Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 315

A bandage was sloppy wrapped around a human figure, which was hollow inside and looked like an Invisible Man body with a bandage.

The human bandage stood quietly by the entrance of the hole, not far from the artificially produced green smoke toward its location.

Luo Amazing looks at this scene. Generally speaking, the strange creatures or scenes you see in this world are related to the mind, even if it is resentment, it is the thought that strengthens after death.

However, in the human bandage body, he could not see any trace of consciousness, nor could he see any resentment.

Neither thought nor resentment, so what is this person bandage? Is it an unknown creature that is not afraid of viruses?

As soon as this idea arose, Luo was immediately cut off by Luo.

No matter how you look at it, it’s just a bandage wrapped in air.

Too weird, beyond what Luo and Sambica knew.

“Luo.” Sambica approached Luo 2 steps and whispered, “Do you want to avoid it?”

Luo heard the words, groaned, and did n’t think about it for a long time. Nodded said, “Well, we bypass.”

If you touch this person-shaped bandage directly, the white smoke font may give the answer, but on the basis of lack of information, it is dangerous to rush to contact this person-shaped bandage.

Luo didn’t want to take risks in this situation, and he thought of the 10000 corpses in the underground space.

What does that scene have to do with this person bandage? While he was there 2 days ago, not at all saw a human bandage.

Also, this person-shaped bandage actually absorbed the green smoke permeated in the forest, and clearly saw that the green smoke was sucked into it, but it seemed to be digested and disappeared all at once.

Everything is so unknown and weird.

Luo and Sambica glanced at each other, then stepped back together at a lighter pace.

However, when they exited the first step backwards, the human bandages with their backs turned suddenly turned to face them.

The turning posture was very weird, like a towel to be wrung out, twisted 2 times, and then suddenly turned away to complete a turning movement.

In the split second, the nerves of Luo and Sambica tightened suddenly, instead of rushing to run, they kept their eyes on the human bandage body.

When viewed from the front, it does not have the characteristics of any living body. It just wraps around with a bandage and then constructs a human figure.

I couldn’t feel any sight, but Luo knew that human bandages were looking at them.

The confrontation between the two sides did not exceed one second, but they saw that the human bandage suddenly inflated, from a thin person to a fatty.

There was no sound, no momentum, and no substantive performance, but Luo and Sambica felt danger at that moment.

Luo suddenly raised her hand, gathered her thoughts, and condensed a round of chops, and threw it towards the human bandage 100 meters away.

The air-shaped cut is like a flying saucer, breaking the air, and over a distance of 100 meters, it cuts the expanded human bandage directly into half.

Bandages 4 scattered, like the heavenly girl scattered flowers.

It was that simple, but Luo was surprised.

The bandage that slowly dropped to the ground suddenly suddenly gathered again, forming an inflated human figure.

Seeing this, Luo frowned, raised her hand to summon out the book of the hand of God, and on the black cover, the veins of white shimmer seemed thinner, and the lightness became weaker.

Luo not at all worked hard to notice the changes in the book. When he thought about it, the book automatically turned to the latest page.


He was directly hit by the Qiyuan chop that contained the power of the hand of God, but the book page did not show the name, in other words, this human bandage is most likely not a living body.

“Sambica, take a step back.”

Luo removed the book and stared at the human bandage.

Sambika’s obedient retreat, her battle strength is not high, in order to avoid hindering her leg, she can only stand outside the battle circle to stand by.

call out!

At this time, the black cat emerged from the tattooed body on the back of Luo’s hand, floating in the air in the form of a domestic cat.

“No thought, nor resentment, and I can’t feel the slightest threat.” The black cat posed as an authority figure.

Luo eyes Kakuzu peripheral vision glanced at him and said, “It comes out just right, you go and deal with it.”

In the case of near zero intelligence, Luo didn’t want to contact directly, just to let the black cat check it.

The black cat curl one’s lip, volleyed towards the human bandage, and after a few seconds approached, his claws waved a black light, covering the human bandage body.

Suddenly, the bandage around the ring suddenly turned into pieces of butterfly-like debris, slowly floating towards the ground.

After a mess, the black cat floated into the air, strangely looking at the bandage fragments on the ground.

Only the touch of the bandage, apart from this, nothing, saying that this weird unidentified body can not help but beat.

As soon as the evaluation of the black cat sounded from the heart, it was seen that the bandage fragments that were broken in everything were restored to their original state in one breath. There was quite a sense of sight that Luo used the hand of God to restore the torn object to its original state.

“tsk tsk.”

The black cat looks at the humanoid bandage in the blink of an eye, and it takes a few claws to tear the bandage apart, but the next second, the bandage returns to its original state, which is the same result 5-6 times in succession.

The black cat didn’t believe in evil. He was on the human bandage, but he tore up 30 times and gave up.

“What a hell.”

The black cat turned and faced Luo shrugged 100 meters away.

Luo could see clearly from the side, because he had no mental strength as a reference, and he was not sure if the black cat had torn the bandage 30 times and did not cause any harm to this person-shaped bandage.

From the volume that continued to swell, there seemed to be no substantial harm.

While Luo was thinking about how to be good, the human bandage finally launched his first attack, and he suddenly stretched out double-handed and caught the black cat.

“Strange things that don’t have the power to think about catching me?”

The black cat dismissed a smile, and was thinking of turning it into black smoke, but after the idea was implemented, it was found that it could not be turned into black smoke.


The black cat was surprised. It was strange that this person’s bandage had no idea, but he could catch him and fix the shape.

But at this moment, a very dense mist of green smoke spewed out from the double-handed of the human bandage, forming an oval egg-like shape, which wrapped the black cat inside.

The green smoke appeared suddenly and strangely, and the concentration was quite high, so that Luo could not see the black cat’s body at once.

After a while, I just heard the black cat shouting, “I can’t get rid of it, help me quickly.”

The voice of a black cat calling for help came from the green smoke.

That green smoke that seems to have the same origin as poison qi in the forest cannot harm the black cat.

Luo looks at The green smoke erupting from the double-handed human bandage. The heart is roughly bottomed out. It is a rush, quickly approaching the human bandage, and then wield a knife to cut the arms of the human bandage.

After the bandage on the arm was broken, the black cat broke free from it and floated aside, staring at the human bandage with a surprised look.

After Luo rescued the black cat, he sharply retracted his sword, then gathered his mind, and punched him in a human bandage body.

There was a tremor in the air, and the human bandage flew backwards, falling apart in mid-air.

However, Luo knew that in less than 3 seconds, the human bandage could be restored again.

The reason why he suddenly approached the human bandage and punched himself was not to save the black cat, but to try to see if the white smoke font could identify what it was.

This is the judgment he made after seeing the human-shaped bandage attack the black cat with green smoke. If it is green smoke, he has the realm of God and need not worry at all.

With a touch, the white-smoke font gives terrifying information that is short.

[Unseen disaster, non-living, virtual, from the dark continent. 】

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