Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 337

Menqi was not very old, but her movements were quite robust, and Speed ​​was not slow, but the speed of the man carrying the kitchen knife was not a little faster than her, just a flash, and she caught her later.

This man has a very ordinary appearance and a weak sense of existence. Luo always feels that he has seen it before, but he can’t remember anything. The reason why he deserves attention is because this man will also be Mind Power.

Here is Pig, the male people of repute. He is a professional food hunter. He cooked 3 dishes for Allie in spaceship. Luo also verified with him one of them in order to confirm the accuracy of the white smoke font. Information on dishes.

It can only be said that the appearance of the pig is too ordinary, and the sense of existence is too weak. Luo has long forgotten it, only vaguely familiar.

“Let me go!” Men Qi shouted angrily, her collar was pinched, and her feet dangled in the pig body under the air.

Each foot used force, but the pig did not react at all. Under the protection of mental strength, this level of attack is like being bitten by a mosquito.

Zi pig looks coldly at Men Qi, with a wave of his arm, he throws Men Qi out.

Menqi flew out into the air, and with a muffled sound, he fell heavily at the feet of a man with a banter.

The merciless slam made Menqi cry out, her petite body curled up on the stage, and she didn’t take it easy.

Off the stage, Luo frowned slightly. He clearly saw that the man had a little mental energy attached to him, and he strengthened the stumbling Strength. Otherwise, Menci’s physical fitness would not make him suffocated by such a slump.

8-character Hu looks at his feet, with a painful look at Men Qi, and looks up at the expressionless Zigou, I really don’t know what to say.

Should it be appreciated or condemned?

If you put a cricket, you can’t predict which side to lean on.

Escaping responsibility seems to be extremely hated by the pigs, so they are so hard on Men Qi.


Men Qi frowned a little, but didn’t plan to give up running away, thinking about finding a suitable escape time.

The man with 8 characters did not know that Men Qi had not given up and ran away. He motioned to the two workers on the stage to let them take Men Qi down, and then looked towards the two participants, Pig and Chef, smiling and asked: ” Which Master will take the next shot first? “

“He first.” Zigou glanced at the chef, he is the third to sign up, and should have waited.

The chef was nodded and walked towards the workbench.

At this moment, Men Qi lying on the floor suddenly jumped up, and endured the pain and ran towards the left side of the auction floor. She would rather face up to the 2 staff members and avoid the direction of the pig.

The two staff members didn’t notice for a while, and Men Qi slipped past them.


Two staff members turned suddenly and chased after.

I saw that Menqi was determined to run, and there was a flash of anger in his eyes. When he stepped on his feet, he passed the two staff members in a few minutes and caught up with Menqi with absolute advantage. He still held out his hand. Lived at the back collar of Men Qi.

At the moment of being caught, Men Qi jumped to his heart, thinking about it, and then he couldn’t stand being dropped again.

“I said that those who escape responsibility are simply waste.”

The pig said coldly, then raised his hand again, and threw Men Qi backwards. The landing point was still near the man with a figure eight.

When Men Qi closed her eyes, she muttered in her heart, and kept screaming at this troubled man.

In this throw, Zi Zhu still has no energy. What he hates most in his life is the person who escapes responsibility. This view is not limited to age.

Seeing that Men Qi was thrown out again, there were a few guests in the audience who were very cried and felt unbearable, while most of the guests did not feel anything.

Luo couldn’t stand it anymore. A flash, he jumped onto the stage to catch Men Qi. When he met Men Qi, he applied superb skills to Men Qi’s body, not only removing the strength, but also protecting him. Menqi.

Men Qi had already been mentally prepared to fall again and again, but the impact of not at all was expected, but she fell into a warm embrace without any pain.

“A bit too much.”

Luo hugged Men Qi and calmly looked at the pig that slowly let go.

What he refers to is, of course, that the pig has used blessings. Although Men Qi’s physical quality is stronger than that of peers, he cannot change the fact that Men Qi is still a small child.

Those who are also Mind Power should be able to hear this meaning.

I heard it, and said indifferently, “I will not teach her a lesson now, but will I have it later?”

“You are actually very enthusiastic.” Luo shook his head slightly. In his opinion, the organizer has not yet made a clear statement, and even the pigs fell twice in Menci, apparently exceeding a lot.

Zigzai looked at Luo carefully and expressed expressionlessly a moment later: “I know you, Barney’s mercenary.”

Because Luo once raised the issue of the Rainbow Boat’s dish, this made the pig impressed. At that time, Luo felt that although he was young, he was quite insightful. He didn’t want to see it for only a few years. His appearance did not change much. Grows fast.

After hearing Zi Zi’s words, Luo finally remembered that it was the food hunter on the spaceship at that time. After the Yorknew incident, because of the foie gras and gourmet contest, I heard Kanda mentioned it, it seems to be called Zi pig.

“It turned out to be you, no wonder I feel familiar.” Luo said stunnedly.

At this moment, Luo noticed a line of sight coming from his arms, and looked down, but it was Men Qi who opened his eyes and looked at him.

“Is it okay?”

Luo laughed, then put down Men Qi in a sluggish state, then squatted down halfway to get to Men Qi’s ear.

Seeing Luo’s behavior, and the temperature of the fatly discernable coming from his ears, Menchi, who was usually a grin, suddenly blushed.

“If the removal of the poison bag fails, the spiny dolphins will become completely poisonous, but there is a way to neutralize the toxicity, you listen.” Luo whispered to Men Qi’s ear.

Luo bowed his head to Men Qi’s ears, not to make fun of Men Qi, but to tell Men Qi the solution.

This was originally because Men Qi had been wrong, and 1.5 million was nothing to Luo, but he didn’t want to pay the money for Men Qi.

Although it is easy to solve the problem after giving out money, but the nature is different, he will not help Men Qi to pay money, but can tell Men Qi a way, and then let Men Qi try to bear the mistakes by himself.

Menqi at first thought what Luo wanted to do, but when he heard what Luo said, the shyness on his face slowly faded away, and he turned into an incredible expression.

Luo spoke very quickly, and after a while she explained the solution, then took a step back and smiled at Men Qi.

“You …” Men Qi’s face was full of shock.

“The rest, think of it yourself.”

After Luo said, he simply turned around and stepped down, leaving Liu Qi alone against the two staff members who rushed over.

Menqi had no time to think. Looks at the two expression displeased staff members, who seemed to forget the pain of the body for a while, and extended the hand loudly said: “Wait a minute, I can get rid of that sea spiny toxin.”

In a hurry, she described [neutralizing toxins] as [removing toxins].

After this remark, the venue quieted down again.

If there is a way to get rid of tontoxin, then there will not be a [Technical Gainers] link today, so no one would like to believe Men Qi, including the host 8 character Hu man.

Luo’s small movement, he had seen it, but Luo looked too young to be convinced.

Seeing no one believed, Menqi rushed out and said, “I can show it to you on the spot!”

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