be able to get into the empty eyes, a hint of faintly discernable chill.

No eyes.

Luo and Jin first glanced at each other, and then looked closer.

Suppose that the eyes are dug out, the method is really seamless, leaving almost no traces.

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