Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 339

All the theoretical knowledge I have gained comes from books, but I have never seen any connection between starfish, suckerworms and spiny dolphins, and the method that Laddie said sounded a little strange.

Starfish is a marine plant that grows near coral reefs in shallow waters. It looks like a starfish, hence its name.

The range of the suckerworm is usually near the reef, a flat-looking mollusk with many earthen-colored round Madara on its back.

These two things have in common the fact that they live in shallow waters, and they can’t be beaten with a deep sea creature like sea dolphins.

With the idea of 鈥嬧€媑iving medicine to a dead horse, Menci began what he called a method of neutralizing toxicity.

After the removal of the poison bag fails, the originally swollen poison bag will flatten, and the toxin contained in it will spread to the whole body and become highly poisonous.

What Menchi wants to do is to let the suckerworm eat the starfish, and then adsorb to the body of the spiny dolphin, which becomes the key to building a circulation mechanism.

Feed, drop, in one go.

Five suckerworms clambered around the flat poison bag, and after a while, they swelled.

In the case of naked eye, the toxin is inhaled by the suckerworm within the body, mixed with the starfish, and then returned to the body of the spiny dolphin, neutralizing the toxin in the process of endless circulation.

The huge LCD screen on the stage broadcast this scene to everyone present. This is a scene that has never been shown before people, and no one dare to conclude that it is invalid until the result comes out.

The pig is a gourmet hunter, not to mention that the entire world has a footprint, but I have also been to many places, and I have seen many strange things. I can see that there are subtle signs of movement between the sucker worms. .

There are many symbiotic relationship chains in the biosphere, and the suckerworm at this time seems to form a symbiotic relationship with the body of the spiny dolphin.

“Is there really a way to eradicate toxins?” Zizhu thought silently.

Everyone held their breath and looked forward, and Men Qi’s gaze was always on the sucker worm on the body of the spiny dolphins.

After about 5 minutes, the suckerworm slowly flattened.

Menqi stared at this moment, plucked up 5 sucker worms, and tossed them aside, and then decisively picked up the knife and cut the body of the spiny dolphins, and soon found a white puffer liver. Where to eat.


Two medical staff in white coats stepped aside to stand by, and first aid kits and antidote were prepared.

8-character man looks at Men Qi, said: “It’s too late to regret it now. After all, sea dolphins are very toxins. Even if there is an antidote, they can’t completely cure the problem. Even if they are dealt with in time, they will not only leave repercussions, but they may also die Sex. “

Menqi did not pay attention to the man with a figure 8 but stared at the liver in his hand, his heartbeat gradually accelerated.

After all, it’s just a minor girl. When it comes to life and death, she will be afraid and nervous.

She glanced at Luo under the stage and saw that the other party was very calm, so she forced herself to calm down, cut a piece of rag liver with a knife, and held it in her hand.

do my best!

Menqi threw a small piece of guinea pig liver in his hand, chewed it quickly, and had no intention to realize the taste, and swallowed the chewed guinea pig liver.

What the taste is, I do n鈥檛 have any deep impression, I do n鈥檛 think there is any fishy smell, and the tongue is slightly numb. I do n鈥檛 know if it is due to toxins.

This method is not feasible, as long as you wait ten minutes, you can see the difference.

Menqi closed her eyes and stood still, waiting for Shinigami’s sentence.

Spurs’ toxins show symptoms within 2 minutes, reach their peak effect within 5 minutes, and take lives after 1 minutes.

Luo stared at the girl with tense emotions on her face, her mouth Kakuzu slightly hooked, and she turned to squeeze into the crowd, and disappeared after a while, while everyone around was looking at Men Qi, and did not notice Luo’s departure.

2 minutes is the time to determine whether it has been affected by sea tetrodotoxin.

Luo watched for two and a half minutes before turning around and leaving. He felt that there might be something going on while staying on the field, so he chose to leave. As for the organizer, it would be irrelevant to Menci.

He at first could use 1.5 million Jenny to help Menchi settle the matter, but he did not do so, but gave Menqi a multiple choice question that could solve the problem, and Menqi took it with her courage.

“Goodbye bye.”

In the mind of Luo, the appearance of Men Qi, who laughed for the first time in the original, emerged from the venue.

On the stage, time passed, ten minutes passed quickly, and Menqi had nothing to do.


At the conference, everyone who saw the results couldn’t hide the shock.

This method is indeed feasible. Then, the spiny dolphins on the black market will disappear completely, and no one will lose their lives to taste the spiny dolphins in the future.

But why didn’t anyone find it, and a teenager knew it?

As a client, Men Qi also set off a heaven overflowing giant wave. The method that Laddie said was true. Before he revealed it, everyone in the world did not know this method.

That Laddie, who are you?

Menqi read here, and suddenly looked at Luo’s location, glanced away, but did not see the trace of Luo.

“What about people?”

Menqi was stunned.

Not only did Men Qi react, almost everyone started teleportation attention, trying to find the boy who told Men Qi the method.

“Where did that boy go?”

The whole venue suddenly became restless.

“Please calm down!”

Hu Zi ran to the auction floor and shouted through the microphone, trying to calm down the restlessness.

“Luo.” Zigzag twisted his forehead, and silently recited Luo’s name in his heart, and deeply remembered Luo’s appearance.

Just then, Men Qi moved and ran towards the outside of the venue. At this time, no one stopped her, including Zi pig.

Men Qi turned out of the venue and ran around in the fish market, trying to find the silhouette of Luo, but how could it be found so easily in the vast crowd, and Luo had left the fish market.

“I haven’t thanked you yet …”

Menqi stood on the passage of people coming, people going, biting her lip and not speaking.

At this point, Luo, with his black cat, wandered around in the town of Gray Harbor. He still had to wait until Jin came here, thinking whether he should buy a fishing rod and go fishing in the reef area.

He had forgotten what was happening in the venue. He had been busy in the past, and it was a pleasant surprise to meet Men Qi.

If you disclose that method, the sensation caused by it will probably not be small. The problem is that he also told Menqi the name, and he did not know if he would bring his name when the method spread.

It didn’t matter much, Luo didn’t care much. He ran to buy a fishing rod and went fishing in the reef area.

Two days later, Kim drove a ship to pick him up.

Located at the port, Luo looks at the yacht class in front of her, her jaw almost fell off.

The size of the ship is equivalent to the size of an ordinary yacht. It is a ship mast ship and is not equipped with an engine, let alone equipment or something.

This kind of boat is okay for fishing in offshore areas. I want to cross the sea and go to distant islands. I really don’t know if it will be overturned by a big wave.

“Just this ship?”

Luo felt tired, he thought that Jin should be rich?

The golden pats mast, calmly said, “It works.”

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