Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 331

I don’t know if Kikyo’s physical fitness is good enough, or because two children have been born, and it doesn’t take long for them to enter the delivery room, and the child is born smoothly.

As a joyous event, Luo, as an outsider, knew immediately that impossible had the opportunity to see the child, and he made the judgment through observation.

At this moment, the Zoldyck’s family was in a strong joyous atmosphere, but they did not leave Luo in the cold, and sent a steward to arrange a room for Luo.

Temporarily living in Zoldyck’s house as an outsider is unusual in itself, and it was still when the family newcomer was born.

It can be seen that the Zoldyck family not at all regards Luo as a pure outsider, who can sit at a dining table together, and this is also explanation on the side.

The biggest reason for this is that Maha’s unusual attitude towards Luo, and the silent shift of Shadow Transformation to the rest of the Zoldyck family.

In the guest room, Luo was lying on a soft big bed, double-handed pillows, and a rounded luxurious bedspread above looks at his thoughts.

He was thinking about Killua, who was just born, and thinking about the call with Kim just now, and then thinking about some things to do later, he sighed softly. Although he has been in Hunter x Hunter World for several years, but occasionally Think, often feel a little unreal.

“Killua was born, and Alluka is probably almost there. By then, just let Killua order the unknowns of Alluka within the body, and you will instantly recover Bhajan’s arm without bearing any cost.”

“If you want to do this, you don’t have to wait until the plot starts. It can be implemented when Killua is 5 ~ 6 years old, but you have to grab a lot of trouble before Zoldyck’s family discovers Alluka’s ability.”

“It’s okay if the timing is not right, as long as you have a good relationship with the Zoldyck family in these years.”

Luo had a clearer plan, but had no idea that Kikyo gave birth to a pair of twins, one was Killua and the other was Alluka.

He always thought that Killua was the third child of the Zoldyck family, and Alluka was the fourth child. After all, it was mentioned in the original not at all. From the perspective of inertia, it is normal to think so.

Considering that we need to have a good relationship with Killua, we will often come to Zoldyck’s house to visit the house from time to time, and use food as a reason to visit.

Although I have to follow Lin Nie in the next few years, it should not affect this plan. Luo himself likes Killua very much. It is also quite interesting to see Killua as a child.

Along this line of thought, Luo’s thinking slowly swelled out. As soon as he thought about it, he would inevitably consider the later plot.

Phantom Troupe’s Yorknew, the surreal island of greedy, and the appearance of Chimera Ants.

Thinking of Yorknew, Luo subconsciously associates the genocide events of Kurapika and Kurta Clan. Thinking of the island of greed, he will think of islands with various strange power cards, but there should be more severe restrictions. Thinking of Chimera Ants, he will associate To the death of Netero.

These things are all known in the future, but now that he has one more, will it happen in the future?

If you want to interfere in the future, Luo would only want to do only two things, one of which is Kurta Clan’s extermination, and the other is to prevent the rise of Chimera Ants.

However, he didn’t know where Kurta Clan was located, and when the incident occurred. Would he warn Chrollo not to spit red eyes with the attitude of an unknown prophet?

Also, when and where Queen Chimera Ants appeared, Luo didn’t know. This was the most troublesome thing.

The more he thought about it, Luo felt that his head was bigger and he simply stopped thinking about it. In short, he took one step at a time. He was neither worried nor worried about the future, but he did not want Netero to die at Chimera Ants. One thing.

The next day, Luo descended into the sea of 鈥嬧€媡rees.

He wanted to collect the ingredients locally, collect some mountain-based ingredients, and then cook the Buddha jumping the wall again. After all, the amount of yesterday was really not enough for the Zoldyck family to eat. In addition, Kikyo had just given birth to the child, and he could use the Buddha to jump the wall.

Luo is not alone. He also accompanied Tsubone. Maybe he wanted to limit Luo’s actions to visible scope. Maybe he wanted to help Luo. No matter what the reason, Luo felt indifferent.

