Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 327

I have been in the industry for more than ten years and have seen many intruders, but I have never seen such a serious visitor.

All precepts were completely dumbfounded. He tried his best to open a door, and pushing the door of Yellow Springs was the minimum requirement for serving in Zoldyck, but the boy actually pushed Six Sect.

It took a while before all the precepts came back, and I quickly picked up the intercom phone and dialed the number directly to steward.

After a while, the call was connected.

“what’s up?”

On the other end of the phone, there was a rather old female voice.

Jie Bujie immediately reported everything that had just happened at the fastest speed.

When he finished talking, the phone fell silent, apparently surprised by the fact that Six Doors had been pushed away.

“I understood.”

After a while, the old woman said aloud, and just hung up the phone.

Jie Bujie listened to the blind tone from the phone, put out a breath, and then slowly put the phone down.

At this point, his mind was full of Luo’s appearance.

Incredibly, this is the word that always hovered in his head. It can also be attributed to his lack of knowledge. In the final analysis, it may also be Luo’s younger reason.

Regardless, Jie Bujie felt that he would never forget the shock Luo had just given him in his life.

Zoldyck’s house was built on Kuching Mountain, which is surrounded by a wide sea of ​​trees. All the area here is the private territory of the Zoldyck family. At the edge of the area, a towering wall is built, leaving only Take the front entrance to the door of Yellow Springs.

Although the sea of ​​trees in the withering mountain is the private territory of the Zoldyck family, the original ecology not at all has been destroyed and changed.

Luo discovered this shortly after entering the forest.

Come in from the main entrance, you don’t have to go too far, you can see a road that looks like it was stepped on artificially, but if you look closely, you can still see a little artificial trace.

This road may lead directly to the withering mountain, which is also the road that Zoldyck’s family travels all year round.

Luo came to Zoldyck alone, for the death of Demon Beast Dragon.

He walks at a fast speed and has no intention to watch the environment beside Road 2.

Before he came, Luo had wanted Netero to come with him. After all, he had a familiarity, and he would not seem embarrassed in all aspects, but Netero was ruthlessly rejected by the busy business.

Indeed, the Alcatraz issue has not been completely resolved, saying that the trouble teleportation is to be handled by the country, so Netero has been busy recently.

But it’s okay not to come together. Let’s talk to Maha on the phone first, right? The result was still rejected.

In desperation, Luo rushed to visit, without even giving notice in advance, but he vaguely remembered that he could enter Zoldyck’s house as long as he opened the door, so he came.

It was a very serious matter to kill the Demon Beast dragon that was domesticated. It was just that I didn’t know how much to pay for it.

Zoldyck’s family is very rich, and most of the things about money will not be ambiguous. If it is only concluded that this is a loss of money, then it is simple. The worst thing is to ask him to pay a Demon Beast of equal value. Dragon, that’s trouble.

Speaking of which, which is responsible for solving the intruder’s watch dog 3 hair, is also a Demon Beast domesticated by the Zoldyck family, which shows that the Zoldyck family has a good domestication technology.

However, it ’s been a while since I came in, but I have n’t seen 3 Mao. Is it because you walked in from the main entrance?

Luo thought.

In fact, it will take a few years for Mao to become the watchdog of Zoldyck’s family, which he naturally cannot see.

Luo’s speed was not slow, and he didn’t finish much of the journey any time soon. After reaching the Middle Section, he began to notice the peep line from the dark.

He stood still, each minding their own business on their way, walking along the road.

The spying glance had no meaning to hide, and could not feel the slightest human touch.

The source of sight is actually a camera installed in [Courtyard]. Luo actually didn’t see this. After all, he was a guest. Even if he noticed the sight of the peep, it is not easy to find out.

Road 2 is lined with low grass and woods, and it is only 2 meters wide to walk.

Luo came to a place and suddenly stopped because there was a young man standing in front of the road.

There is an entrance. On the left and right sides, there are square stone pillars with a height of about 2 meters. Starting from the stone pillar, a simple guardrail is stretched towards the two sides. Every one meter is a wooden stick inserted in the ground. Only 2 wires were pulled horizontally.

