Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 325

This may be the first time to relax after leaving Alcatraz Island.

The more things you experience, the more things you will notice.

After experiencing the feeling of powerlessness once or twice, you will not be willing to experience it again, so in the later time, something needs to be changed.

It does n’t matter if you hurt yourself or break your sword, you should be aware of the potential dangers of this world, as well as your own weakness.

This trip not only experienced a transformation of their bodies and minds, but also gave Luo a better understanding of this world.

Anime named Hunter X Hunter, the thing that has been depicted is just a Kakuzu settlement of this World.

The sea breeze assaults the senses, blowing up the hair of these youngsters on the deck.

Uh …!

After throwing the black cat into the sea for fifteen minutes, the fishing line finally responded for the first time and immediately straightened.


Luo hastened to close the line, looking forward to the black cat can bring only the low-level sea fish.

Seeing that the hunch finally came, the people standing aside were looking forward.

When you’re hungry, it’s the happiest to eat something Luo made.

“ka ka.”

Luo turned the roulette and retracted the line inch by inch. Soon, a burst of water burst on the calm sea surface. I saw the black cat catching a strange fish about the size of a calf and rushed out of the sea, vacated for a moment and fell To the sea.

“So ugly fish.”

During his brief appearance, Luo saw the appearance of the fish, and a black line hung above his forehead.

He was actually not worried about whether the ugly fish could be eaten, but he was afraid of being unpalatable.

The black cat tumbled a few times in the sea and finally brought the ugly fish to the deck.

This monster fish is not small in size. There are 2 fist-sized gray eyeballs protruding from the forehead. The structure of the bat wings on the 2 sides of the mouth is mixed with several colors and looks slightly bright.

The structure of the mouth is very strange. The fangs are covered by a flesh-colored membrane. Gently retracting the flesh membrane, you can see a row of sharp teeth.

The slightly bright film on the side of the mouth 2 may be that this ugly fish contains highly toxic characteristics, or the structure may have evolved to attract prey.

The position of the head of the ugly fish is ugly enough, as is the bloated body. Underneath it is a row of crab-like arthropod feet, and there is a rough look at 30-40.

“Can this fish be eaten?”

Nobunaga looks at the ugly fish on the deck, Kakuzu twitched a few times.

“I took a bite and it tasted good.” The black cat looked towards Luo, and he must have tried the taste before bringing the fish up.

Luo didn’t speak, and took a few steps forward. He squatted down and touched the ugly fish. The white smoke font gave relative information.

“This is a bob fish. It is a very ferocious fish. It usually hides under the cover of a seabed. It has a strong territorial consciousness and aggressiveness. It usually walks on a seabed and rarely rises.”

As Luo said, a small thought ball popped up and shot at the middle position of the eyes of the Boko fish. With a slight noise, the Boko fish quietly died.

There, it is the weakness of the pike fish. Once it has suffered penetrating damage, it will die within 3 seconds, no matter how strong the life strength is.

“Good luck. Although it is a c-grade ingredient, it is eligible for a b-grade ingredient.”

“The most amazing thing about the pike fish is that within 2 hours after death, within the body will secrete a peculiar substance, which plays a similar role of ripening, and can make the pike fish’s slightly jerky meat become more delicious.”

“So, raw fish is the best option for raw fish, but the best time to eat is within 2 hours.”

Luo looked towards Buha 剌, he said so much, not just to explain the problems thrown by Nobunaga, but also to let Buha 剌 know this information. After all, not everyone has such a convenient identification system.

“Isn’t that going to wait for 2 hours?” Bu Haji faced a bitter face, and wondered if he had listened to what Luo had just said.

Luo rubbed his kakuzu helplessly and said, “Wait a while, this bob fish is considered a mature form, but still not enough to eat, you can continue fishing here.”

After that, he moved towards the lounge chair.

It doesn’t matter what fish you catch afterwards. Boko fish is a very suitable type for sushi. If you want to catch the second suitable ingredient, it is not that simple.

Bu Ha 剌 single-handed picked up the fishing rod, and the black cat also felt that the fish was definitely not enough, took the initiative to entangle the hook, and plunged into the sea again to find ingredients.

After listening to it for 2 hours, Zambia and they were no longer busy at the deck. They went towards the deck chairs. Each and everyone took up a place, and Lübakh went fishing on the edge of the deck.

In the captain’s room, Luo Nie and Netero both heard the explanation of the Boko fish just now.

“This kid knows a lot,” Netero said.

“Um.” Lin Nie agreed.

“He agreed with your terms?” Netero suddenly asked.


“Well, I didn’t expect him to be tied to a place for at least 5 years.” Netero was surprised.

Lin Nie glanced at him and said, “I’m not a prison there, and I haven’t gone out for a long time.”

When Netero heard it, he suddenly realized that Lin Nie was planning to take Luo beside him, and then go for four walks.

This is a good thing.

Netero had a smile on Kakuzu’s mouth, and he preferred Lin Niedu to walk outside, rather than staying at home at Death Aura, although he had visited most places.

“Dark continent, I have no chance to go again, but I hope Luo can go to the dark continent and retrieve the [things] I left there.” Lin Nie stared at Luo on the deck and said suddenly.

Netero heard that, his face changed slightly, and he remained silent for a moment before saying, “It’s too dangerous there, far from where he can get involved.”

“I can wait, why?” Lin Nie looked up towards Netero, said solemnly: “Do you think I can’t live another 20 or 1 years?”

“It’s not a problem to live another 100 years.” Netero smiled awkwardly.

Suddenly, he recalled a conversation with Luo about the dark continent on Alcatraz Island.

“The condition for the exchange is intelligence related to the Dark Continent?” He asked at Lin Nie.

Lin Nie’s eyelids were slowly raised, and the sun-set face shook a few times, barely showing a slight smile, without speaking, it was the default.

Seeing Lin Nie’s default, Netero shook the head, although he can understand, he still feels that Lin Nie’s decision is too hasty, and that kind of thing can be uncovered for one reason [I hope].

In other people, he learned a long time ago, but this man is Lin Nie.

However, many conditions are required to go to the dark continent, namely permits, means, qualifications, and contracts. In the final analysis, no outsider can obtain qualifications from the Ferry License Department.

In other words, wanting to travel to the dark continent through formal means is basically an impossible thing.

Netero was wearing a beard. At this moment, three people appeared in his mind, one was his son Biyangde, the other was Jin, and finally Luo.

In his opinion, only three of them could get the qualification to go to the dark continent, and even if Jin and Luo spent ten years and 3 years, most of them could not get the qualification through normal means.

Think deeper. Although Jin and Luo’s performance needs to be taken care of, in fact, their chances of becoming a dark continent are not high, as compared to Yonder …

As long as he is not dead, the constraints of the Word within the body will always exist, preventing him from going to the dark continent.

Lin Nie wanted Luo to go to the dark continent, but Netero didn’t want Luo to go because it was too dangerous. At least, he thought that Luo’s strength was better than himself, so he barely had the qualification to go there.

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