covered in rust and other stains, but the blade did not collapse.

After a long period of precipitation, it should have no effect of killing the enemy, but Luo wanted to own it.

This is … a knife that has never seen blood after numerous life and death battles. It is also a knife used by Mind Power players.


Quality: rare treasure

Year: 922

The sword made by the famous swordsman Moose in his later years was never available, and was eventually obtained by an unknown young swordsman.

Luo slowly raised the knife by holding the handle, and started sinking, but it was quite textured.

Information about this knife has been left in Luo’s head.

He put the rusty blade in front of his eyes, and while silently staring, he said, “This is the last a blade made by the swordsman Moss, named Allah, which means the sword of kindness.”

Allah is close to 5 feet in length, only a head shorter than Luo, and looks strange when held in his hand.

At this moment, Luo did not absorb the thought of Allah at all, but transformed it into the thought of getting it.

He clenched his knife and turned back to look towards Elder, saying, “Mousse has forged countless knives in his life, and all the knives he cast are killers. In his old age, it may be a cramp, and he felt his sin, so he made such a blade. Come and taunt yourself. “

Elder’s eyes changed slightly, and he remained silent.

Luo was unaware of Elder’s strangeness and went on to say: “Allah is sharper than any a blade made by Moose’s career, but it was born only for collection.”

“Mousse gives Allah the sharpest trait, but he does not intend to make it appear in the hands of any swordsman, so this should be the most suitable knife for collection.”

After the explanation, Luo slowly put Allah back on the knife holder, and then quietly looked at Elder. He not at all absorbed Allah 鈥檚 thoughts, and concealed Allah 鈥檚 more detailed information. He just picked some information that Elder wanted to know. To say.

As he said, the opportunity for the birth of Allah was that Moose wanted to create the sharpest knife that was not allowed to see the blood, which was also a knife dedicated to collection.

This information is even known to children, let alone appreciate the Master, but why the appreciation progress of this knife is zero, because the information comes from a fairy tale, and the relevant literature records not at all.

Moose is a famous knifemaker, but he is also a believer in slaughter. The value of the knife he casts can only be used for slaughter.

This is also known by many people, and the fairy tale is full of ridicule, but the truth is probably only clear to Luo, which is the wonder of the white smoke font.

If you want to get this knife, Luo’s best practice should be to directly point out that this is a fake, which is just like a fake, which is in line with Elder’s perception of this knife.

But Luo didn’t do this because the knife was taken up by Elder. If it was pointed out, it would make Elder unhappy.

It’s too risky to do so, so Luo not at all.

“Do you think that the fairy tale is real?” Elder’s eyes were tween, and he stared at Luo quietly.

Regarding this fairy tale, even if Elder didn’t like to read books, he went to see it specially for this collection.

If it weren’t for Luo’s ability to appreciate the previous collections, at this moment, he would probably not even say a word, and let the black dog swallow Luo.

Hearing Elder’s question, Luo slightly smiled, seriously: “Fairy tales are deceiving, but Moose’s exclusive mark can’t deceive people.”

Allah is close to the blade of the hilt, leaving Moss’s exclusive mark, which is only half covered by the rust, but can still be clearly distinguished.

The embarrassment of this collection is that it is indeed the real thing, but there is no literature to support this hypothesis. Special is a fairy tale about this knife.

That being said, it cannot hide the value of Allah’s collection.

Elder nodded, didn’t care about it.

He likes the knife, so even if there is a ridiculous fairy tale hanging from the knife, he insists on putting the knife here.

When Luo saw that Elder had no opinion on what he said, he moved slowly to the next collection.

As for Allah, this World knows him best.

In the eleventh year after Allah was born, it was the coldest day in the winter. A youngster came to visit Moss, begging Moss to cast a blade for him, but Moss had long since forgotten the sword and directly rejected it.

However, it was a stubborn youngster, and Moose was so annoyed that he blasted the youngster out of the house.

But youngster did not leave, but stubbornly stayed outside Moose’s house, and remained standing all winter.

In the end, Moose let the youngster come in, stating that he was old and unable to cast a knife, but he gave the youngster Allah, who had never appeared, and asked the youngster to make an oath that Allah could not see the blood.

This is a very difficult request, and Moose saw the youngster 鈥檚 response, but he did not regret the choice of giving Allah to youngster.

That youngster without the slightest hesitation made an oath. Because of the Mind Power of his Enhancer, it was a fool to make restrictions and vows directly.

Make rules, swear by them, and stick to them. The harder the rules, the more powerful Mind Power will be. If you violate the rules, you will have to bear the corresponding price. This is the restriction and vow.

After the youngster set the restrictions, he got Allah, and then he did not lose, nor did he hurt one person. In the undefeated battle, Allah 鈥檚 knife body slowly got rust.

Maybe … it’s the knife crying.

Although youngster was guilty, she still stood by the restrictions and did not change her knife until she died.

Allah is the first and last blade of this unknown swordsman.

Time has passed to this day, and this unknown sword lord has maintained the constraints and vows of his life, and now remains on Allah.

That’s why Luo doesn’t want to absorb the idea, and wants to get it, but currently his Strength must be powerless.

“In the future … find a chance to grab a knife and take other collectibles by the way, after all, it is very valuable.”

Luo thought in silence, then walked to the unknown pot, and after reaching out, got relevant information, his face suddenly turned black.

This is a rather perverted thing. It is a night pot made from a human head. It is no wonder that this pot has a vaguely distinguishable appearance.

The origin of the rennet is a hard-working prince who finally made the head of his competitor, also a half-brother.

The thoughts remaining on the night pot of the human head are, to some extent, a kind of resentment.

When Luo told Elder the information of the night pot with zero appreciation progress, the latter not at all showed an aversion, but was rather excited about the speciality of this collection.

It can only be said that perverted things are created by perverted people, and only perverted people appreciate it.

In the process of explaining the head pot, Luo quietly absorbed the grievances on the head pot, but only increased the Enhancer’s data separately, from 2% to 5%, and Elder not at all found.

“It became.”

Luo secretly ecstasy, thinking that with this ability to absorb grievances, she will definitely not be hungry in the future, and she will be a god stick to get rid of people.

The last collection is a stone lantern, not at all, what is Special. After Luo appreciation, all the collection information is repeated.

Elder is very satisfied with this result.

“You’re great, better than any bone here,” Elder praised.


These Appreciation Masters took countless hours to gain knowledge to achieve today’s achievements, but Luo defeated their life-long efforts to fortuitous encounter, and they were finally treated as bones by Elder.

Perhaps this Elder had never seen them as humans.

Luo’s face didn’t change color, but in his heart he had pity on the appreciation masters who were eaten by the black dog.

If he doesn’t help with white smoke, I’m afraid he will become a member of the bones.

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