Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 334

Jin extended the hand palm, using five hands to represent half the amount of intelligence, and then he put his hand down, Luo also extended the hand palm, but he used the five hands as an artboard, drawing several pictures that made Jin completely reverse his intentions. Screen.

Those pictures are the frescoes in the tomb of Shiji Ji.

Intelligence is indeed priced on the basis of demand. After Luo displayed some information that can meet the gold demand, it is enough to reverse the value judgment and change from trading to sharing.

What Jin wants to know is all. Assuming Luo’s all is worth his fight, then he can also share all of himself.

Luo agreed to King’s proposal. Unlike King, he would not evaluate the value of intelligence. If he wants to exchange information equally, he is willing to trade more for less, as long as the information is useful to him.

Like a jigsaw hit with a dark continent, Luo mastered some of the fragments, and Kim also mastered some of the fragments. Although Luo has more fragments, in order to get a copy of those fragments of gold, he will trade more for less, then Continue to build the entire picture.

Later, Luo and Jin shared information sharing. Neither of them took out a notebook to write down, but recorded the important information in his head through the style of narration and questioning.

There were countless rounds between narrative and questioning. Until the evening, 2 talents ended this intelligence sharing and gained a lot.

“Really right.”

As Jin stood in the wind, looks at the half of the sky colored orange red on the sea, his tone was slightly excited.

The gain of this intelligence-sharing exceeded his expectations. To put it in a sentence, this wave is not loss.

Luo also got up and stared at this rare scenery. He also felt that this trip was really right, and he gained a lot of useful information from Jin.

After a while, Luo suddenly asked, “I’m curious what the price was for you to pry the intelligence from Netero.”

“Have you ever played checkers?” Jin Ran asked.

Luo froze for a while, thinking that King’s checkers might be a kind of chess Competitor game in Hunter x Hunter World. He immediately shook his head and said he didn’t know.

Jin laughed and explained: “Checkers are a board game where stealing home is the winning condition. The chess player has one main chess, two guard chess, ten or two function chess, who will send the main chess to the opponent first. Will win. “

“In simple terms, it is a board game with the purpose of going forward, and there are countless ways to go. You can choose different routes according to the situation to avoid many obstacles and unnecessary trouble.”

“The fun of this game is to take a short cut.” Jin touch the chin, seriously: “And I am a person who likes to take a short cut. The old fogey sees this, so he can’t take a short cut. Give me the information. “

“In simple terms, Netero blocked all the shortcuts on my board, leaving me with only the longest and most troublesome route, and that was the price.”

“I think the conditions he proposed to you are mostly of this nature, changing the way to stop you from going to the dark continent.”

Jin explained in a bland tone, and never seemed to regret this choice.

In the style of seize every opportunity, as long as you prepare for a few years, you can go directly to the dark continent, but since you have accepted the price set by Netero, you have to act within the rules.

How long will it take to get all the permits, means, qualifications, and contracts. Jin not at all is a rough judgment, but he is not in a hurry and is willing to walk slowly by step by step.


Luo didn’t know what to say for a moment. Compared to the price paid by Jin to obtain information on the dark continent, he picked up a big deal instead.

“Why, isn’t it a similar condition?” King asked.

Luo ticked his cheek and said, “The person who exchanged with me was not Netero, but Lin Nie.”

“What’s the price?” Jin asked, slightly surprised.

“I don’t think you better know.” Luo had pity looks at him.

“It’s okay, I want to know,” King said.

Based on King’s request, Luo was telling the price he had to bear.

After Jin heard it, he was silent. After a long time, he faintly said: “There is harm only when there is contrast.”

Compared to the price he accepted from Netero, what kind of price did Luo accept from Lin Nie.

Luo reached out to pats his shoulder, and fluttered a knife, and said, “It’s okay, I can take a short walk and take a look, and take a few photos with you.”

Kim turned his head and looked at him, and said again, “Thank you so much.”

“No thanks, it’s a trivial matter.”

Luo waved his hands with great pride.

Kim’s eyes immediately became dead fish eyes.

The atmosphere suddenly silenced, and the two of them quietly looked at the sunset glow reddish by the last rays of the setting sun, and the sea of ​​calm and tranquil.

“If you plan to visit Alcatraz Island in the near future, I can go with you, only in the near future, because I can’t let Lin Nie wait forever.” After the last rays of light in the sky disappeared completely, Luo suddenly said .

During the sharing of information, it was obvious that the two wanted to go to Alcatraz.

Luo wanted to find out the secrets of the 10000 corpses and the possible information about the dark continent, and Jin naturally wanted to.

Hearing Luo’s offer, Jin Impossible refused, and simply said, “Yes, I’ll prepare and give me 3 days.”

He does plan to visit Alcatraz Island in the near future, and as soon as possible, it is better to explore the underground site before the country completely controls the entire island.

In order to improve efficiency, it is best to have a teammate with the same goal. Moreover, this teammate is still Luo who has a good understanding of Alcatraz, and it is definitely the most suitable candidate.

“Um.” Luo nodded.

The Hunters Association passed the trouble of Alcatraz to the International Environmental Licensing Agency. Explanation Netero didn’t want to have any further connection with Alcatraz, so Luo and Jin wanted to land on the island without any psychological pressure.

Taking a step back, even if the Hunters Association is still holding one hand on Alcatraz Island, the two of them will not give up the idea because of this, they will still sneak on the island to find out.

The issues that should be paid attention to are the existence of two kinds of virtual and huge meat balls. I don’t know if the country can handle or suppress them. Anyway, it is better to be pinned by the state, so they can move easily.

As night falls, the stars are all over the head, as if you raise your hand, you can pick up the stars at your fingertips.

Luo and Jin climbed down the trunk in the dark, and it didn’t take long for them to reach the office at 2 metres, and then went down the stairs.

After 3 days, meet at Gray Port.

This is what Jin Jin left before leaving.

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