Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 329

It may be to Zoldyck’s point of view that it is very low to install an elevator on Kushan Mountain. Furthermore, in terms of the height of Kushan Mountain, it is a good style to go up and down the mountain.

Illumi has traveled up and down the mountain countless times. There is a long-term route. At present, I step on the established route at a speed faster than walking on flat ground and keep climbing.

He didn’t wait for Luo’s plan at all, or he would wait patiently for Luo to come up after climbing to the top of the mountain, but he wouldn’t slow down the speed to cooperate with Luo on the way, which would be uncomfortable.

Eyes at Illumi jumped to the height of forty-fifty meters after a few vertical jumps. Luo felt his chin and felt that the daily climbing style was really the style of Zoldyck’s family.

He looked up at Illumi, who climbed higher and higher, his mouth Kakuzu slightly hooked, and suddenly jumped in place, using empty lines, every step in the air can push his body to rise, passing Illumi in a few minutes.

The empty line is the name that Luo took for this move, which means that he can walk in the air, but there is still a long gap between the actual effect and the meaning of the name.

Seeing Luo walking on the invisible stairs towards the sky, Illumi froze.

Although Mind Power 1000 is odd and 100 weird, it is the first time he has seen someone can do such a thing with Mind Power.

Taking advantage of the empty line, Luo quickly left Illumi behind, and quickly approached the top of the mountain.

After a while, Luo reached the top of the mountain, then stood on the edge waiting for Illumi to come up.

About 5 60% of the time, Illumi only reached the top of the mountain, but she was not blushing, short of breath, young, stamina is actually very abundant, and you can see from the side that the training style of the Zoldyck family is extremely harsh.

After reaching the top of the mountain, Illumi didn’t even say hello, and walked straight towards the house.

Luo didn’t care about laughing and followed Illumi behind.

He visited Zoldyck’s house once and knew where Maha’s room was, but he was a guest and needed Illumi to lead the way, and could not walk around without permission.

The house is very big and the style is dark. When you come all the way, you can’t see people, and it looks very deserted.

It took a long section of the road to reach Maha’s room.

Illumi knocked on the door, and a moment later, Maha’s voice was heard in the room.

“Come in.”

Hearing the response, Illumi opened the door and walked in, and Luo followed.

It was still a large room with very little furniture.

Maha was sitting on a chair, holding a cup of hot tea in his hand and squinting his eyes. He was attentive to looking at cartoons playing on vintage television.

Illumi and Luo stepped aside, and Maha then looked away from the TV and looked towards Luo, saying, “When you’re done with it, just don’t come to see me.”

He thought that Luo was here to return the Demon Beast Dragon, and felt that it was enough to leave the Demon Beast Dragon, so he didn’t need to visit him specifically.

Luo understood Maha’s meaning and was slightly embarrassed immediately, saying, “Well, Demon Beast is dead.”

Maha heard the words, her eyes narrowed slightly, and the brows slightly wrinkle asked, “Dead?”

“Um.” Luo nodded.

Maha was silent for a while, and it was not easy to domesticate a Demon Beast dragon. It was also a necessary means of transportation in the family. Many times it worked well. As a result, it was lent to outsiders for the first time.

Regardless of his relationship with Netero, Maha was upset in his heart, but did not show it on his face.

Regarding the death of the Demon Beast dragon at home, Illumi’s reaction was very cold, and she stood quietly looking at, and actually took a little pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

“No matter how much money I will pay.”

Luo was very sincere. He thanked the Demon Beast dragon from Zoldyck’s family from the bottom of his heart. If he hadn’t sat on the dragon to visit Alcatraz Island, he wouldn’t be able to catch up with rescue Zambika in terms of time.

Go deeper and say that without that Demon Beast dragon, Sambika would probably have suffered misfortune.

At that time didn’t expect that the prison side had a surprise box. Naturally, it would not have thought of flying artificial Demon Beast, so that the Demon Beast dragon died in vain. Now thinking about it, I can’t help Demon Beast dragon.

“We are not short of money.”

Maha serene’s sentence pushed Luo’s proposal back.

Indeed, how can a Zoldyck family whose business counts in units of 100000000 be short of money?

No matter how much Maha asks, Luo doesn’t think it’s a problem. Hunting A-level ingredients or buying clues for treasure hunters can gather a lot of money in a short time.

However, for Zoldyck, there are some things that just cannot be solved with money, because they are not bad money.

This time, Luo was distressed.

“Then you say a solution.” In desperation, Luo could only give up the initiative to Maha.