It took about 2 hours to sway in the sea of 鈥嬧€媡rees, hunting, and picking. Luo found more than 30 kinds of ingredients, and then he was satisfied. But in order to find these ingredients, he went far enough and had to take a long time to return.

It took a lot of time to find the ingredients, and the cooking of the Buddha jumping over the wall also took time. In order to return as soon as possible, Tsubone used her Mind Power to directly turn into a pedal-type aircraft.

Yamato Fusuke 7 changes. This is Tsubone’s Mind Power, which can embody the body into various transportation modes, but it cannot control it by itself, and the driver needs gas as fuel.

“Come up, just inject gas.”

Tsune indifferently said to become a light aircraft.

There are several considerations for her willingness to do so. One is to ensure the freshness of the ingredients so that the masters can eat the Buddha as soon as possible, and the second is to take the opportunity to explore the level of Luo.

Seeing that Tsubone has become such a simple way of transportation, a strange color has appeared in the depths of Luo’s eyes. He knows that this is Tsubone’s ability, which has appeared in the original works, but didn’t expect that Tsubone is willing to do this kind of trivial matter. And let him drive.

Without hesitation for a long time, Luo put away the bag full of ingredients, stepped on the aircraft, held the handle, and injected gas into the aircraft.

Suddenly, the tail section of the aircraft spewed out the tail flames made of gas appliances, soared into the air, and the Speed 鈥嬧€媤as quite fast. It suddenly surpassed the height of the forest and flew into the air.

Luo was the first time to fly a Tsubone with an off-the-shelf aircraft, but it involved the output of gas. In addition to being rusty at the beginning, it took him more than ten seconds to master a moderate output frequency.

The aircraft flew in the air to Kuching Mountain, and the Speed 鈥嬧€媌ecame faster and faster. It originally took about an hour to reach the destination in less than 30% of the time.

Within 30% of the time, Tsune not at all gave Luo any hint, but Luo’s Speed 鈥嬧€媤as amazingly fast.


It is precisely because the body receives the gas output by Luo that Tsubone can understand that Luo’s adaptability is terrible. In a short time, he can find a suitable output frequency point, and the quality of mental energy is not low, and the operation is more It’s smooth.

You know, Luo looks young, but his accomplishments are not weak.

Tsubone doesn’t like Illumi, but she has to admit that Illumi’s talent not at all lives up to the name of Zoldyck’s family. She thought that Illumi was rarely an adversary among peers, but surely people beyond people.

After returning to Zoldyck’s house, Luo carried the ingredients towards the kitchen. After the Tsuneone mission was completed, he would no longer follow, because there would naturally be other steward cooperation in the kitchen.

She watched Luo go to the kitchen, then went to Silva and reported it to Silva.

That night, Luo once again prepared a Buddha jumping wall for the Zoldyck family. This time, the amount was enough, but Illumi couldn’t taste it because he also worked.

It was also tonight that Luo knew that Kikyo had a twin, one was Killua and the other was Alluka.

This fact surprised him, but quickly accepted it and quickly digested it.

Killua and Alluka are twins, but the looks of the two people are significantly different, and their hair colors are different. It is reasonable to say that the basis for twins is poor.

However, Killua is the most special for Alluka and the unknown, so it seems a bit reasonable to explain it with the fact of twin.

At the end of the dinner, Luo returned to the guest room. He would not stay too long and would leave tomorrow morning.

One night passed, the next morning.

Luo gets up, eats breakfast prepared by Zoldyck’s family, and then prepares to return to the Hunters Association.

Before leaving, he couldn’t see Killua and Alluka, but asked for a photo.

This requirement is based on the particularity of the Zoldyck family, which is difficult.

Silva didn’t know why Luo wanted the photo, but he still gave it and sent Luo down the mountain in person.

With several contacts, Silva thought that Zoldyck could establish a layer of relationship with Luo.

(uc book alliance www.uctxt.org)

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