The young man is tall and straight, wearing a black suit with an inch, 5 straight, wearing a pair of Sven glasses.

“Wu Matou?”

Despite the beard of the young man not at all, Luo still recognized the identity of the young man according to his appearance.

In the original book, Wu Matou is the chief steward of the Zoldyck family, but it is not yet. At present, Zsubyck is the chief steward of Zoldyck. The voice of the conversation with Jijie just now is Tsubone.

She is also a lot of age. Although the spiritual and physical condition is still good, she has already planned to abdicate in the near future. She also thought about recommending Matou.

After receiving a phone call from all precepts, Tsusubone ordered Wu Matou to come to the entrance of the border line. After all, it was the “guest” who pushed the Six Doors, and the ordinary steward was probably untenable.

Wu Matou stood at the entrance, expressionless, exuding a breath of strangers, he stared at Luo outside several dozen meters, without speaking, but the breath and expression were clearly expressed.

That is get away!

Seeing Wu Matou without saying a word, but showing a rejection of beyond a thousand li, Luo thought about it and was unambiguous, and said directly, “I’m looking for Maha.”

Directly confess his intentions and call Maha’s name directly.

Wu Matou’s hairline is relatively high, revealing a large forehead. At this moment, when Luo was calling Maha’s name directly, a crossroads suddenly appeared on his forehead, Kakuzu.

He stared at Luo, and said coldly coldly: “I didn’t receive any permission.”

Luo scratched his head as if he didn’t see the crossroad on Wuku Matou’s Kakuzu and said, “Then you call me and tell him Luo is here.” Paused, he added: “I also brought the Buddha over the wall.”

Hearing Luo’s words, Wu Matou just stared at him without expression and said nothing, even without the action of digging his phone.

Seeing Wu Matou was only silent, and his eyes were very unfriendly, Luo immediately complained about Netero, and it would not be so troublesome to make a phone call for him.

“Can’t it?” Luo continued.

Wu Matou remained silent.

Luo sighed and lifted the lunch box on the right hand, earnestly: “Although I try to keep the temperature as long as possible, it will be cold for a long time, and once it is cold, it will taste a lot worse, In order not to make it taste worse, I can only say sorry to you. “

In the words, it refers to the Buddha jumping over the wall. I want to say sorry to Wu Matou, because Luo intends to break through.

After all, he showed his intentions, but Wu Wu was not even able to help him, which was not a reasonable way to treat guests.

Luo body’s [entanglement] was changed to [exercise], and the flow of thought power was smooth and powerful.

Wu Matou’s expression calmed, and then a grave expression emerged.

He didn’t judge the strength of the opponent before he could use his thoughts. At this time, when he saw Luo’s practice, he felt the pressure immediately.


Wu Matou also used [exercise], covering his mind.

If it is more than ten years later, it may be relatively tricky, but for this strength, single-handed should be no problem.

Luo thought for a moment, taking a few steps forward in vain, and suddenly stopped when Wu’s nerves tightened.

Silently, one silhouette slowly emerged from the road of Wu Matou behind, but that person was Illumi.

Walking without sound is one of the basic skills that members of the Zoldyck family need to master. Although silent, but Illumi not at all deliberately converges, so Luo and Wu Matou immediately notice the existence of Illumi.

He stopped his pace and was drawn into the atmosphere of with swords drawn and bows bent. When he saw Luo, there was a strange color deep in his eyes.

Some time ago, Luo and Grandfather Gao borrowed the Demon Beast dragon at home, but came here on foot?

“Illumi Young Master.”

When Matou saw Illumi, it was immediately greeted.


After seeing Illumi, Luo also reached out and said hello, while converging his mind.

“Come?” Illumi asked calmly, and he was going downhill, who thought he would meet Luo here.

“I came to Maha, this is it, Demon Beast Dragon borrowed some time ago …” Luo reached out his index finger and hooked his cheek, embarrassed and said, “Dead.”

“…” Illumi.

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