“It’s easy, the original is returned.” Maha calmly said.

Luo frowned, Demon Beast Dragon is dead, how to return the original? Isn’t this obviously making him difficult?

His mind was lively, and the words had already been said here, it was already inevitable. Don’t look at Maha’s tone so calmly, and he was absolutely tough in the bones.

It is said that if he wants to return the original, he must get the original, stand by one’s word.

The question is, how do you pay back? Go to Alcatraz and find the body?

It’s unrealistic, let alone a 5% more dead body, and Zoldyck doesn’t want a dead body.

Otherwise, catch a Demon Beast dragon of the same breed?

Maha’s original return, most of it means that, right?

Thinking of this, Luo brace oneself agreed and said, “Understand, I will catch a Demon Beast dragon of the same breed to pay you back.” Paused, he added: “Demon Beast Dragon after tame.”

Maha stared at Luo carefully.

The addition of the last sentence made him very satisfied, but he showed no signs, nodded, it was a response.

Seeing Maha nodded, Luo was sighed in relief in his heart, and finally settled this matter temporarily. As for how to tame a Demon Beast dragon, think about it later,

He put down the incident and lifted up the lunch box in his hand, said with a smile: “I brought the Buddha over the wall, and what I did under the mountain, it should be still warm now.”

Maha heard that a ray of light flickered through the gap in his eyes.

At that time, he packed the Buddha jumping wall from the Hunters Association, but it was already cold. Even if it was reheated, the taste was much worse. At this time, Luo brought ready-made food. Wouldn’t it be beautiful?

Half an hour later, everyone in Zoldyck’s restaurant was sitting around a round table. The tableware on the table was quite Chinese, especially the red-labeled white porcelain chopstick holder.

Perhaps the attraction of the Buddha’s jumping wall is strong enough, and all of the Zoldyck family are in place.

Luo took a seat as an outsider and felt a little uncomfortable.

“Is that Illumi mother? The dress is much worse than the original, the belly is so big, and I haven’t known it for months. Should I be pregnant with Killua?” Luo look steadily forward looks at the Buddha in the middle of the round table.

After being seated, there was a brief introduction.

People from Zoldyck’s family, Luo had never seen Kikyo and Milluki.

Kikyo is the mother of Illumi, Milluki is the Second Brother of Illumi, now a 6-year-old Little Fatty, and will be a powerful technical house in the future.

Luo remembered that Killua was Ranked Third at Zoldyck’s house, so guessing that Kikyo was pregnant with Killua.

There is one more outsider here, except for Milluki, who always looks at Luo with a curious look, everyone else’s reaction is normal, and Luo is regarded as a guest who can sit at the table.

In the large restaurant, there is still one old lady wearing a steward suit. She is very sturdy and has become Behind’s style of Behind. She stands not far away, like a bodyguard.

That was Tsubone. At this moment, she was both surprised and surprised. This was the third outsider she had seen eating with the masters.

She held the camera and took a picture silently.

This camera was prepared for Kikyo’s pregnancy.

Open the lid of the lotus root, the unique aroma of the Buddha jumping over the wall, with the hot smoke floating out.

It’s a bit effective to keep the temperature with effort.

People at Zoldyck’s family once had a Buddha jump over the wall and recognized the dish.

Soon, everyone filled a bowl and began to eat.

Just ten minutes or so, the Buddha’s jumping wall was swept away.

Luo does n’t pack much buns, so the amount is not large, and everyone is not satisfied after eating.

When Luo proposed to collect the material on the spot and make it out again, Kikyo suddenly lowly cried.

“What’s wrong?” Silva sitting next to her asked immediately.

With Kikyo brows slightly wrinkle, she bowed her head and looked at her belly. With her patience, she whispered for the first time without being mentally prepared, and then she could hold it quietly.

Extend the hand, stroking the belly gently, Kikyo smiled at Silva, they were nothing like a pregnant woman who was about to give birth.

Silva, Zeno, and Maha are all here. How can I not know what the situation is, even Luo, probably guessed something.

Tsubone, who was not far away, walked around, and what she is currently doing, including the delivery.

“Ma’am, is it a sign before childbirth?” Tsubone asked.

“Well.” Kikyo nodded, looking quite excited, and couldn’t see the slightest painful response.

Isn’t it so coincidental?

Luo came to solve the Demon Beast dragon, but didn’t want to catch up with when Killua was born?

What day is it today?

July 7th.

It turned out that this was the day when Killua was born.

“I don’t know if I can take a picture after being born.” Luo thought.

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