Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 320

No one knows whether there is a Spiritual Wisdom in the bandaged Void instance, what do they want to do, and what are the rules of action?

The vast forest has been transformed into Death Aura’s heavy Ghost Domain, and 7 imaginary walks take it slowly towards the outside.

The changes in the forest were quickly noticed by the pigeons.

Why did the green smoke covering the entire forest disappear? Why did he deal with only a few poachers, but was killed by an old lady for 20 to personally build a soldier, why did the heavens send him a useful tool, but it also caused a disaster?

The anxiety was one after another, which caused many cracks in the pigeon’s mentality, and the original self-confidence was also hit.

Strength, which has been accumulated for more than ten years, has lost more than half in just one week, and the most critical biochemical weapon seems to have been found a solution.

The pigeon was already a little shaken, and the green smoke in the forest disappeared into the last straw that overwhelmed the camel.

He can easily abandon all man-made soldiers, but he does not allow the biochemical weapons that are made easily to be targeted by the enemy.

Luo and Sambica …

The pigeon thinks of these two people. He wants to know the reason, so he temporarily puts down the affairs of the group of poachers, leads all the Strength, and ventures into the forest.

He thought that Luo and Sambica were the two most threatening people at the moment, but he didn’t know that the changes in the forest were caused by seven false writings, and had nothing to do with Luo and Sambica.


Alcatraz Port, a ship sailed into the port and jumped off a white-haired old man in blue and white short sleeves and blue shorts.

The front of the short sleeve of his body was printed with a large [Heart] character. After disembarking, he headed straight to the checkpoint for Alcatraz Island, where there was already a pungent odor of the corpse.

This old man is Netero, who broke the rules and came to Alcatraz alone.

Netero glanced at the corpse all over the ground, turned a blind eye to the stench floating in the air, and walked quickly towards the only passage under the high wall.

These corpses on the ground were soldiers stationed in the port. There was no trauma under the whole body, and they were starved to death.

That day, they were stunned by Lin Nie’s gas field, causing their minds to fall apart. Everyone stood still, until their physical functions became worse and worse, and eventually starved to the ground.

These corpses are not yet worthy of Netero’s attention, he walked through the channel and actually entered the island.

Behind the high walls is a large area of ​​wasteland.

Netero put his hands on his brow, looked at the greenery far away, and said to himself, “One day should be enough.”

After that, he waved his hands, kicked his feet, and then squatted slightly with his knees, and his energy flowed around the Zhou body.


Suddenly a small pit exploded on the flat ground, soot and dust scattered, and Netero turned into a sharp edge, and it appeared in the distance in an instant.

That night, Luo entire group welcomed Netero on foot.

I saw Netero running from a distant horizon to the front with a horrible Speed, and combined with Netero’s age, it gave people a sense of old and strong.

“Luo, come with me.”

At the confluence point, Netero called directly, then turned and walked some distance towards the prison.

When Luo heard about it, he lifted his feet and walked towards Netero’s back.

2 people stopped at a distance of about 100 metres, while the others could only quietly look at 2 people by the bonfire.

Lin Nie holds a roasted frog leg and eats with a small sip, not at all to follow Luo and Netero 2 people.

Netero looks at the direction of the prison, differently said: “Follow me to the prison and leave immediately.”

Once at the meeting point, without a break, at this night, let Luo follow him directly to the prison.

Luo froze, first glanced at the people sitting around the bonfire, then looked towards the calm Netero without hesitation, and nodded said, “Okay.”

He is waiting for Netero to come here, and he wants to go with Netero to deal with the enemies of the prison. As long as Netero is present, he can show his hand without fear.

However, he didn’t expect Netero to be so anxious, the front foot just arrived, and the rear foot wanted him to go to prison together.

“Come on.”

Seeing Luo agree, Netero didn’t say more, squatting on his knees, his body ejected, rushed forward, and raised a dust in the behind.

Luo took a grey face and looked up. Netero had already ran far, and immediately recalled the black cat to keep up with Netero at the fastest speed.

2 people one after the other, and soon disappeared into the sight of everyone.

Looks at Luo and Netero 2 left without a word, Machi and Sambica suddenly stood up, their faces changed.

Lin Nie lowered the branch and looked at Machi and Sambica. Indifferently said: “The remaining things, they 2 will be resolved, you will stay here.”

Hearing Lin Nie’s words, the few people sitting by the campfire were silent.

In the early morning, the rays of the morning sun shone on the earth.

Netero and Luo 2 came to the lake and saw an unexpected scene immediately.

On the shore of the lake, a corpse lay, and on the lake, seven human-shaped bandages headed for the island in the center of the lake.

The corpses on the ground are normal humans wearing black uniforms, and artificial Demon Beast corpses with human heads and beasts. Under each corpse, green blood slowly flows out, forming a pool of blood.

Netero brows slightly wrinkle, habitually with a beard, first glanced roughly at the corpse on the ground, and then looked towards the 7 strange human bandages on the lake.

What exactly happened here? What is that human bandage?

With Netero’s eyesight, you can clearly see the image of a human bandage. It is clearly a human shape wrapped by several bandages. There is nothing in it, and there is no thought or resentment.

After seeing the scene, Netero was puzzled.

Before coming here, I was ready to fight. The non-stop trek was a warm-up exercise before the battle. I never thought that when we entered the battle, the enemy would all fall down, and there was an unknown existence.

Luo told Lin Nie about the existence of the virtual, but Lin Nie hadn’t told Netero yet, so Netero didn’t know the existence of the virtual.

Just then, there was a sudden wave of mental power coming towards me, coming towards me.

Netero suddenly turned his head and looked towards Luo, but saw that the other party condensed a thought ball and shot at himself, and there was a sudden flash of surprise in those bright eyes.

The 2 people’s positions are very close, and the chanting can hit the Netero body in an instant. However, Luo’s act of releasing the chanting is not covered, and Netero immediately realized that if he wanted to hide, he could still escape.

However, Netero did not hide and allowed the rosary to hit the shoulder.

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